We’ve all been taught that it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. But let’s just pretend for a moment that bigger is better! And that moderation is overrated! Now, I’m not encouraging you to go out and eat an entire box of doughnuts or drink enough coffee to give yourself a heart attack. But instead, brace yourself for photos of massive portions, items and animals that await you down below!
We took a trip to the Absolute Units subreddit and gathered some of their most astonishing pics. Enjoy scrolling through these photos that might make you feel miniscule in comparison, and be sure to upvote your favorite gigantic things!
#1 Absolute Unit Loves His Mum
Image credits: hamityazaroglu
#2 When A Unit Evolves Into A Unit
Image credits: busslommerj
#3 This Wisdom Tooth’s Root
Image credits: Lysena0
As a Texan, I’m definitely familiar with the idea of things being unnecessarily large. As they say, everything’s bigger in Texas! And my partner made it very clear to me that was absolutely true during his first trip there. Wide roads, massive trucks, large houses, gigantic portions of food served at diners and more. But no matter how many times I’ve seen abnormally large things, I will never be desensitized to them. The Absolute Units subreddit still finds a way to surprise me.
This online group is dedicated to featuring the biggest versions of anything and everything. And clearly, many people do believe that bigger is better, as the group has amassed an impressive 1.7 million followers. That’s an absolute unit of a subreddit! Here, you can find anything from gigantic cars to monkeys who could probably stand to lose 40 pounds. As long as it’s big, it’s welcome here!
#4 Hyperion, The World’s Tallest Known Living Tree, Is A Sequoia In Redwood National Park, California That Stands At 380 Feet (116 M)
Image credits: wclarke2
#5 Everyone Tells Me To Post My Pupper Here
Image credits: TslaNCorn
#6 White House Chef Andre Rush Is An Absolute Unit. He Has Cooked For Clinton, Bush, Obama, And Trump
Image credits: Waylorrr
For some reason, many of us find it incredibly amusing to see something that’s not the size we expect it to be. The internet loves videos of people cooking in teeny tiny kitchens and extremely small versions of well, anything and everything. They’re adorable, entertaining and unexpected. But clearly, there are plenty of people who love the opposite as well: absolute units of things.
According to Clever, comically large objects actually make for great home decor as well. You can cover your floor with a huge piano rug that actually plays music when you step on it, or place a giant Rubik’s cube in the corner to function as a side table. Massive heat-resistant pieces of pasta can be used on hot pot handles, and huge boxes shaped like Lego bricks can be used to store all of your children’s Lego pieces.
#7 Absolute Unit Of A Slug Boy
Image credits: polegurl
#8 Arctic Hares
Image credits: [deleted]
#9 King Of The Kidney Stones
Image credits: NoPants252
Some people actually turn absolute units into pieces of art. Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen worked together to create a series of sculptures that turned small, regular items into massive, eye-catching pieces of artwork. These include a massive shuttlecock, a huge sprinkler hose, a giant bow and arrow, bowling pins and a bowling ball that could easily crush a person, a saw large enough to slice through a street and more.
“We feel free to use all the approaches that come naturally to our non-monumental works: variations in scale, similes, transformations, a wide range of materials, and, of course, our use of familiar objects,” Oldenburg told My Modern Met.
#10 This Brown Bear! Estimated To Be Over 800lbs
Image credits: DanicaDarkhand
#11 Probably Not As Exciting As Other Posts Here, But Absolute Unit Of Cauliflower My Parents Grew In Their Garden
Image credits: Vandlan
#12 This Absolute Unit Of A Bouquet
Image credits: Ellf13
Bruggen also opened up about what it was like to create these absolute units of sculptures with Oldenburg. “Working together supposes an almost complete understanding of the other, an impossibility in any case, so instead we choose a unity of opposites, a convergence of our different dynamics, of symmetry and asymmetry, of acceleration or implied speed and stillness, of a polychrome and monochrome palette, gravity and lightness — all interrelating and interchangeable elements to be used by either one of us,” she shared.
#13 The Mother Of All Pancakes
Image credits: The_Left_Finger
#14 The Largest Leaf That’s Ever Been Found
Image credits: Ayen_C
#15 This Carrot That I Took From Work
Image credits: GustavetheGrosse
Not every absolute unit is to be enjoyed forever, though. Some bring us fleeting moments of joy, such as edible absolute units. If you’ve ever been to a restaurant that advertised a challenge to eat a huge plate of chicken fingers, a gigantic pancake, a mountain of nachos or an entire pizza in one sitting, you were likely surprised (and possibly disgusted). But it turns out that plenty of people love these absolute units of food. There are even entire blogs dedicated to finding these food challenges and conquering them.
#16 Baseball+ Sized Hail In Iowa Recently
Image credits: timmetro69
#17 This Cat’s Arm Size
Image credits: TopKneea
#18 One Of My Poor Girls Laid This Absolute Unit Of An Egg
Image credits: AdmiralSplinter
FoodChallenges.com, which is run by Randy Santel, features a directory of challenges from all over the world, reviews of challenges that Randy or other “food fighters” have attempted or completed, and tips for those creating or participating in food challenges. It’s safe to say that every challenge featured on the site would be considered an absolute unit. And you can find anything from sweet challenges with waffles and milkshakes to barbecue feasts with various meats.
#19 Dna Came Back 93% German Shepherd. 7% Unidentifiable. We’re Guessing Grizzly Bear
Image credits: No-Conclusion1971
#20 This Is Hulk, The Worlds Largest Pitbull
Image credits: DuckWithADagger
#21 This Absolute Unit Of A Cell
Image credits: lonewolf9378
If competing in a food challenge grosses you out, don’t worry. You can still enjoy absolute units of food without worrying about getting it all down by yourself or in a certain amount of time. There are plenty of places that sell gigantic slices of pizza, croissants, cookies and more. But these are perfect for sharing with your friends and family! If you’re throwing a party, it might actually be worth it to get a pizza that’s longer than your dining room table. You’ll certainly have enough for everyone!
#22 This Thick Boy
Image credits: dorsallyCheck197
#23 An Absolute Apartment Unit In Hong Kong
Image credits: sickomoore
#24 This Cheese
Image credits: DoppelGirlMula
We hope you’re enjoying scrolling through these photos of absolute units, pandas. Keep upvoting the ones you find particularly impressive, and let us know in the comments what you’d like to see an absolute unit of. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring gigantic versions of small things, look no further than right here!
#25 Absolute Dandelion
Image credits: mattyfarina
#26 This Frog We Found On A Bike Ride (Size 10 Mens Shoe For Size)
Image credits: cairuhh
#27 Absolute Shark
Image credits: automatickenpachi
#28 Think He’s Been Eating More Than Just Lettuce
Image credits: KlassyKlutz
#29 This Absolute Unit Of A Schnitzel I Ate. Holy Schnitzel Indeed
Image credits: trestonschen
#30 This Tadpole That Didn’t Grow Into A Frog Due To Hormone Imbalance
Image credits: yeet_the_heat2020
#31 This Is One Of The Largest Pizzas You Can Buy In New York. With The Pizza Box This Is Actually A Double Unit
Image credits: Mr_Manta
#32 This Keyboard
Image credits: Fatenoir
#33 World Beer Drinking Champ And Absolute Unit Andre The Giant
Image credits: makhnovite
#34 This Breed Of Dog Is Called A Borzoi. It Has An Absolute Unit Of A Sniffer
Image credits: thetoodles
#35 He Has Risen
Image credits: Anxietyprime0117
#36 The Bruise On Scott Mendelson—and Scott Mendelson Himself—after Tearing His Pec Muscle While Attempting A Bench Press World Record
Image credits: FormerGutterSkank
#37 This Zucc My Wife Was Given
Image credits: rob71788
#38 30 Dollar Burrito I Got Today
Image credits: SharkBait209
#39 Does My Pet Snail Count As A Unit?
Image credits: bushb4by
#40 Absolute Unit Of A Pot To Boil 1,200 Eggs At Once
Image credits: 89inerEcho
#41 This Oyster I Was Served Today
Image credits: lazyegg-girl
#42 Imagine If He Suddenly Wakes Up
Image credits: girolski07
#43 An Incredible Hanging Stone In The Sayan Mountains In Siberia
Image credits: j3ffr33d0m
#44 From The U.S. National Tick Collection, Which I Just Found Exists Today
Image credits: OfficiallyPositives
#45 Damn! That’s A Thicc Raccoon!
Image credits: mo9722
#46 This Freshly Shaven, Fat Cat
Image credits: Stadschef
#47 The Worlds Largest Coin Which Is Legal Tender, Nominal Value Is $1 Million Aud
It weighs 1 tonne (1012kg/2231lb) and is made from 99.99% pure gold valued at $53.5 million at the time of minting in 2012. It currently resides at the Perth mint in Australia.
Image credits: GuiltyFigure6402
#48 This Enormous Asparagus I Harvested Today (Normal One + Banana For Scale)
Image credits: Dr_Whiskers_MD
#49 This Sandwich My Nonno Showed Me
Image credits: Iliketurtles893
#50 Hank The Tank
Image credits: netherwrld
#51 This Is A Dog With A Myostatin Deficiency, Which Allows For Unrestricted Muscle Growth
Image credits: subodh_2302
#52 Who Was This Made For
Image credits: denselyDock
#53 This Nail
Image credits: ebtcrew
#54 How Big This Toilet Seat Is. (Safety Glasses For Scale)
Image credits: _pachysandra_
#55 Absolute Unit Of A Jerusalem Cricket, Which Is Neither From Jerusalem Nor A Cricket!
Image credits: 0rigamiDragon
#56 Can Hats Be Units? I Think This Counts
Image credits: nickasalt
#57 Australia Is An Absolute Unit Factory
Image credits: EncyclopEdith
#58 Y E A S T
Image credits: toljuik
#59 The Legs Of A Bodybuilder Next To The Torso Of A Skinny Person
Image credits: Hat_Zealousideal
#60 This Front Door My Parents Just Had Installed. Size 11 Men’s Shoe For Reference
Image credits: unsupported_lumbar
#61 Book Apparently Given To Every US President
Image credits: archanqe
#62 The Lower Body Of Cyclist Robert Forstemann
Image credits: throguauiey
#63 Absolute Unit Of A Goat
Image credits: Glitcher-the-riot
#64 This Apartment Building In Russia That Houses Roughly 20,000 People
Image credits: GuiltyFigure6402
#65 These Blisters I Got From A Mosquito Bite
Image credits: blinkingbat
#66 Was Told To Post My Lizard Here. He’s On A Diet
Image credits: Former_Weather6387
#67 Human Compared To A King Cobra
Image credits: After_Crab_1921
#68 The Ford F650 Pick-Up Truck Is A Goshdarned Unit
Image credits: deckartcain
#69 Teabag Mountain
Image credits: Educational-Formal21
#70 14th Century Hungarian Swords. I Can Only Imagine The Unit Who Wielded Swords Like These
Image credits: acEoFspaceS08
#71 This Absolute Unit Of A Tic I Pulled Out Of My Cat (2€ Coin For Scale)
Image credits: archerV34
#72 Absolute Unit Of An Omelet My Husband Made
Image credits: ShesOver9k
#73 The Reel For Oppenheimer
Image credits: stevemandudeguy
#74 Our New TV Remote
Image credits: Mymilkshakes777
#75 King Chaz’s Absolute Cannoli Of A Finger
Image credits: DaveInLondon89
#76 This Wrist Computer
Image credits: [deleted]
#77 This Massive Flag That Was Literally Laid Over Hoover Dam
Image credits: MercuryRedstone77
#78 Orora Satoshi, Former World’s Heaviest Athlete
Image credits: DanTheDollar
#79 My Hand For Scale
Image credits: DeathBerryRen
#80 Look At How Much Of A Unit The Big Mac Used To Be Before 1975
Image credits: 31karlito