Taylor White’s Sob Story Of A “Forced” Facial Tattoo Takes A Twist As She’s Caught Making It All Up

In an era characterized by the ubiquity of Photoshop and the omnipotence of A.I., where the boundaries between reality and fabrication blur terrifyingly effortlessly, it becomes rather impossible to remain alert against the artful deceptions that surround us now more than ever – even when it’s right in front of our faces.

Remember that woman whose entire face had been tattooed against her will following an assault? It turns out that the sob story she had weaved is not as accurate as she had initially claimed.

Taylor White, the woman who recently made headlines for her facial tattoo, has been exposed for making it all up

Image credits: nypost

The world was moved when Taylor White from Florida shared her heartbreaking story of having obscenities forcibly tattooed onto her face when she was just 21, 10 years ago.

On her 21st birthday evening, Taylor’s at-the-time boyfriend reportedly invited her to a nearby bar with the aim of introducing her to her first experience with alcohol. Little did she know, he and his friends supposedly had darker intentions for the night ahead.

After her story was picked up by the media and kind-hearted TikToker Karridy Askenasy, she began her two-year journey of getting her former life back

Image credits: nypost

What followed were “really horrible things”, according to the alleged victim, who disclosed that she had been brought back to a hotel room whilst inebriated, before having her memory go blank and waking up to a painful face covered in permanent ink.

Taylor was then offered a blackout ink tattoo option from her boss, as she worked in a tattoo parlor, before making her story known in The New York Post and being offered the opportunity to have tattoo removal procedures with all expenses covered from a TikToker.

Image credits: JebraFaushay

Now, however, it would appear that Taylor has lost the ability to receive the financial support needed to remove the disgraceful tattoo, as new evidence suggests she had been lying about her background story.

Treacle Tatts, a content creator specialized in tattoo-related topics with 169K subscribers on YouTube, shared a pretty damning video compiling a handful of proof showing Taylor without any facial tattoos before 2017.

Taylor previously attributed her tattoos to impulsive decisions fueled by manic episodes and a traumatic incident involving her ex

Image credits: LynnTaylor726

“I don’t know how much more proof I need to share that pretty much proves that Taylor did not get her face blacked out in 2008, she started getting her face tattooed in 2017,” Treacle Tatts, whose real name is Lauren, said.

As Taylor has come out to say she had edited previous photos showing her without any facial tattoos on various social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, no amount of photo manipulation could’ve altered Taylor’s face to hide such enormous tattoos on her face, according to Treacle Tatts.

Last July, she started a fundraiser to help her remove face tattoos that didn’t allow her to achieve her dream career

Image credits: Taylor White

The tattoo expert even demonstrated how she had used software to detect photo editing, to prove that Taylor’s pictures where she appeared without a facial tattoo had not been altered.

“With you fabricating or getting timelines mixed up or whatever, people will now not trust you, because you didn’t rectify it as soon as possible,” Lauren explained.

Another person on Reddit debunked Taylor’s story, as they posted a series of posts on X and Instagram, directly contradicting Taylor’s timeline of receiving her facial tattoo.

But Treacle Tatts also pointed at Taylor’s visible mental illness, a condition she says she “truly believes”, and that undoubtedly affected her choices of getting the gigantic facial tattoo in later years.

Taylor attributes her tattoos to impulsive decisions during manic episodes related to bipolar disorder, explaining her GoFundMe request for a $4,000 tattoo removal procedure, with $1,055 raised to date.

Using software to detect photo editing, the Youtuber Treacle Tatts proved that Taylor’s photos showing her without a facial tattoo were indeed real

Image credits: ChaiseTattoos

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Image credits: treacletatts_

Image credits: treacletatts_

Seeing that people were catching onto her lies, Taylor spilled the real story

Image credits: treacletatts_

Taylor has taken to her X account (formerly known as Twitter) to clarify that she was undergoing a manic episode in 2008, the year she claims she received the facial tattoo, as a result of living with bipolar disorder.

She has also suggested on her GoFundMe page that her tattoos were a result of making “some very bad impulsive decisions during manic episodes when she was younger,” before being diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 36.

Lauren, the tattoo expert, shared some final thoughts regarding Taylor’s “made-up story”

You can watch Lauren’s shocking exposé in full below

Lauren’s evidence against Taylor’s tattoo story prompted fuming reactions from readers

Others chose to empathize with Taylor, seeing she is “very ill”

The post Taylor White’s Sob Story Of A “Forced” Facial Tattoo Takes A Twist As She’s Caught Making It All Up first appeared on Bored Panda.