Title: 30 Game of Thrones Cast Members Who Made Waves in Hollywood

Maisie Williams – Arya Stark

Maisie Williams burst onto our screens as Arya Stark when she was just 14. From her unforgettable tryst with death to her assassination of the Night King, Arya’s character arc was nothing short of legendary. Just when you thought you’d seen it all, she morphed into Wolfsbane in “The New Mutants,” a 2020 film.

Beyond Westeros and mutants, she gave punk a new muse as Pamela “Jordan” Rooke in the TV film “Pistol.” Yet, Maisie’s talents aren’t confined to the screen; she co-founded Daisie in 2019, a digital haven for rising artists. 2023 marked her split from fashion magnate Reuben Selby, but something tells us she’s just getting started.

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