60 Cringe Things People Do But We Accept Them For Some Reason

Times change. Trends come and go. But what stays fairly consistent is older generations’ criticism of younger people’s behavior. However, some trends are so questionable that they draw the ire of folks no matter what generation they’re from.

Redditor Imaginary_Eye3804 recently sparked an interesting discussion on the popular r/AskReddit online group. Everyone opened up about the current trends that they personally believe are embarrassing and should go away ASAP. Scroll down to read their opinions. 


The people who video themselves crying, in different angles. I just think that’s so gross. Why do you need to video yourself crying? And from 3 different angles. I just don’t understand it. Maybe I’m officially old and just think some things should be private.

Image credits: jenna_leee


People normalizing the word trauma and using it for stupid things. Someone seriously told me they were traumatized because their waiter brought them the wrong food. I get that trauma is *very* subjective, but come on now. And they were dead serious. They really thought that’s what trauma is.

Image credits: BoringNameBoringLife


Pranks that should get someone’s a*s kicked in because it isn’t funny.

Image credits: Strong-Solution-7492

Trends are simply popular patterns of behavior. We might think we’re good at resisting them, but most of us feel at least some pressure to conform to social norms. To put it simply, human beings are social creatures. We’re hardwired to cooperate with others, and we place an enormous amount of value on reputation, acceptance, and admiration. We want to feel like we belong!

So, when more and more people around us begin behaving a certain way, we feel an urge to follow suit. This can be related to anything, whether that’s becoming a streamer, starting a podcast, trying to be a social media star, creating memes, etc. Some people are more susceptible to this pressure. Others have a firm understanding of their own values, so they feel more comfortable pushing back against social pressure.


Posting updates and photos about your children’s medical/personal issues. I cannot imagine trying to grow up with a parent like that.

Image credits: skaggaroni


People acting like arrogant a******s for attention on the internet, and then playing the victim when the attention they get from acting like a******s is predictably negative.

Image credits: Clintman


Everything that has to do with aesthetic.
Clean girl aesthetic, mob wife aesthetic, work aesthetic and so on….

Image credits: Februarywreck

In this day and age, it’s not just our family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors who impact our decisions. If you’re reading this, you have access to the internet and are probably pretty active on social media.

This means that your opinion on everything and anything—food, fashion, celebs, entertainment, etc.—can be shaped by a wide range of people you might not even have met in person.


Tween shopping hauls at Sephora for anti-aging skincare.

Fad travel drinking cups (like Stanley) that cost more than a tank of gas.

Image credits: ILikeYourHotdog


I’m bipolar, diagnosed and medicated. Whenever it comes up someone in earshot will say “me too! I’m so moody.” Like guy, do you climb the walls at 3 AM? Do you laugh one minute and cry the next? Do you stay in bed for weeks? Get out of here with that trendy b******t.

Image credits: levieleven


Posting everything about your life on social media.

Image credits: Curious_Doof

Influencers, thus, have a lot of power. They can inspire and motivate others to live healthier, happier, and more purposeful lives. Or they can have a thoroughly negative impact on their audience’s physical and mental health by, for example, making them dissatisfied with their bodies. Spending less time on social media and having a strong social network to support you can help you resist the pull of all those new trendy diets and other behaviors that continue to pop up.

What current trends do you personally dislike the most, dear Pandas? Are there any that you actually enjoy? If you have a moment, let us know in the comments.


Naming your kid something “unique” which in turn ruins their life because you have baby brain so bad you forget your baby will grow up and be an adult.

Image credits: JessicaLynne77


Gender reveals. Complete and utter b******t.

Image credits: iamlesterq


People who film their workouts all the time. Like you need to bring your camera and tripod EVERY day to the gym, for EVERY WORKOUT? Jesus Christ leave a little narcissism for everyone else.

Image credits: NearbyCamp9903


Filters. People don’t even look real or remotely like themselves anymore in their pictures or videos.

Image credits: Symchuck


Removing your buccal fat.

Ladies & gentlemen, leave your cheeks alone. You need that fat if you don’t want to look like skeletor when you get old.

Image credits: Azsunyx


Are reaction shots still a thing? I cannot stand watching a video of someone’s stupid face while they watch something else happening. Some old lady nodding and pointing her finger into the air, or shaking her head while a video plays in the background has got to go.

Image credits: ironman454


The whole homesteading trad wife thing thats super trendy is so weird.

“i am subservient to my husband, i hate feminism, i only wear cotton dresses, i dont have opinions that my husband doesnt share, i use beef fat as moisturizer, heres my $4000 stove that looks like its from colonial america, buy my online sourdough recipe course and learn how to be a traditional wife” and it always follows this guilt-shamy approach to women who dont want to or cant do the same.

its mostly cringey because women are acting like this is how they’ve been all their lives but its very obviously just following a trend. women who’ve actually lived like this arent posting about it all over the internet

i cook for my boyfriend, ill do his laundry, i want children, im a catholic, i bake bread, its not abnormal for women to want to follow this lifestyle of being traditional but the weird anti-feminism super privileged aesthetic thats following it is just so cringe. feminism is the reason that i have the choice to do or not do these things, feminism is the reason you can post about it on the internet.

you can be a “traditional” wife but dont degrade your entire sex in the process.


Lip fillers.

Image credits: SituationFluffy307


The automated robot voice on ticktok videos.

Image credits: The_She_Ghost


TikTok disorder fakers. I have autism. I *cannot* understand these people and why they seem to WANT these disabilities/mental illnesses. It’s disgusting and I hate it.

Image credits: No_Objective9634



Image credits: whimsicalme5


Women who refer to themselves as Boss Lady but are just in a pyramid scheme.

Image credits: Main_Boat4917


Sports gambling.

Image credits: Rebe11ion_Lies


People who film others’ misfortunes in order to gain clout. There’s a dude on YT who films/posts every waking second of his Father with Alzheimer’s; really really personal s**t, embarrassing s**t, and it’s all for clout. Not to mention the elderly man is _incapable of consenting_ . Like, wtf. Cringe.
Also, those guys who film themselves buying lunch for their poorly paid, overworked migrant laborers and then act like saints because of it. It’s for clout, not because they are angelic people.

Chasing clout in general, is IMO gross and desperate. Just like, be a good person if you really want to do good. And don’t rush to film it, this gives away your true intentions.


The words “toxic” “gaslight” and “narcissist “ have turned into slang and it minimizes the seriousness of the actual words.


The over-use of meme speak like: “I was today years old when…”.

Image credits: BeakFingernails


When people go to social media to ask for a recommendation for something and end the phrase with “and go!”

“I’m looking for a photographer for my son’s 3rd birthday this Saturday. Looking for recommendations for someone who can do this under $100. Annnnnnd go!”.

Image credits: No_Cauliflower3541


Now that I’m over 40… nearly everything.

Image credits: Rukawork


TikTok. Makes people think that they’re way funnier than they are.

Image credits: wingfoot2388




People saying things are cringe when they mean some other adjective. .

Image credits: SpectreSancto


Back in the day, if you were being a little s**t inside a grocery store, the manager would chase you out with a broomstick, swearing and cursing at you waving their fist in the air as you escaped down the street.

Nowadays, kids in stores are being little shits and filming it, and when the manager arrives they simply turn the camera, and its up to the manager to handle the situation in an incredibly calm and civil manner. No contact is allowed, and so the kids usually don’t budge and keep pushing for a reaction. It’s gotten to the point now that if there’s a highschool near your grocery store be prepared to ignore a bunch of tiktok dancers and pranksters as you shop because confrontation plays directly into their game anyway.


Saying “ick”.

Image credits: BeholdenToOz


Family bloggers. Constantly having your life recorded as a child can really f**k you up. Especially since a lot of the time the parents are just using their children for content.


The whole concept of “influencers” on social media. Pics and videos of their spotless huge houses, adorable well-behaved kids, cute pets. As if they don’t wear Crocs and a messy bun to scoop dog poo off their perfectly manicured lawns.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to bunch my hair into a bun, put on my “dirty work” shoes, and scoop the dog s**t out of my mud pit of a back yard. I’m not going to make a video of it, but I guarantee it would be far more entertaining (and contain a lot more profanity) than any influencer video.


Throughout history fad medical issues have been a thing. Some king of England had an a**l fistula and all the lords and ladies suddenly had one. Today’s modern version of this is the spectrum and neurodivergence. Don’t like how something feels yucky on your hands, on the spectrum! Do you get confused or distracted sometimes on the spectrum! Do you not always enjoy everyone’s company all the time? It’s neurodivergence for SURE!!! Now everybody can pretend to be special and self diagnose, or wise and tell everyone else what condition they have. Leaving the actual people with neurodivergence still ignored in a corner with out proper support because Billy has a fad case of the attentions.


Using those song clips everyone has heard a million times before, like the “oh no” song. I’d rather stick my head in an oven before hearing it ever again.


Mullets. How did we end up back here?


This is no hate to the women who enjoy these things but the number of people I follow on instagram who are getting eyelash extensions that touch their eyebrows and getting vials and vials of lip filler just looks painful. They don’t look bad but when you say “cringe” I do cringe at how uncomfortable that has to be (to each their own if it makes u confident that’s all that matters!).


Lip fillers, ultra-thin eyebrows, torn clothes, accepting laws as anti paedophile when really they are anti-privacy. Photographing your food. Following influencers. The term Influencer.


Being an a*****e for internet clout.


For me, a millennial, social media use in general. I find it all to be of diminishing appeal.

I ditched Facebook and instagram a few years back and Twitter last year. Reddit is losing its appeal as well. Too much bot activity and rage farming happening.

The more niche a community is here the more tolerable it tends to be but even still I feel less and less draw.

Yes there is an irony in my posting this all here. I’m human and my brain loves the dopamine kick but I sincerely believe I get less and less value from social media with each passing year.

Image credits: wings08


Over-the-top social media challenges that prioritize shock value or danger just to gain likes and followers. It feels like the authenticity of sharing genuine moments is lost to performing risky or embarrassing acts for viral fame. This trend often crosses the line from entertaining to just plain cringe-worthy.


Being “Alpha”.


The broccoli hairdo on men.


Slang or abbreviations of words. I can understand “idk” “bc” or something like that, but just yesterday I was texting with my little sister and I questioned whether I knew my native language.


“Unalive” or “unaliving,” it’s admittedly a funny way of referring to death, but people are using it in incredibly serious contexts. It comes off as insensitive.


Influencers who promote s**t.


Constantly using the word “literally”.

Edit: Ok, since quite a lot of people seem to think that I am an idiot who was not aware that the word “literally” existed before now, I will phrase my original comment differently.

“The OVERUSE of the word “literally” (which has existed for hundreds of years) is cringeworthy to me.” Does that make it clearer? Nowhere in my original comment did I question the existence of the word.

Edit 2: Also, I never realized there were so many etymologists on Reddit. Etymologists who don’t seem to know the meaning of the word constantly, but what can you do?


The curly fringes on teenage boys.

Image credits: anon


People thinking they`re gangsta for doing mundane s**t.


Stanley cups.


Therapy as subscription service.

Image credits: LeeNobody


Omitting the word “vibes”. Instead of saying “it gives peter murphy vibes” say “it gives peter murphy”.

also, saying “not (insert whatever it is i’m observing)” Not me making breakfast for my grandmother again! Not me drunk at 8:30 am again. Not me complaining about new fads in slang and vernacular. Not me wasting my life entirely!



Like 75% of any concert audience is on their phones taking videos of the concert or doing some stupid a*s TikTok video of them singing along. Nobody actually enjoying what’s in front of them… they only care about repackaging 5% of that experience for someone else in 480p.


Adding a tip on a screen for doing anything.


Crop tops in winter. Please STOP! I just want a normal shirt.


Face tattoos.


These ugly a*s “chunky” sneakers/tennis shoes people are wearing that look like Nike Monarchs and ugly old school Skechers had a baby.

[Like this](https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/balenciaga-triple-s-chunky-fashion-sneakers-prod260920692).


People saying FACTS!!! or 100!!!!


I’ve never seen a BBL that looks good. Just makes you look like you’re wearing a diaper.