There are few things on this planet cuter than a puppy. Their soft, squishy faces, huge eyes and fluffy fur can melt my heart into a puddle faster than anything else. But because puppies often get the most attention, it’s easy to forget how adorable older doggos can be too. So today, we’re celebrating both ends of the spectrum!
Bored Panda has scoured the internet to find heartwarming before and after pics of dogs as puppies and all grown up, so prepare yourself for a cuteness overload down below. Keep reading to also find a chat with the team at Lucky Dog Animal Rescue, and be sure to upvote the dogs that you would love to have as members of your family!
#1 She Didn’t Grow Into Them
Image credits: BlondeRed
#2 Then vs. Now. This Is Cain, My Best Friend. I Saved This Fella From A Bad Situation, And Now He Makes My House A Home
Image credits: Kodiak-Jack
#3 This Good Boy Grew A Lot This Year
Image credits: gregarious_
If you’ve ever owned a dog, I don’t need to tell you what a lifechanging experience it can be. These precious creatures are called man’s best friend for a reason, after all! They’re intelligent, loving, adorable animals who can form incredibly strong bonds with their owners. So it’s no surprise that dogs are the most popular pets in the world, residing in about a third of the world’s households.
To learn more about why dogs make such great companions, we reached out to the team at Lucky Dog Animal Rescue in Arlington, Virginia. “Dogs make wonderful pets for so many reasons,” they shared. “From giving you the motivation to get out of bed in the morning, to sharing unconditional love, to always being by your side through all of life’s twists and turns, there is no animal as loving or as loyal as a dog.”
#4 Abby’s Before And After. She Is Still A Good Girl
Image credits: wbbartsch
#5 Because Toilet Paper Is Better Than Toys. 3 Months vs. 7 Months
Image credits: paxton_thegolden
#6 Pupper Did A Grow From 8 Weeks To Nearly A Year
Image credits: commonvanilla
We also asked the Lucky Dog team if they could explain why it’s so important to adopt rather than shop when bringing a new dog into your family. “There are so many animals dying daily in shelters that there really isn’t a good reason to buy from a breeder instead of adopting,” they explained.
“Rescues have all sorts of sizes, ages, personalities, etc. — anything an adopter could wish for. There are even breed specific rescues that focus on particular breeds,” the dog experts added. “The more that people adopt, the less demand there will be for breeders — and the more lives will be saved!”
#7 Before And After
Image credits: KeNtLuN
#8 My Little Potato, Who’s Ears Never Seemed To Grow
Image credits: barkingsimian
#9 From 2.5 Months To Nearly 2 Years
Image credits: vladgrinch
And as far as what potential adopters should understand before welcoming a doggo into their lives, the Lucky Dog team says, “People should know that dogs are living beings who deserve to receive the same effort, love, training and commitment that they will offer you. They will have an adjustment period just like you, and in the end everything will be worth it. If you are unsure of what type of dog is best to adopt, we would be happy to help you find a good fit.”
And if you’re interested in adopting, be sure to check out Lucky Dog Animal Rescue!
#10 My Puppy Very Proud Of Himself For Doing Such A Big Grow
Image credits: trollinwithmygnomies
#11 My Best Friend Appa At 10 Weeks And 3 Years. Never Grew Into Those Paws
Image credits: gingerflame
#12 Mr. Fancy Paws Has Grown Up. The Name Still Stands
Image credits: Herwiththetwodogs
For a previous Bored Panda article featuring adorable adopted dogs, we got in touch with Ivanka Patterson, director of Every Dog Matters EU. Ivanka also shared her thoughts on why adoption is so important when bringing a new pet into the family. “A lot of breed dogs come from illegal puppy mills where the dogs and the puppies are living in very poor conditions. Not knowing the origin of your bought pups hides the huge risk of getting an overbred pup which will have genetic health issues and a shorter life span,” she explained.
#13 I Will Always See Him As The First Picture
Image credits: Ch0rdeva
#14 My Little Teddy Bear Seems To Keep Growing
Image credits: penelope.groodle
#15 Our Family Dog, Indie, Recently Turned 11. She’s Just As Cute As She Was As A Puppy
Image credits: helovnin
Ivanka also detailed the benefits dog owners can experience after welcoming a rescue into their homes. “We believe there is hidden superhero in each one of us,” she shared. “By adopting a rescue animal, this super hero comes to life and the feeling of worthiness within oneself improves greatly ones self-esteem.”
#16 She Is Growing Into A Fine Young Lady
Image credits: tacorockets
#17 Not Much Has Changed In 2 Years
Image credits: cozyfuton
#18 He Watched Over Her The Whole Time
Image credits: ValicarHyne
“It has been now scientifically proven that adopting a pet from a shelter makes people become more compassionate and responsible,” Ivanka continued. “It has physical benefits as well like spending time with ones adopted animal normalizes blood pressure, reduces cortisol and help overcome mental disorders like depression. And last but not least, all of the above makes us better people.”
#19 Still The Same Smile
Image credits: commonvanilla
#20 These Pictures Are Taken 10 Months Apart
Image credits: deysiy
#21 I Decided To Do The Same Picture A Few Years Later At The Exact Same Place. What A Transformation
Image credits: malcolm_the_akita
When it comes to what potential adopters should understand, Ivanka shared, “They should know that, before everything, the dog is a responsibility. An adopter should really think well if in their current lifestyle there is a room for a pet and if yes, what exactly having one will entail. And once again, patience. A lot of people think the dog will immediately love their new life, the moment it steps into their new home. That the dog will immediately trust their adopter and will bond and start playing form the get go. Would you immediately trust a stranger?”
#22 How It Started vs. How It’s Going
Image credits: Jdubs41
#23 Dahlia Struggling In The First Photo At 2 Months And Now At 1 Year And 5 Months
Image credits: Adelarosa92
#24 My Little Girl When She Arrived vs. Her Now
Image credits: Main_Apple_3048
“If you have decided to adopt a dog really think it through and chose the dog with temperament and character that will fit best your lifestyle in order to have a true best friend,” Ivanka added. “Have realistic expectations from your adopted dog, be patient with it and show it it can trust you 100%. Then and only then you will really have a true, joyful, obedient and forever four-legged best friend. And trust me, every single effort is so worth it!”
#25 One Year Ago vs. Now
Image credits: TomPerezzz
#26 My Boy Became A Wolf
Image credits: Cail_
#27 8 Weeks To 10 Years
Image credits: Cautious_Clock7774
Whether you have dog best friend or not, we hope you’re loving these adorable photos, pandas! Keep upvoting the ones that you find particularly heartwarming, and if you are a dog parent, let us know in the comments how different your fur baby looks from when they were a puppy. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda list featuring cute pics of pups, look no further than right here!
#28 6 Years Between Photos. Happy 6th Birthday To These Two Fuzzballs
Image credits: HikingWiththeHuskies
#29 Small Boy vs. Big Boy
Image credits: Big_Tension
#30 Little Dude Is Growing Up So Fast
Image credits: yourenotmyrealmomamy
#31 My Old Girl Libby, 13 Years Apart
Image credits: MyCatIsFamous
#32 Handsome Boy Grew
Image credits: commonvanilla
#33 Flash Grew Up In A Flash. From 6 Weeks To 9 Weeks
Image credits: TeekaElSayed
#34 Well, He Grew Up Fast. Photos Taken One Year Apart
Image credits: Armyboykee
#35 Tonbo At 8 Weeks vs. Tonbo Tonight, 3 Years Later
Image credits: Kaldea
#36 His Eyes Changed, But They Stayed Beautiful. Yesterday, He Turned 7 Years Old
Image credits: ThanksImjustlurking
#37 He Got A Way To Go Till He Grows Into Those Paws
Image credits: s4r4hz
#38 It’s My Pupper’s 1st Birthday. Happy Birthday, Jago
Image credits: Gimpletron
#39 Evi Just Turned 1 Year Old, And She Is As Cute As Ever
Image credits: fish4poop
#40 When You Finally Grow Into Your Ears
Image credits: oatsgoatsandboats
#41 My Best Friend Koda, All Grown Up Now
Image credits: Kota_V
#42 Our Foster Atlas At 8 Weeks And 1 Year
Image credits: hotcheeto_fingers
#43 Bowie Big Ears. 6 Weeks Old To 1 Year
Image credits: ladygabe
#44 My Old Girl Turned 14 Today. Then vs. Now
Image credits: stormblast
#45 First Photo: Boone At 6 Weeks, Just Between 10 And 15 Pounds. Second Photo: Boone Is Now One Year Old And 93 Pounds. There Are Still No Thoughts In That Head
Image credits: stuffie-king
#46 Almost Six Years Later, My Dog Still Sleeps With His Red Dog. He’s Grown A Bit Since Then, Though
He loves the red dog so much that we have loads of them in the cupboard upstairs, so whenever one gets a bit ropey, we replace it with a new one. He never knows the difference.
Image credits: luxy_c
#47 Please Congratulate My Dog As It Took Him A Whole Year To Grow His Hair Out
Image credits: pekeofperfection
#48 Toby At 6 Weeks And 4 Years
Image credits: reddit.com
#49 1 Month And 1 Year Of Little Mia
Image credits: Swinty-Minty
#50 Bruno At 6 Weeks And 1 Year Old
Image credits: tim_drozd
#51 My Beautiful Girl And Best Friend. When I First Brought Her Home vs. Our First Two Years Together
Image credits: basilisk80
#52 Side-By-Side Comparison Of My Derpy Foster Dog As A Pup And As A Young Adult
Image credits: CTFD
#53 Jilly At 2 Months vs. 9 Months. Her Body Grew But Ears Stayed The Same
Image credits: Tangerino28
#54 She’s Growing From A Fluffy Potato Into A Long-Nose Collie
Image credits: CrohnsCastle
#55 They Grow Up So Fast. 1 Lb 11 Oz vs. 19 Lbs
Image credits: Shanairah
#56 My Human Said I Grew Up Too Fast
Image credits: danaeewhite
#57 My Baby Grew
Image credits: WarNovel
#58 Arlo, The Black Labrador Retriever, Border Collie, Golden Retriever, And Grab Bag Of Love From 7 Weeks To 1 Year
Image credits: LostInTheWoods1987
#59 Before And After 9 Months Of Growing
Image credits: BlondeApocalypse
#60 Tiny Pupper Before And After
Image credits: commonvanilla
#61 She Grew
Image credits: ringsofsaturn01
#62 Bailey From 8 Weeks To 1 Year. She Still Thinks She’s A Lap Dog
Image credits: cheetostick
#63 From Small Puppy To Big Dog
Image credits: NosResolution
#64 2 Years Later, Still Splooting
Image credits: roosking
#65 Abby Just Turned 1 So Here’s Her Transition Over The Year
Image credits: Sh4no
#66 8 Weeks To 8 Years. My Very Best Girl
Image credits: coyotemagi
#67 They Grow So Fast. From 8 Weeks To One Year Old Today. Still More Growing To Come
Image credits: tjc_77
#68 3 Months vs. 8 Months. Finally, I Grew Into Those Ears
Image credits: skyblue847
#69 Gus Growing Transition. Love Him More Every Day
Image credits: mdk106
#70 So In Less Than A Month, I Will Be 1 Year Old. On March 14th, Which Is Also Albert Einstein’s Birthday (That’s Why Mom Thinks I’m Even Smarter Than Most Dogs)
Never a dull moment, and I just fill the house with high energy and love. Mom tells me every day that I’m the best thing that’s happened to her.
Image credits: maui_thedemidog
#71 Oskar, From 10 Weeks To 3 Years
Image credits: Wonderful-Egg9350
#72 Fenton Insists That He Still Fits In The Chair
Image credits: SirFentonOfDog
#73 Cooper, From 8 Weeks To 4 Years
Image credits: ZiggyBeanz
#74 Officially In The Double Digits. Happy Birthday, My Big Boy
Image credits: areichart
#75 They Grow So Fast
Image credits: commonvanilla
#76 Bo Is Growing So Fast. 7 Weeks vs. 5 Months
Image credits: Cautious_Clock7774
#77 Joey Grew Up So Fast
Image credits: MasterSeesaw6557
#78 From 2 Months To 1 Year. Happy Birthday, Baby
Image credits: TiigerLiily_xo
#79 8 Weeks > 5 Months > 1 Year
Image credits: lizzoboo
#80 My Girl From 8 Weeks To 1 Year
Image credits: ELLIS_981
#81 They Grow Up So Fast
Image credits: Fatcatsarecjute
#82 Apollo, My Best Friend. 8 Weeks And 7 Pounds To 2 Years And 75 Pounds
Image credits: incurable-humanist
#83 Baby Spaghetti Grew Up
Image credits: SpaghettiTheCorgi
#84 Today Is My Pup’s First Birthday
Image credits: sadgirlspizzaclub
#85 People Said I Spoiled My Puppy, And They’re Not Wrong
Image credits: milkymilktacos
#86 All Grown Up Now, But I Think I’m Still Cute
Image credits: goldenkilograham
#87 From 6 Weeks To 8 Months
Image credits: youthcrimeandsociety
#88 Lakota Growing Up
Image credits: ComatoseOtaku420
#89 Pumba – 7 Weeks To 10 Months
Image credits: Bakerbocker
#90 This Is Ghost. First Picture: He Was 2 Months Old. Second Picture: He’s 8 Months Old Now And Weighs 33 Kg. Look At Him Grow
Image credits: cleorivers
#91 15 Months Difference
Image credits: Clifford_H3T
#92 2 Months vs. 10 Months
Image credits: palomeux
#93 Only 4 Months Difference. He Grew So Fast
Image credits: beckalani
#94 From Puppy To Dog, Though Strangers Still Ask If She’s A Puppy
Image credits: mleobviously
#95 My One-Year-Old
Image credits: 8366molo
#96 My Angel Before And After Growing
Image credits: dakararesuka
#97 Silver Labrador, From 10 Weeks To 2 Years
Image credits: LaReinalicious
#98 From 8 Weeks To 1 Year
Image credits: nevergonnasweepalone