Of all of the nature documentaries David Attenborough has voiced over, there’s one species that we’ve yet to hear him discuss. So today we’ll be taking a deep dive into the weird world of Homo sapiens.
There are over 8.1 billion of us on the planet, and we’ve been around since about 190,000 B.C.E. And while we’ve made many brilliant discoveries and breakthroughs, we also have a knack for exhibiting downright strange behavior. Below, you’ll find some of the most fascinating and hilarious posts from Humans Doing Human Things on Facebook. This page perfectly encapsulates just how odd our species is, so enjoy scrolling through these photos that should probably be dissected by an anthropologist, and be sure to upvote your favorites!
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
As a human being, I’m sure you’re familiar with the idea that we’re a pretty bizarre species. Yes, we’re used to one another, and we accept the social norms that we’ve created. But we’re all individuals, and plenty of us are just downright strange. That’s why we love the Humans Doing Human Things Facebook page. This account celebrates the absurdity and chaos of being a person. And clearly, it’s beloved by many, as it’s amassed over 139k followers since its creation in 2021.
From people wearing bikinis in the snow to getting hairstyles that look incredibly similar to pineapples, there is truly no limit to what human beings can do. And apparently, we have the creativity to keep innovating and coming up with even more bizarre and hilarious behavior to exhibit.
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Now, we’re not the only species that does comically odd things. I’ve seen my cat make countless hilarious faces and sounds, and his behavior is not always predictable. But we humans are unique in the way that we have free will and an extremely complex communication system. As long as the technology exists, anything that we can imagine, we can turn into a reality.
Robert Roy Britt wrote a piece for Live Science discussing why human beings are arguably the strangest species, and he brings attention to a variety of the bizarre things we tend to do. We lie, cheat, fall in love, kiss, and blush. We also have odd features such as fingernails, an appendix, an Adam’s apple and curly pubic hair. Many of us even part our hair, crack our knuckles, get goose bumps and shiver when we’re cold.
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Humans can be tickled, but we can’t tickle ourselves. We can do gross things like burp, fart, itch and smell terrible, and we often struggle to find a lover or life partner. We love telling stories, spreading urban legends and discussing conspiracy theories. But we don’t completely understand our own consciousness. We yawn, sleep, get hiccups, dream, snore, laugh, cry and procrastinate. And we often get drowsy after eating but then can’t fall asleep at night when we actually want to. We grind our teeth, experience stress and anxiety, choose to be monogamous in relationships and work hard at our jobs, even if we aren’t being compensated well.
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
We’re a brilliant species who have created countless pieces of technology and can perform open-heart surgery to save lives, yet we often forget where we’ve set our keys down and can easily be sucked down the rabbit hole of social media for hours. We experience déjà vu, and although we enjoy exercise and being active, many of us also have a hard time eating healthy and stopping when we’re full.
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
We love playing games, but we hate losing. We love the rush of gambling even though we know there’s a huge risk involved. We enjoy fear when we’ve consented to seeing a scary movie or visiting a haunted house, and we can feel the pain of others. We have belly buttons, acne and food cravings. And we often know what the right thing to do is, but we don’t always choose the most moral actions. We hurt people we love, and we fear being open and honest about our feelings. We are an extremely complex species.
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
The advent of the internet has certainly made it easier to realize just how bizarre of a species we truly are. We can snap photos and record videos anywhere, and we can share them online in seconds for others to view and respond to. We likely weren’t as tuned into how weird other humans were before we had the opportunity to share on pages like Humans Doing Human Things. But the absurdity of our species is one of the most beautiful things about it as well. We’re unpredictable, and we’re always looking for something new to do.
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Aspiring Blog has also published a piece discussing weird things humans do, and they note that one unique trait we have is the fact that we blame one another for things. If we don’t want to accept guilt and take responsibility for our own actions, we can point to someone else and absolve ourselves from needing any self-reflection. “Well, that wasn’t my fault, so I don’t need to learn from my mistakes!”
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Humans are also odd in the way that we often don’t actually practice what we preach. A person might say that they love animals and that animal cruelty is wrong, but they’ll eat sausage for breakfast, chicken for lunch and a steak for dinner. Someone may judge another person for getting a divorce because their religion tells them that it’s wrong but then cheat on their partner when they feel dissatisfied in their relationship. And while it’s easy to say that all human beings deserve equal treatment, if you don’t respect women and people of color as much as you respect men, you don’t really believe that.
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Are you enjoying scrolling through these fascinating photos of human beings, pandas? Or are you feeling secondhand embarrassment due to how strange your own people are? Either way, we hope you’re entertained! Keep upvoting the pics you find particularly odd, and then if you’re interested in seeing even more photos from Humans Doing Human Things, check out this Bored Panda article next!
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things
Image credits: Humans doing human things