Before choosing a place to eat when visiting a new city, I can easily spend half an hour scrolling through reviews online. I want to browse the menu, see photos of the food, get a feel for the ambiance and read detailed reviews about other patrons’ experiences, so I can make an informed decision about where to spend my money.
And while most reviews are helpful, when you read through enough of them, you’re bound to stumble upon some that are emotionally charged or hilariously written. Those are the ones we’re celebrating today! Below, you’ll find some of the funniest and most brutally honest reviews people have shared online for businesses, products and more. Enjoy scrolling through, and keep reading to find conversations with moderators from the Humorous Reviews and Google Reviews subreddits!
Image credits: onelittlericeball
Image credits: carczar4
Image credits: IPlayMyMusicInTheSun
To learn more about the wonderful world of interesting online reviews, we reached out to the moderator team of r/humorousreviews and got in touch with the subreddit’s creator, u/joshguillen. Josh was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share what inspired him to start this community in the first place.
“I started it for the same reason most subreddits get started – an emergent interest in a niche that, until that point, didn’t have an obvious home,” he noted, sharing a link to a post from 11 years ago that, unfortunately has since been deleted, but included a review that inspired the new sub.
Image credits: quimichpatlan
Image credits: sashby138
Image credits: AmbitiousGoat9319
We were also curious about what kinds of reviews end up being shared in this group. “It’s interesting in that posts here are on a slider, somewhere between informative and entertaining,” Josh told Bored Panda. “At 100% informative, stories are objective but end up being funny in bizarre, unexpected and unintentional ways.”
“As you get halfway, you find reviews with kernels of truth wrapped in entertaining and enthralling containers. And finally, approaching the entertaining end, you find the classic joke posts and sugar-fueled fun,” the creator continued. “There are outliers like responses to reviews, that keep things interesting for their own reasons, as well. Regardless of purpose, the outcomes are the same: fantastic stories, short and long.”
Image credits: Nebula-1
Image credits: Jedidaz
Image credits: ChapterMotor1719
Josh also says there’s no shortage of creativity in the subreddit. “For a place all about showing the content of others, there are occasions where original content really shines,” he shared. “Seeing the creativity of people on the internet is always great, but it’s even better when they’re a member of your own community!”
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: Stinkylilah
Image credits: Ramenoodlez1
Finally, we wanted to know if Josh believes it’s important for us to leave reviews online. “Reviews are a marketplace of human perspectives, featuring the funny, the insightful, and the commonplace, (hopefully) free from the strings of corporations and entities that will say anything to get you to buy, no matter how true or untrue it may be,” he shared. “It’s simply authentic.”
“Jenny from Maryland probably has a more reality-based experience of a product than any Instagram ad or sponsored showcase you’d run into while researching it online,” he explained. “In a world where algorithms and influencers are near inescapable, there’s value in hearing from someone without a horse in the race.”
Image credits: obiwormkenobi
Image credits: someonewithacat
Image credits: golf-lip
And if you’re interested in seeking out comical reviews or you happen to stumble upon some, don’t keep them to yourself! “Content is sparse due to the nature of finding great reviews these days, but it’s always been a game of quality over quantity,” he added. “If you ever see any reviews that made you smile (or question your life choices) you’re more than welcome to share them here!”
Image credits: danknice
Image credits: shanduu
Image credits: apsando
We also were lucky enough to get in touch with the creator of the Google Reviews subreddit to hear how their community came about. “I started this subreddit a few years back because I’ve always loved checking out restaurants ahead of times and their reviews,” the moderator shared. “I noticed there was a subreddit for funny reviews on Yelp, which is on its way out, but not for Google.”
Image credits: everyone_hates_lolo
Image credits: ikvindhelemaaalmooi
This is a review of a drone
Image credits: Bread-Boye
As far as why people hop online to share such brutal and hilarious reviews, the creator says, “I honestly think people encounter crazy places, or crazy scenarios at regular places, and they just have to share (warn?) others about it!”
They also noted that it’s difficult to choose any favorite posts from the group, because there are simply too many good ones. “Every time I find a post I think is the funniest or craziest I’ve ever seen, another newer post takes its place,” they told Bored Panda.
Image credits: 51isnotprime
Image credits: Big_Lust_
Image credits: Zumainthepines
The creator also believes that it’s very important to share reviews of businesses online, especially if you’ve had a positive experience. “All too often, people only post their negative reviews. Business owners go through a lot of work and money to make their customers happy, and the least we can do, besides buy from them, is tell others about how happy they made you feel,” they explained. “I review businesses constantly, more so the good ones than the bad ones. And definitely if they’re a small business.”
Image credits: nathanforyouseason5
Image credits: NIgeNius
Image credits: milliebeads13
We hope you’re getting a kick out of these reviews, pandas. Remember to start reviewing all of your favorite businesses, and be sure to upvote the pics on this list that you would give 5 stars to! Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article featuring humorous reviews, look no further than right here!
Image credits: LiamBrad5
Image credits: chaiilatteee
Found this in the reviews for a local restaurant
Image credits: Alfie_the_Introvert
Image credits: danvsreddit
Image credits: dingleberry360
Image credits: Comeonjeffrey0193
Image credits: Johnyboiiiiii
Image credits: dimwittedfox
Image credits: I_are_andrew
Image credits: breanapants07
Image credits: Optimal_Substance_45
Image credits: Lanky_Ostrich
Image credits: gemashell
Image credits: JJThunder76
Image credits: Marvel_Phenol
Image credits: blige0
Image credits: tinybenny
Image credits: narcab