Inédit : les clichés les plus loquaces du parc Disney

The woman who was angry

The number one goal of a Disney park is to provide pleasure to its customers, and to allow them to no longer have to deal, even for a moment, with the stress of daily life. Most of us manage to relax. It was in the Splash Mountain attraction that this woman specifically chose to pout, showing how much of a burden her stay at Disneyland is.

Jordan Alexander, who is the woman crossing her arms in the photo, has become a celebrity, and her face a must-have meme on the internet. She’s now the one pouting in the middle of Splash Mountain. The truth is that she wanted to show her dear and tender anger, since the latter would have left her behind when she started the attraction (probably out of fear): that women are clever.. .apparently, it worked, and well beyond his expectations!

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