Stranger Things – Subway Edition

Determination At Its Best

By the look of this picture, we can see that this man is in love with playing the harp. Therefore, it won’t be wrong to assume that he wants to make a name for himself in the music industry. Moreover, his dedication to being an amazing harp player tells us nothing more than that he seems meant to be in this business.

The man is lucky for sure because not everyone has a passion so valuable to them. He seems so remarkably at peace while playing his harp, and we bet all the other passengers would be enjoying his performance as well. Who doesn’t like some soothing tunes for their ears, right?

The Value of Our Privacy

Many of us use the subway as our daily mode of transportation, and that ride is the most challenging part of the day for us. Awkward eye contact, smiling at strangers, nodding our head as if saying hello, and small talks are a few things that we can’t do even to save our lives.

That’s why this message came as a literal lifesaver for many of us who feel socially awkward and prefer remaining in our bubble. The management has respect for our privacy, and we have not seen anyone so considerate about it. So we can just mind our own business and enjoy our ride without any disturbance.

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