80 Introvert Memes To Send Your Other Calm-Loving Friends

Every day, billions of introverts and extroverts around the world live in harmony with one another. Some go out and socialize to energize themselves, while others recharge by chilling at home and refusing to speak to anyone for an entire day. And while we need both to make the world go round, today, we’re featuring memes that you’re more likely to find relatable if you’re on the introverted end of the spectrum.

We took a trip to the Introverts Are Us Instagram page, where we found memes and funny pics that anyone who would rather stay in on a Saturday night might be able to appreciate. Enjoy scrolling through this list, whether you’re an introvert who’s feeling seen or an extrovert who wants to better understand your friends, and be sure to upvote the pics you find particularly relatable! 

More info: IntrovertsAreUs.com | YouTube | X | TikTok | Facebook


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

The Introverts Are Us Instagram account describes itself as “for the quiet, the nerdy, the shy, the reserved, thinkers, observers and the misunderstood.” And clearly, it’s doing a great job resonating with the introverts of the world, as the account has amassed an impressive 377k followers through sharing nearly 4,000 posts. 

But Introverts Are Us isn’t simply an Instagram page, they also have a website, X account, TikTok, Facebook page, and YouTube channel. There’s much more than just memes for introverts to explore, so if you’re interested in delving deeper into the introvert community, this is the perfect place to start.

According to Verywell Mind, introverts only make up between 25-40% of the population. But when you’re scrolling through these pics from Introverts Are Us from the comfort of your home, you can be reminded of the fact that there are plenty of introverts out there. And you’re loved and appreciated, regardless of how often you want to stay home!              


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

If you’ve been made fun of for needing to stay home and recharge after a social weekend or called boring by your extrovert friends who never seem to get tired, don’t worry fellow introverts. This is a safe space. And according to All About Introverts, there are some key benefits to having a social battery that needs to be recharged on its own.

First of all, many introverts thrive in academic settings. They likely enjoy spending time alone reading or writing, which can make studying and doing homework much easier. They also might have more time to accomplish these tasks, if they prioritize having alone time at home over spending every waking moment with their friends.  


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

Introverts are also often great listeners. Not that they don’t like to share their own stories, but they tend to be comfortable sitting and listening when friends open up, without needing to constantly interject and share their own experiences. On a similar note, introverts are prone to thinking carefully before they speak.

Sometimes we have a habit of overthinking, but for the most part, we are intentional with what we say and we consider the ramifications ahead of time. This does not mean we’re all afraid of speaking up by any means, but we do tend to choose our words wisely and thoughtfully, without blurting out the first thoughts that come to our minds. 


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

For a previous Bored Panda article featuring memes for introverts, we reached out to Yadirichi Oyibo, founder of Diary Of An Introvert, to hear her thoughts on what it means to be an introvert. 

“Being an introvert isn’t just a fancy psychological term I tend to use; it’s my way of life,” Yadirichi shared. “It’s where my creativity blooms, and it gives my life a sense of purpose. Introversion lets me do some deep soul-searching and connect with people on a genuine level. And guess what? It’s not just for introverts; it’s something the whole world uses.”

“Imagine a world where nobody takes a moment to think about things,” the writer continued. “We’d all be like zombies. But, introspection helps us stay true to ourselves while contributing to society. So, for me, being an introvert isn’t just a personality trait; it’s the quiet glue holding the world together.”


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

Yadirichi also shared that she loves that being an introvert makes her unique. “No two introverts are the same. We might look similar on the outside, but our inner worlds are like uncharted territories,” she explained. “Being an introvert freed me from the pressure to fit in. Sure, I tried to be like everyone else during my childhood, but over time, I’ve come to love my quirks. Now, I wear my introverted nature with pride, knowing I’ve got something special to offer. Plus, nobody expects me to be anything other than myself, and that’s pretty awesome.”


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

But as with everything, there are some downsides to being an introvert as well. “For one, I can get so comfy with my own company that I forget the importance of building relationships. Let’s be real; we all need people in our lives,” Yadirichi previously told Bored Panda. “More so, being an introvert sometimes makes me cling to my comfort zone like it’s my lifeline. While comfort zones are great for brewing ideas, there’s a whole world out there where we can share our talents and make a difference.”


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

Yadirichi also wanted to dispel the misconception that all introverts are shy, timid, arrogant, or just plain incapable. “The ‘incapable’ myth gets under my skin the most because introverts aren’t any less capable due to our quieter nature,” she noted. “We’ve got skills aplenty, but we might express them in more subtle ways. We’d rather avoid the spotlight and let our actions speak for us. But trust me, that doesn’t mean we can’t rock the boat when needed. In fact, the low expectations can work to our advantage. When people least expect, we spark intrigue, further allowing us to make a positive impact.”


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

Yadirichi also had some wise words for all of her fellow introverts: “You’ve got some serious potential. Your inner world is like a treasure chest of creativity; don’t ever doubt it. Embrace your uniqueness and never sell yourself short,” she told Bored Panda.


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us

We hope you’re enjoying these memes for introverts, pandas! If your big plans for the weekend are recharging your batteries far away from society with a good book and some cozy clothes, just know that you’re not alone (in spirit). Keep upvoting the pics that make you feel seen, and then if you’re interested in checking out even more introverted memes from Bored Panda, we recommend reading this article next!   


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us


Image credits: introverts.are.us