96 Of The Funniest Posts From Parents On X About This Whole Santa Thing

Some parents have been working non-stop from the start of December. Elf on the Shelf, writing letters to Santa, making costumes for whatever program the school came up with this year. It’s like a marathon, and I didn’t even mention getting presents for everybody. So it’s understandable they vent their frustrations online.

That’s why we decided to bring you the funniest posts on X (Twitter) from parents about Santa. Children have a unique perspective on that whole ordeal about a man who supposedly “watches you when you sleep” and somehow knows if you’ve been good this year. And parents sometimes have the funniest reactions to their children’s hot takes. So check out these Holly Jolly posts from parents about Santa that we picked out for you, pandas!


Image credits: RodLacroix


Image credits: rcromwell4


Image credits: Clanopath


Image credits: storiesofamom


Image credits: moderately_mom


Image credits: Cheeseboy22


Image credits: maryfairybobrry


Image credits: clhubes


Image credits: Tired_Dad_of_2


Image credits: maryfairybobrry


Image credits: SeHablaRob


Image credits: BunAndLeggings


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: PaigeKellerman


Image credits: storiesofamom


Image credits: mommeh_dearest


Image credits: bekindofwitty


Image credits: maryfairybobrry


Image credits: Cheeseboy22


Image credits: lgfeech


Image credits: Chhapiness


Image credits: SpacePlankton


Image credits: Manda_like_wine


Image credits: Dad_At_Law


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: gfishandnuggets


Image credits: dadmann_walking


Image credits: daddydoubts


Image credits: Cheeseboy22


Image credits: momtransparent1


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: DaddysinCharge


Image credits: parrspective


Image credits: ScaryMommy


Image credits: thedad


Image credits: mom_tho


Image credits: saltymermaident


Image credits: david8hughes


Image credits: PetrickSara


Image credits: simoncholland


Image credits: Mommy__Owl


Image credits: JasonIsbell


Image credits: NewDadNotes


Image credits: thedadvocate01


Image credits: Manda_like_wine


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: Cheeseboy22


Image credits: 2questionable


Image credits: PadmaLakshmi


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: mommajessiec


Image credits: Brianhopecomedy


Image credits: Mommy__Owl


Image credits: HenpeckedHal


Image credits: WalkingOutside


Image credits: simoncholland


Image credits: SardonicTart


Image credits: JimGaffigan


Image credits: TheAlexNevil


Image credits: Dad_At_Law


Image credits: BunAndLeggings


Image credits: deloisivete


Image credits: TheCatWhisprer


Image credits: TheMomHack


Image credits: thedadvocate01


Image credits: stayathomies


Image credits: thedad


Image credits: elamin88


Image credits: mommy_cusses


Image credits: thedad


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: yenniwhite


Image credits: UnfilteredMama


Image credits: adult_mom


Image credits: gfishandnuggets


Image credits: XplodingUnicorn


Image credits: UnfilteredMama


Image credits: wildrainbow2


Image credits: RodLacroix


Image credits: jiffywild


Image credits: House_Feminist


Image credits: copymama


Image credits: mommy_cusses


Image credits: momtransparent1


Image credits: PaigeKellerman


Image credits: Cheeseboy22


Image credits: AndyRichter


Image credits: RodLacroix


Image credits: TheMandiEm


Image credits: UnfilteredMama


Image credits: dooce


Image credits: GetDianeFarr


Image credits: OneFunnyMummy


Image credits: GayAtHomeDad


Image credits: UnrealZachWard


Image credits: Smethanie