45 Hilariously Accurate Posts About Children’s Temper Tantrums

Tantrums come in all forms and sizes. You might witness stiffening limbs, screaming, kicking, falling down, flailing about, or just running away. In some cases, children even hold their breath, vomit, break things, or hurt themselves and other people.

However, they’re a normal part of development, so parents just have to arm themselves with patience, and humor, of course! So in order to help everyone endure this journey, we put together a collection of tweets that highlight the funny side of temper tantrums.


Image credits: mom_ontherocks


Image credits: saltymermaident


Image credits: daddydoubts


Image credits: OneFunnyMummy


Image credits: DadandBuried


Image credits: KSekouM


Image credits: HenpeckedHal


Image credits: dshack8


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: mom_tho


Image credits: Mommy__Owl


Image credits: MumInBits


Image credits: daddydoubts


Image credits: daddydoubts


Image credits: steponmegently


Image credits: sarahstarrs_


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: Mommy__Owl


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: michimama75


Image credits: ericsmithrocks


Image credits: RodLacroix


Image credits: TheCatWhisprer


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: Mommy__Owl


Image credits: copymama


Image credits: Dadpression


Image credits: SnarkyMommy78


Image credits: waywardandwine


Image credits: HomeWithPeanut


Image credits: y_2_kate


Image credits: momtransparent1


Image credits: HomeWithPeanut


Image credits: Mike_Ekey


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: Mommy__Owl


Image credits: Mrs_JParker


Image credits: BunAndLeggings


Image credits: thearibradford


Image credits: SnarkyMommy78


Image credits: HonestToddler


Image credits: MommieKnwsFresh


Image credits: ericsmithrocks


Image credits: mommy_cusses


Image credits: HomeWithPeanut