Not every employee can be the sharpest tool in the toolbox. In fact, it seems that some of them probably shouldn’t be in the toolbox at all…
Below, you’ll find some of our favorite posts from the Idiots at Work Instagram page, which features facepalm worthy moments from a wide variety of industries that might make you wonder how these employees haven’t been fired yet. So enjoy scrolling through this list of stupidity, and be sure to upvote the choices that made you lose a bit of faith in humanity!
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
We’re all capable of doing some stupid things in our personal lives. We might leave the house wearing a shirt inside out by accident or drive away while our coffee was sitting on the top of our car. But if there’s anywhere that we should be professional and on our game at all times, it’s in the workplace. While on the job, we’re getting paid to not be stupid, so to ensure that we don’t lose our jobs, most of us try to hold it together.
We don’t discuss inappropriate topics, we avoid scrolling on our phones or dressing too casually, and we get through the day by being productive, professional and safe. Well, most of us do. For those individuals who make reckless and questionable decisions while on the job, the Idiots at Work Instagram page is waiting in the wings to feature a photo of your masterpieces.
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
As hilarious as the photos on this list may be, there’s no question that some of them are actually quite dangerous. From bricks flying down the highway without being properly secured to the back of a truck to people balancing on Frankenstein’s monster-esque combinations of ladders, it’s likely that some accidents occured due to what’s going on in these photos.
According to Zippia, about 2.6 million nonfatal workplace accidents and injuries occur each year in the United States. Sprains, strains and tares are the most common injuries to sustain, while overexertion, slips, trips, falls and contact with objects and equipment account for the vast majority of these injuries.
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
All of these workplace accidents cost the American people a pretty penny each year, coming in at a whopping $250 billion annually. And in 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, had a budget of $591,787,000. But of course, not every workplace has an equal level of risk. 15% of injuries that occur while on the job in the US happen in manufacturing jobs, and construction has some of the highest on the job fatality rates. However, line cooks have been found to be at the highest risk of contracting COVID-19 while at work.
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Not all stupidity in the workplace leads to accidents and fatalities, however. Sometimes, it simply leads to less than brilliant employees losing their jobs. Liz Ryan wrote a piece for Forbes detailing the stupidest things she’s had to fire employees for, and she first notes that someone lost their job for stealing other workers’ lunches. Apparently, when the lunch thief got caught, he told Liz, “I didn’t like this job anyway.”
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Liz went on to note that she’s fired “about a dozen people for having sex in the electrical closet or the security room or someplace else.” Another employee even invited two “call girls” to his room while on a business trip and charged the expense to a company credit card. There’s nothing wrong with having fun on your own time in your own home (and with your own money), but it is quite idiotic to mix work and play like that.
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Another infraction Liz says she’s had to fire employees for is selling drugs at work. One of them defended himself by noting that he never sold anything in the building, as he always used the alley instead. But unfortunately, this wasn’t enough to be able to keep his job. Another employee apparently made up his entire career history, lying about his education as well. “Never hurts to try,” he told Liz in defense.
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
One more creative, yet still idiotic, way that an employee got fired by Liz was hiring a market research firm and paying the firm thousands of dollars before Liz realized there was no firm at all. The money was simply going to the employee’s boyfriend who was sitting at home and crafting invoices to provide to the company. The employee did all of the market research herself and handed it in under the guise of the fake firm she created. An elaborate plan, but not good enough to keep her from getting fired.
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Another stupid (and cruel) activity that Liz caught an employee committing was selling fellow employees a service that guaranteed their undocumented relatives green cards. This service did not in fact exist, and the employee was simply taking innocent people’s money. Liz acknowledges that people who behave stupidly in the workplace obviously have other issues they need to confront, but they’ll need to do so while not working for her.
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Image credits: idiotsatwork
Are you feeling smarter after seeing all of these pictures of idiots at work, pandas? We can only hope that no one was harmed in the making of these photos, and please remember not to try any of these ideas at home. Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly stupid, and then if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda list featuring idiotic things people have done at work, look no further than right here!
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Image credits: idiotsatwork