You Might Have Forgotten About These Celebrities But They Are Still Alive And Glowing

The life of a celebrity is so ‘in your face’ and invasive, that we get to see even the tiniest detail of their lives. The media coverage never stops for them. But then one day when they get older, some of them may plan their retirement or find quieter activities to participate in. They slowly fade from the limelight to the point where you’re not even sure if they’re still around. So here’s a chance to catch up on these famous celebs from the past decades. What’s happening in their lives now? Are they still living rich or hidden away at some senior living community? No need to wonder any longer. Here’s where they are now.

Elisabeth Shue – Age 60, $12.5 Million

She was still studying at Harvard University when she realized that she wanted to become an actress. Elisabeth Shue then quickly dropped out and pursued a career in Hollywood. As it turns out, she made the right choice. Throughout her incredible career, she has even managed to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress with her performance in the Leaving Las Vegas movie in 1995. Elisabeth played roles in iconic films like Back to the Future two and three and The Karate Kid. She’s now keeping busy with The Boys series that started airing in 2019.

The post You Might Have Forgotten About These Celebrities But They Are Still Alive And Glowing appeared first on Cash Roadster.