53 Times People Quit In The Pettiest Way And Left A Lasting Impression On Their Bosses (New Pics)

There are many good reasons why a person would quit their job. Maybe it’s because of the toxic work environment or suboptimal work-life balance. Some jobs are not exciting enough and don’t offer a lot of growth and career opportunities so, after a little while, you feel like you’re stuck doing the same thing every day. Others simply don’t pay enough.

Whatever the reason, quitting your job is quite a big deal. In some cases, it can be quite an emotional endeavor, while, in others, it’s the most satisfying thing ever.

The list below is comprised of resignation letters and similar announcements filled with the latter sentiment. People quit jobs every day, but these examples are so creative they will definitely leave a lasting impression on the HR department.

#1 Lovely Cleaning Lady Leaves Retirement Note For Awful Manager

Image credits: tigger_tim

Quitting has been quite popular in recent years. In fact, both 2021 and 2022 broke records regarding the number of people that are willingly quitting their jobs. A staggering 47.8 million people did so in 2021, a number which was instantly bested with 50.5 million in 2022. This phenomenon has been dubbed “the great resignation.”

The cause for such a surge was the pandemic. The extreme circumstances were a wakeup call to many who realized how much they value fulfillment at work. They handed in their resignation letters because of low pay, the lack of opportunities, and feeling disrespected at work. 

#2 When The Developer Doesn’t Get Paid

Image credits: ManFaultGentle

#3 Mic Drop

Image credits: raychaelsarah

It’s also worth noting that the boost in confidence and employee self-worth is a contagious thing. Once a person sees their colleague taking charge of their career and quitting because they are unhappy at work, they are prompted to do the same, too. This is especially true when the people who are leaving (or getting fired, for that matter) are top performers or team members who have been loyal to the company for years. 

The good thing is that leaving en masse actually worked to benefit the workers. The employers seemed to respond to the demands of the disgruntled employees who were seeking change. Suddenly, salaries started growing, showing the biggest jump in 20 years. Companies also started offering more benefits to new employees, hoping to get the work force back.

#4 Burger King At 60th & Havelock

Image credits: zestypotatoes

#5 Boss Told Me That If I Want To Play In His Sandpit I Need To Toughen Up. Told Him I Don’t Want To Play In The Sandpit, I Want Time To Lay On The Lawn With My Cats

He told me to take my cats and take off. He was bluffing. I wasn’t. I quit! Coming at you from my lawn!

Image credits: WhlteMlrror

#6 People Are Getting Creative

Image credits: nattyneu

One big negative of the massive exodus that was seen in the US was the lack of productivity. This terrified employers who got worried that they wouldn’t be able to meet their goals. This caused companies to invest more in robotics and start replacing people with automations and AI.

#7 Today Is My Last Day Of Work At This Job, So I Brought In A Cake For Everyone

Image credits: UTS15

#8 Guy Worked In A Bank, Resigns And Goes To Work The Last Day Dressed As A Spider-Man

Image credits: ksguile

#9 My Father-In-Law’s Resignation Email From 2002. “On Account Of Because”

Image credits: MeetTheBrewers

If you’re not ready to quit your job or don’t feel like upending your career in one fell swoop, you might want to jump on another trend—quiet quitting. The term that’s making managers everywhere shake with dread is nothing more than giving the company what they are asking for—no more, no less. Technically, people aren’t actually doing less than it’s expected of them, they are simply refusing to be proactive and go above and beyond what’s needed.

#10 And That’s How You Quit

Image credits: PackObjective3254

#11 Letter Of Resignation

Image credits: beansummmits

#12 Coworker Quit Yesterday. This Was On His Screen

Image credits: Joey86

Career experts are applauding the quiet quitting trend, saying that expecting the employee to do more than what’s in their job description is unfair anyway. They are pleased to see employees feeling empowered enough to say no to unnecessary effort and overtime. It is only fair to work as much as you are paid for. It’s prime time to reject the hustle culture. 

#13 So I Quit My Job Today

Image credits: nlane515

#14 Last Day And My SO Got A Cake To Celebrate

Image credits: lolalynna

#15 Keeping It Simple

Image credits: TheUntetheredSoul2

It is important to point out that it is not just the worker’s attitudes that are instigating the quiet quitting trend. Employers are obviously not incentivizing their staff enough for the team to feel fired up about their work. They just expect them to volunteer for extra work, be available and responsive outside of work hours, and take on tasks outside of their job description with nothing to offer for the effort.

#16 McDonald’s Worker Had Enough

Image credits: GreatApeDad

#17 Fantasy: “If Minimum Wage Workers Demand More Money, We’ll Automate Their Jobs!” Reality:

Image credits: Elbrujosalvaje

#18 A Friend Of Mine Posted This, One Of His Favorite Coworkers Resigned, This Was His Resignation Letter

Image credits: _Taylor___

If your work environment is toxic but you cannot afford to quit right away, maybe you should start rage applying. This is another trend where employees, fed up with their passive aggressive managers, unappreciative bosses, and uncooperative co-workers are actively applying to other jobs while still working. 

#19 Got Threatened To Be Fired Yesterday For Bringing My Polo With Me Instead Of Wearing It. After The Pay Issues, And The Drama And The Threats. Today Will Be My Final Day

Company is a bunch of clowns. Here’s to my last day!

Image credits: 1327lgrw

#20 I Feel Like I Can Breathe Again

Image credits: bearandthebunny

#21 How I Quit My Job At A Gas Station

Image credits: GlitteringSpell5885

The “rage” usually comes in when an employee is provoked by yet another thing that puts them down or increases pressure on them. Disappointed and angered, they start sending out resumes hoping they can change jobs before they start fully hating every minute in their current position.

#22 Genuine Resignation Letter

Image credits: elle_eigh

#23 My Manager Was Upset That My First Resignation Letter Wasn’t “Professionally Courteous”, So I Wrote Her A New One

Image credits: wormmeal

#24 Masterclass

Image credits: Kindofsupercool

A similar phenomenon to rage applying is career cushioning. People that do it aren’t usually actively looking for a new position, but they are working on their Plan B. This usually involves taking classes, brushing up on their skills, boosting their networking presence, and trying to learn new things that would enrich their resume. They often do all that because of uncertainty in their current job. 

#25 In Independence Missouri

Image credits: Sad_Dream_6380

#26 They Demanded A Formal Letter Of Resignation, So I Sent Them This

Image credits: ShrimpMaster2000

#27 Straight To The Point

Image credits: texasgirlincali

So, if you wish to change jobs right now, you need to start by putting together a plan. Start by “cushioning” your career. Then, dip into quiet quitting while rage applying on the side until you find something worth actually quitting for. Don’t forget to craft a memorable resignation letter and get pumped for the new position. And enjoy it, because in a few years you’ll have to repeat this all over again.

#28 Years Ago I Left On Unsavory Terms. IT Guy Was A Jerk. Decided To Change All The Computers To Photos Of My Face On My Last Day. Thought You Might Enjoy

Image credits: y2kizzle

#29 How I Quit My Last Job

Image credits: reddit.com

#30 Here Is My Letter Of Resignation. Saw Someone’s Post That They Were Struggling To Write One. Keep It Simple

Image credits: idontfeelsogood42

#31 Welp No Arby’s Available Today In Battle Creek, Michigan

Image credits: jimbeam_43

#32 Everyone At My Town’s McDonald’s Just Quit At The Same Time Today, Leaving Behind This Sign

Image credits: PianoManGidley

#33 How To Quit Your Job

Image credits: Durnofbranches

#34 Today Was My Last Day Of Work At A Sodexo Kitchen And My First Day Of Self-Employment

Image credits: TrickOGnosis

#35 We Did It Joe

Image credits: janna_e_haider

#36 Quit My Job On Black Friday But Not Before I Made Sure My Coworkers Know Their Rights

Image credits: brxdge2nowhere

#37 Turning In My Laptop On My Last Day Of Work Under Toxic Management

Image credits: louisatjr

#38 Brother Was Fired For Not Wanting To Work When He Wasn’t Scheduled

Image credits: Liluzisquirt2x

#39 How My Employer Gave Us His Two-Week Notice

Image credits: Low-Cherry2644

#40 Alisa Was A Bad Manager

Image credits: flyart

#41 My Resignation Notice

Image credits: Jundas

#42 Putting My Notice In Sunday! Got My Dream Job As A Budtender

Image credits: MamaMK420

#43 If You’re Going To Drag Up, Do It In Style

Image credits: Least-Fail-5005

#44 Coworker’s Last Day Today. He Brought In Cake To Say Goodbye

Image credits: o2bjp

#45 “I Quit, Bryan”

Image credits: Forsaken-Spring-4114

#46 Two-Week Notice? Two Weeks Ago You Should Have Noticed I Was About To Leave

Image credits: pongakookamonga

#47 Manager Wanted Me To Adhere To Subpar, 20 Years Outdated Standards. I Quit That Weekend And Left This Note

Image credits: rslashhellagay

#48 Guess That’s One Way To Quit

Image credits: wwmtnews

#49 Made A Cake For My Last Day At Work

Image credits: tea_with_milk

#50 Last Day Of Working Here Filled My 40 Oz Water Bottle To The Brim What Were They Gonna Do? Fire Me?

Image credits: beauytoy

#51 My (Former) Job Is Notorious For Firing People On The Spot When They Put In A Two-Week Notice, So This Is How I Let Them Know I Quit

Image credits: reddit.com

#52 Quit My Job Today. Made Sure To Leave This In The Chemical Preparation Room They Had Me In Instead Of An Office

Left it in a chair in the center of the room, with my lab coats draped over the back of the seat.

Image credits: Taxtm

#53 How My Coworker Quit The Other Day In The Middle Of His Shift. I Had The Honor Of Giving The Note To The Managers. It Was Glorious. Proud Of Him

Image credits: _stage4fearoftrying_