Nothing brightens up my day more than seeing my adorable cat curl up in my lap for a nap or run to the door to greet me when I get home from work. He might be a bit demanding when he’s hungry, and his teeth can be a little too sharp at times. But I wouldn’t trade that little guy for the world.
Adopting an animal into your family can simultaneously change your life and theirs. We all need love and companionship, even furry little creatures, and knowing that you saved a precious animal from a life in a cage is a great feeling. Below, you’ll find photos of some of the sweetest animals who have recently been adopted. These cuties have finally found their fur-ever homes, and they couldn’t be happier. Keep reading to find a conversation with Ivanka Patterson of Every Dog Matters EU, and be sure to upvote the pics that inspire you to adopt not shop!
#1 Adopting One Of My Teacher’s Baby Cat
Image credits: Inverted_Soul787
To learn more about what it’s like to adopt a loving animal into your family, we reached out to Ivanka Patterson, director of Every Dog Matters EU. Ivanka was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and explain why it’s so important to adopt rather than shop our pets.
“A lot of dogs from breeders come from illegal puppy mills where the dogs and puppies are living in very poor conditions,” Ivanka shared. “Not knowing the origins of your bought pups hides the huge risk of getting an overbred pup which will have genetic health issues and a shorter life span.”
#2 Hi, My Name Is Lulu
I don’t like any human but my own human.
Image credits: Tricky_Ad_9787
#3 Meet Bumi! I Just Adopted Him And I’m A New Dog Owner
Image credits: edward90
“Shopping instead of adopting keeps this ugly business alive,” Ivanka continued. “The pros of adopting a dog are – you know the story and the health state of the dog you are adopting; you are giving a chance to an animal that, more often than not has not been treated well in life, to discover what real love and home mean; mixed breeds are much healthier.”
And when it comes to the benefits we can receive from adopting dogs, Ivanka says, “We believe there is a hidden superhero in each one of us. By adopting a rescue animal, this superhero comes to life, and the feeling of worthiness within oneself greatly improves one’s self-esteem.”
#4 My Beautiful Street Kitties
Image credits: kittycatprob
#5 Adopted This Guy Yesterday. Meet Charlie. He Is So, So Beautiful. He’s Been Such A Joy Already (So Far ). He Is 1/4 German Shepherd, 3/4 Husky Or A Shepsky
Image credits: ExoticWall8867
#6 Adopted Rocco And She Said “Let’s Keep Him Forever And Ever And Ever”
Image credits: monicapearl
“It has been scientifically proven that adopting a pet from a shelter makes people become more compassionate and responsible,” Ivanka added. “It has physical benefits as well, like spending time with one’s adopted animal normalizes blood pressure, reduces cortisol and helps overcome mental disorders like depression. And last but not least, all of the above makes us better people.”
#7 Missy’s Adoption Smile
Image credits: Jnpaws
#8 Found This Little Baby Left Alone In The Middle Of A Parking Lot Yesterday, Taken Her Into A Vet And They Say She’s Doing Well So Far!
Image credits: Idontwanttousethis
#9 New Adopted Puppy Is A Bit Scared. Our Big Boy Has His Back, Turning Into A Helicopter Dad
Image credits: Wutbot1
Unfortunately, not everyone understands how lovable and amazing rescue animals can be. So Ivanka wanted to set some of the common misconceptions about rescue dogs straight. First, she addressed the idea that an animal from a shelter will be aggressive and untrainable. “So not true. A dog’s behavior depends greatly on the conditions we put the dog in and on the way we interact with it,” Ivanka shared.
“Dogs need between 3 to 6 months in order to adjust to their new home. During this time the adopter MUST give the animal its space, be patient with it, and respect the dog’s willingness for privacy,” the expert says. “Having realistic expectations and patience is the key for a happy dog-human relationship.”
#10 Titan Was Cleveland Animal Protective League’s Longest Resident (315 Days). He Was Adopted Yesterday
Image credits: carefulyellow
#11 I Will Adopt Those Cats, I Have Never Had Cats, Will Be The First Time
Image credits: Saskiaof
#12 Leonard The Cat With The Benign Tumors Nobody Wanted Was Adopted
Image credits: redt6
Some people also assume that if they don’t get their dog as a puppy, it won’t be able to bond with them or be obedient. “Adopting a puppy is a lot of fun, but also a huge blank canvas one needs to put a lot of work into it,” Ivanka says. “Adopting an adult or senior dog has a lot of benefits, like the dog won’t go through the whole chewing on everything phase. It will [also] know super quickly that pottying is done only outside unless stressed or ill; there is no adult dog that likes to do their business where they live.”
#13 Adopted A Cat 2 Days Ago, This Is Her Now
Image credits: eggs2themax
#14 I Thought I Adopted A Cat, Not A Gremlin
Image credits: weemwrangler2
#15 This Is Pumpkin, A Street Cat Of 10+ Years That We Adopted!
Image credits: someguywithdiabetes
“And most important of all – you will already know the character of the dog and what to expect from it,” Ivanka continued. “Choosing a dog whose temperament fits the adopter’s energy and lifestyle is the most important part of the adoption for it to be a happy one for all sides. Adult and senior dogs have no problems emotionally bonding with their owner, just the opposite. They understand very well that they are given a chance in life, and there is no animal more grateful than the adopted one.”
#16 Adopted Our Very First Cat Last Weekend. I Was Worried We’d Get A Non-Friendly Cat Who Was Very Standoffish But She’s An Angel. Is Interested With Anything, Wants To Be Cradled Like A Baby, Vibrates All The Time
Image credits: Dimrill
#17 I Think I Adopted The Shrek Cat
Image credits: retardwhocantdomath
#18 Do I Have A Gsp?!
I adopted my girl about a week ago “mixed breed” but saw chocolate lab. But I recently discovered this breed and really convinced she is a GSP! Seeing vet in a week and want to do DNA test. I’m also a new dog mom, and think she’s the absolute BEST regardless of what her breed is. But I want to know because I want more for sure!!!! Let me know what you think? She’s estimated 10 weeks.
Image credits: SeasonableArroyo
Ivanka also says that families shouldn’t feel pressured into getting a dog just because their children asked for one. “Dogs are not toys and should never be treated as such,” she says. “Having your child grow up with an animal is simply amazing, as it teaches the kids compassion, responsibility, true friendship and so much more.”
“If an adult wants to adopt a dog so their kid grows up with it, they must know going into the whole process that no matter what, the dog will be the parents’ responsibility! Dogs are not gifts, and one should never gift a pet to someone, as usually these gifts end up in shelters or on the street,” Ivanka says. “Have in mind that a mature dog has the emotional and intellectual capacity of a 2.5 year old kid. Would you treat a child this age poorly?”
#19 Adopted This 4 Month Old Girl Today
Image credits: HarryHood146
#20 Saw Him At An Adoption Event And Couldn’t Say No. Say Hello To Our First Standard Issue, Chestnut!
Image credits: kimmyann12012
#21 The Cds Wasn’t Working For Me, So I Went To The Shelter And Adopted The Oldest Cat There. Meet Cucumber
Meet Cucumber (named by my 7yo). He is a 10yo love bug.
Image credits: cowgirltu
As far as what prospective adopters should know before bringing a dog home, Ivanka says, “Before everything, the dog is a responsibility,” she told Bored Panda. “An adopter should really consider if in their current lifestyle there is room for a pet. And if yes, what exactly having one will entail.”
“And once again, patience,” Ivanka added. “A lot of people think the dog will immediately love their new life the moment it steps into their new home. That the dog will immediately trust their adopter and will bond and start playing from the get go. Would you immediately trust a stranger?”
#22 I Just Adopted This Girl From An Elderly Couple
This is an 11 year old female red foot. Shell length of 15″.
Image credits: ILL_MAKE_IT
#23 My Husband And I Adopted This 10 Year Old Baby, Who Was Previously Returned To The Shelter For “Hiding Too Much”. Now I Can No Longer Use The Bathroom Unsupervised
Image credits: Kiloura
#24 Adopted This Little Dude Today, His Name Is Cyborg
Image credits: Remarkable-Mango-159
“If you have decided to adopt a dog, really think it through, and choose a dog with a temperament and character that will best fit your lifestyle in order to have a true best friend,” Ivanka says. “Have realistic expectations from your adopted dog, be patient with it, and show it that it can trust you 100%. Then, and only then, will you really have a true, joyful, obedient and forever four-legged best friend. And trust me, every single effort is so worth it!”
If you’d like to learn more about Every Dog Matters EU, be sure to visit their website!
#25 Adopted This Little Booger About A Week Ago
Image credits: Bluemanbob
#26 I Was Having A Hard Time Feeling Like Things Would Get Better, Then Today I Adopted My Dream Frog Size Large! Whoever Gave Up This Gorgeous Girl, She Has A Home & I Love Her. I Have 2 Little Beans But Omg She A Whole Palm Sized Big Girl! I Couldn’t Have Dreamed I’d Get So Lucky. What Do I Call Her?
Image credits: chrysanthemummum
#27 Just Adopted This Little Monster!
Image credits: JohnnyBravido
We hope you’re enjoying these photos of precious animals who have finally found loving homes, pandas! Adopting and rescuing animals is so much better than buying from a breeder, and your sweet little companion will always be thankful for your love. Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly precious, and if you’re interested in checking out more wholesome adoption photos from Bored Panda, look no further than right here!
#28 Adopted Two “Undesirable Cats” At The Animal Shelter- A Very Scared Feral Kitten (Still Trying To Get A Good Face Pic) And The Fattest Cat In The Building
Image credits: fightingcrime
#29 Adopted A Stray Cat
Image credits: TAbreZ9969
#30 Give Black Cats A Chance!! They’re Often The Last Ones To Be Adopted
My first void, and he’s an absolute love. He has no fear, is so friendly with everyone- including his tabby sister. He’s a little shadow and such a goof. He’s 6 months old and I love him so much. I’m converted to the void forever. Who gave these guys a bad rep!!? I just want to talk ?.
Image credits: justforartsy
#31 Just Adopted My Second Cat And She Is Happy With Her New Life!
Image credits: omoreoo
#32 I Adopted My Grandmother’s Cat When She Passed Away And We Are Both Adjusting To Life Without Her Together
Image credits: Old-Improvement8871
#33 What’s The Breed Of My Puppy? Thoughts?
Image credits: ActLeft4559
#34 Thoughts On Blue?
The agency we adopted him from thought he was part Catahoula Leopard dog but others have disagreed. He sounds like Chewbacca and also has the shrillest whine (scream) I’ve ever heard a dog make.
Image credits: Difficult_Minute_429
#35 I Think I Adopted A Pitbull
…thoughts? My older dog has been an “only dog” for the last couple years. He adores dogs so we decided to adopt a puppy for him. We wanted another dog too. We found a puppy listed as a “Lab mix.” We got her a few days ago, she’s 9 weeks as of today. I think she’s actually a bully of some sort. Can someone with more knowledge of this breed share their opinion? I don’t really care what she is, I’m committed to her but I’m curious. Thanks.
Image credits: 4eiram
#36 I Keep Being Told My Dog Is A Different Breeds
Image credits: boxesofbones
#37 Meet Fred
His name was Mercury but I call him Fred. He is only 5 months old and he’s huge I think. It’s only day one but I’ve never met a cat like Fred. He wants to be directly near me and I’ve never met a cat who didn’t eventually get sick of pets and want some space from you. I love Fred already. Also Fred is really vocal and I think that’s neat.
Image credits: Kindly_Gur_4203
#38 I’m Adopting This One Eyed Baby Boy
Image credits: Grouchy_Animal
#39 He Is My First Pet Ever, Adopted Straight From The Streets
Image credits: Academic_Purpose3411
#40 I Just Adopted This Little Baby
Image credits: Delicious_Neat7270
#41 Adopted These Two Brothers At 15 Years Old
They are brothers, lovers, and fighters all rolled in to one.
Image credits: fabfrankie401
#42 Just Adopted My Girl. She Was Found Starving And Pregnant On The Side Of The Road By A Sweet Couple Who Delivered Her Babes And Nursed Her Back To Health
Image credits: EventDue
#43 We Adopted This Handsome Guy!
Image credits: foreign_universal
#44 Adopted An Abandoned Frenchie From The Pet Hotel
Image credits: Colcaps
#45 I Adopted My First Dog Yesterday
Image credits: Hissy-Elliot
#46 Please Don’t Overlook The Older Cats When Adopting
He found his home with me 2 hours ago. He’s an older cat who’s owners fell ill & could no longer care for him. When the volunteer told me he’s been there a long time & that they don’t get many calls about him, I knew I had to give him his forever home
Image credits: wheresmyglasses-
#47 Our Office Adopted This Kitten, She Is Around 5 Months Old
Image credits: cat0000000
#48 Just Adopted This Handsome Boy
Image credits: No-Sugar-9712
#49 Got A Fancy Looking One From Cds
Image credits: Kitty_casserole
#50 New Adoption; So Many Beans!
Image credits: shephp01
#51 I Adopted Him 3 Days Ago
Image credits: Sufficient-Office-92
#52 Adopted Her From A Shelter Just Three Weeks Ago Where She’d Been Abandoned. Now, She’s Fully Spoiled
Image credits: brisaywhatt
#53 Adopted This Sweetie Today And Within 15 Minutes She Was Laid Up And Purring
Image credits: looseaujus
#54 I Got Adopted By This Stray Beauty! Approached Me Out Of The Pitch Darkness, Scared The Crap Out Of Me, And Now I Can’t Wait To Get Home To Her. Still No Name, Formosa Mountain Dog
Image credits: Kurtzva
#55 My Friend Adopted A Street Dog From Cyprus And I Got To Meet Her For The First Time Yesterday. One Ridiculously Photogenic Dog
Image credits: OdboqpodbO
#56 My So And I Have A Pending Adoption For The Cutest Calico; We Would Name Her Yvie
Image credits: krissykross
#57 Chocolate Lab Or Labrador Deceiver?
Just swabbed Riley for his Embark DNA test. He’s around 11 months old and 74lbs , adopted from animal control. He’s a friend to all, super smart, very food motivated but has a very stubborn streak!
Image credits: mayziegsd
#58 What Might Her Mix Be?
Image credits: Empty-Rabbit
#59 Just Got Approved To Adopt! First Time Cat Owner
Image credits: shi**y_millennial
#60 What Type Of Cat Do You Think We Adopted?
He’s such a sweetie, he has the softest fur, he’s a huge talker, his appetite is out of this world, and he’s bigger than any cat we’ve ever had! No idea what breed he is and we’re curious 🙂
Image credits: opalescentbug
#61 First Monorail From My Newly Adopted Cat!
Image credits: fadedrejoice
#62 My First Adopted Cat, Suggest A Name Pls
Image credits: IcedMagma500
#63 Adopted Our Second Cat, But She’s Our First Void
Image credits: TASparky
#64 Adopted My First Cat, This Is Teefee!
I’ve had cats my whole life, but she’s my first that isn’t a family cat/roommate’s cat! She was a (very fast) foster fail, and my partner and I love her.
Image credits: don_draper97
#65 I Present To You All, Mushy Moishe, My Freshly Adopted 16lbs Rescue Cat
Image credits: Misslasagna
#66 Adopted A Stray Cat, His Name Is Bob
A neighbor said that his ex owner lives on our street and had kicked him out years ago, and he stayed wandering around on our street for years, sleeping under cars. I only began to notice him this last year. I thought he belonged to someone because he had a collar on.
He started coming up to us when we’d take our dog for a walk and he’d be the most loving and friendly cat. When I started petting him I felt the dirt on his fur and that’s when I realized he wasn’t being taken care of. He started coming to our door for food and started sleeping on our doorstep. Within a few days we took him to the vet, got him a check up and vaccines (vet says he’s 5-6yrs), bought him toys, bowls for food and water, litter box, a soft bed (even though he sleeps on our bed), and we ripped the dirty collar off him, gave him a shower.
He loves to cuddle. He used to be so skinny, now he never misses a meal and comes to the kitchen and waits.
Image credits: cherryxbeau
#67 Adopted My First Solo Cat. Ended Up Being An Orange. What Should I Expect And Where Can I Apply For Braincell Custody?
Image credits: Pantaleon26
#68 I Adopted Him 2 Days Ago. He’s 3 Months Old. His Name Was Calvin, But I’m Not A Huge Fan Of That Name
Image credits: ThoughtConfident7552
#69 Adopting This Wonderful Girl In A Few Weeks, Would Love Suggestions! I Have Three Other Cats Named Niro, Leo And Ikimba If That Helps
Image credits: salyyxx
#70 First Dog I Ever Adopted/Rescued. I Am Obsessed With Her. This Is Lucy, She’s Half Rottweiler And Half Pit, But 100% The Sweetest Dog I’ve Ever Met
Image credits: angriest-tooth
#71 I Am Adopting A 4 Year Old Female Akita Inu
Image credits: ReplyCurious1014
#72 What Is Ryn (Named After Kylo Ren, Just Spelled Different, Pronounced The Same) Mixed With?
Image credits: kkarlavaleria
#73 Meet Budgie
Image credits: residentclinton
#74 Our New Baby
We adopted this sweet baby today. We were told she is a Chihuahua/Terrier Mix. She is just about a yr and half old. She came from an awful hoarding situation here in Florida. The rescue received her in October and she had Parvo. She is fearful, but also a love bug. We lost our heart dog about a month ago, and decided to open our hearts to a new pup. This is Gemma.
Image credits: Prestigious-Face-445
#75 I Have Waited So Long To Get A Cat! This Is Liesl And I Adopted Her Today From The Indianapolis Animal Shelter. She Is A Year Old And She Is Perfect And I Love Her!
Image credits: InspectorPossible392
#76 Please Help Me Find A Fitting Name For My New Baby!
Image credits: themusicat
#77 What Breed Is Marco?
Image credits: missmaudeheathcote
#78 Sweet Independent Girl. Very Quiet, And Doesn’t Bark. Just Short Quips And Yodels
Image credits: jumpyracoon
#79 Galgos And Toys
Hi! We adopted Liam five days ago. He was used by hunters in Spain, and they threatened to kill him because he wasn’t good at hunting.
He’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever seen, and he’s slowly adapting to his life in France. But I’m a little worried, because he doesn’t care about toys at all. For now, it’s not a big deal, but I’m afraid he will get bored when he’s at home.
Have you had this problem with your galgo? Is there a way I can make toys seem fun for him?
Image credits: M_Lwgt
#80 I Just Adopted A Dog. He Is A Year Old And Super Sweet. He Has Very Corse Fur. He Is Very Good With Kids And A Bit Lazy
Image credits: Existing-Jackfruit10
#81 Pet Name Advice
We adopted this beautiful cat from a Bangladeshi family who had a change of circumstances. They love him very much and we want to give him a name that reflects their love for him and where we got him from hence thinking of a Bengali name
Image credits: PsychologicalLie4431
#82 My New Cat Named After Everyone’s Favorite Greg! They Even Have The Same Hair!
Image credits: pocketvirgin
#83 Finally Adopted This Cat
Image credits: SensualExplorer69
#84 Adopted This Sweet Girl Two Weeks Ago, I’m Still Debating On Her Name. Any Suggestions?
Image credits: Griffin_oo
#85 Felix The Adopted Cat
Image credits: shopylover
#86 Just Adopted This Baby Friday. The Shelter Said Great Pyrenees & Saint Bernard, But I’m Really Unsure!
Image credits: Responsible_Donkey19
#87 I Adopted Two 4 Year Old Brothers Yesterday. One Of Them Pooped In The Toilet Last Night. Stress Response Or Toilet Trained?
Image credits: Large_McHuge
#88 First Time Being A Cat’s Person! Adopted Inigo Meowtoya Last Week
Image credits: GoldenGrlz
#89 Just Adopted This Guy! Welcome Home Archer
Image credits: MuffTacos
#90 I Adopted A Little Piece Of Heaven. It’s Been Two Days Since I Adopted This Beautiful Thing. Her Name Is Tulipa
Image credits: angeldesenha
#91 Adopted Manny A Few Weeks Ago And We’re Already Best Friends
Image credits: PoLaRiS_ReTuRnS
#92 Adopted This Beautiful Girl
Image credits: small_llama-
#93 Adopted These Two A Few Weeks Ago… Bobcat And Forklift
Image credits: psikaar
#94 My Newly Adopted Shelter Dog After 2 Days Of Settling In
She was bred for puppies then abandoned, picked up by the pound and ran out of time there.
Luckily a local rescue centre saved her and then we found her. She’s finally settled and catching up on some well needed sleep
Image credits: WickedBoogie
#95 My Dad’s Dog Adopted An Orange Boy
Tigger, showed up a few days before Christmas on my folks’ porch. Folks thought he might be a nearby farm cat, but he didn’t leave after a day and a half. Cruz, the dog, refused to eat his dinner in the second day and kept whining at the door. He didn’t go to his bowl till Tigger was let in. He then waited for Tigger to eat his full of his food before he finally ate. They’re now absolute best bros
Image credits: dumbucket
#96 Adopting This Little Dude Monday. His Name Is Pickles. I Haven’t Had A Kitten In About 15 Years, I’m Very Excited
Image credits: thestonernextdoor88
#97 We Have Adopted This Little Wonder, We Are In Love
Image credits: GoddesB94
#98 Adopted These 2 Little Guys
Image credits: chipsandbuns
#99 The Nmc Big Boi Who Got Adopted Yesterday 🙂
Image credits: Nocturnal_Person
#100 Zeus, The First Orange Of My Own
Image credits: cookletube
#101 Adopted These Two Snuggle Bugs Over The Weekend. They’re Sisters
Image credits: Kokimo69
#102 Adopted A Shelter Pup!!!
Image credits: Tacomaguy24
#103 Our Newly Adopted Boop, Jimmy!
Image credits: ItayMarlov
#104 Just Adopted This Sweet Angel Named Mae
Image credits: goodiesbyrose
#105 Adopted My First Dog!! I Named Her Bella Btw And She Wanted To Say Hi!
Image credits: Food_product10
#106 Hi, Everyone I Just Adopted This Little Guy Here, His Name Id Hogar Like A Viking?, Does Anyone Know His Race As I Have No Clue?
Image credits: ProfitAltruistic4235
#107 Does My Rescue Look Pit Mix?
Image credits: Blckbarbie_80
#108 I Was Adopted By This Stray.. Is It Normal Black Cat Behavior That She Meows Constantly For Attention, Follows Me Around, And Swats At Me As I Walk By ?
Image credits: NatureOne8958
#109 Adopted This Beautiful Cat Today
Image credits: ToeMxncher
#110 This Is Cooper
Image credits: TNwhiskey901
#111 Adopted This Cutie Today
Image credits: HamburgerHelpersDad
#112 Just Adopted My Standard Issue! This Is Pan, He’s 4 Months Old ❤️
Image credits: callioperuby
#113 Louis, I Get It. He’s ? Adopted Special Needs Kitty
Image credits: alliecat124