97 Of The Most ‘Antisocial’ Memes From This Instagram Account Cleverly Titled ‘Fear Of Going Out’ (New Pics)

Snakes? Those adorable little creatures don’t scare me. Heights? No big deal, I’d go bungee jumping tomorrow. Spending a week night at a loud, crowded event where I don’t know anyone and will be forced to socialize with strangers? The horror!

If your ideal evening involves spending time at home with your dog and a documentary, while the idea of attending a party fills you with dread, you just might have FOGO, or the fear of going out. And while there is no known cure for this condition, there can be comfort in knowing that you’re not alone (in your desire to be alone). Below, you’ll find some of our favorite recent posts from the FOGO Instagram page, as well as a conversation with author and creator of Introvert Spring, Michaela Chung. So enjoy scrolling through, and be sure to upvote all of the tweets that make your antisocial self feel seen!

#1 *slow Clap That Slowly Becomes Thunderous Applause*

Image credits: mlockwoodporter

We’ve all heard of FOMO, the fear of missing out, but are you familiar with the term FOGO? It’s for those of us on the opposite end of the spectrum, who would rather spend Saturday night curled up with their cat and a good book than out at a club meeting new people. There’s nothing wrong with being afflicted by FOMO or FOGO, but if the idea of being at a party or surrounded by people you don’t know gives you the heebie-jeebies, we’ve got a safe space for you right here, pandas.

The Fear of Going Out Instagram page is beloved by introverts and antisocial individuals galore. It has shared over 8,000 memes, tweets and photos over the years and has amassed an impressive 235k followers. Whether you struggle to find a balance between having a flourishing social life and enjoying cozy nights in or every single phone call you have to make fills you with dread, we’re sure you’ll find some relatable content on this list. So enjoy scrolling through, and enjoy the moments of peace and quiet you have to do so.  

#2 I Don’t Wanna ?

Image credits: dmicheleeee

To learn more about what it’s like to need alone time to recharge, we reached out to Michaela Chung, creator of Introvert Spring and author of The Irresistible Introvert: Harness The Power of Quiet Charisma in a Loud World. Michaela was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and explain what being an introvert means to her.

“Being an introvert means I gain energy from solitude and lose energy in stimulating environments,” she explained. “I recognize that I have different needs and challenges than extroverts in social situations. I may need to take more thoughtful pauses in conversation, leave early, or schedule in fewer activities—and that’s okay.”

#3 I Genuinely Don’t Know How People Did It. This Is My Worst Nightmare

Image credits: lilsmichelle

#4 What I Wouldn’t Give To Hear What Insults Gordon Ramsey Would Direct At A Babbling Brook ?

Image credits: SierraRey_73

When it comes to the perks of being an introvert, Michaela shared, “Introverts are capable of great focus, self-reflection and creativity. We also tend to be very observant. Our calm personality gives people space to relax and be themselves. We’re the ultimate Netflix and Chill partners (emphasis on the ‘chill’).”

On the other hand, Michaela noted that having limited energy to socialize can be really frustrating. “We may want to go to all the weekend parties, but only have the social batteries for one event,” she explained. “It’s hard not to feel guilty for saying no and staying home.”

#5 I Feel Like This Is Exactly How Kindergartners Find Their New Best Friends Yet We Feel Shame As Adults? I Say Embrace Your Inner 5 Year Old And Become Besties With Your New Banana Buddy, Ingrid. Sounds Like You Two Have A Lot In Common ❤️

Image credits: ingridoliver100

#6 Kat Stratford Summer Is Hot Girl Summer

Image credits: fearofgoingout

Michaela also set the record straight about the common misconception that introverts are antisocial. “We’re actually selectively social,” she noted. “For example, the introvert confidence coaching clients I work with genuinely want to connect with the right people. They’d rather have meaningful conversations with a few like minded people than make mindless small talk with a room full of strangers.”

#7 This Honestly Sounds *lovely*

Image credits: jackisnotabird

Michaela also wants to assure readers that “it’s okay to be an introvert! I always encourage introverts to embrace their quiet strengths. It is possible to confidently socialize in your own introverted way—no extroversion required.”

If you’d like to learn more from Michaela or reach out to her for dating or confidence coaching, be sure to visit Introvert Spring!

#8 At Least My Floaters Are Always There For Me ?

Image credits: eggshellfriend

#9 My X-Men Power Is Sneaking Out Without Saying Goodbye ✌️

Image credits: fearofgoingout

While the internet might love poking fun at us less social folks, there are plenty of benefits that being an introvert can bring you. According to Walden University, introverts are often extremely creative, excel in academic performance, find themselves getting more sleep than extroverts, are great at communicating in the business world and can use their listening and observational skills to be wonderful leaders. Just because extroverts are often louder and demand more attention doesn’t mean that introverts deserve to shine any less. They just might need to hide from the spotlight to rest and recharge every now and then.    

#10 If It Is On My Mind, It Counts As Mindfulness… Right?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#11 My Favorite Part Of The Transaction Is When The Panic Sets In ??

Image credits: tacko_belle

#12 I’m Sticking With The Time Isn’t Real Idea Because This Is Bonkers

Image credits: nuffsaidny

When it comes to what us less social individuals need to be happy, Jenn Granneman at Introvert Dear explained that plenty of time to wind down and process, meaningful conversations and companionable silence are necessities. Often, we would rather skip a conversation if it’s only going to be brief or surface-level small talk. On the other hand, when there’s time to speak one-on-one with a friend and really delve into whatever’s on your minds, introverts can go on and on. And on the flip side, if there’s nothing to discuss, there can be pleasure in comfortable silence. There’s often a lot going on in an introvert’s mind, so they tend to be unbothered by the silence that’s happening around them.    

#13 One Time In Middle School I Called My Friend Eleni And Her Dad Answered The Phone And I Said “Hi Is Eleni There?” And Her Dad Shouted “Eleni! Your Friend With Horrible Phone Etiquette Called!” And When I Tell You That I Still Get Stress Dreams About This Interaction… ? ?

Image credits: emmabo

#14 Looking For Investors For This. It’s Urgent

Image credits: AkilahObviously

#15 No. Thank You!

Image credits: MichaelaOkla

Introverts also require a quiet space that’s all their own, plenty of time to think, and friends, family and/or a partner who understands that they’ll want to stay home at times. It can be difficult for an extrovert with FOMO to understand how appealing a night in alone can be, but for me, as an introvert, the days where I get to work from home while my partner goes to the office are some of the most relaxing days out of my entire week. I never have to be “on,” and I have so much space for my thoughts. I am rarely fully relaxed around other people as an introvert, so I need those times where I can just be myself at home alone without anyone expecting anything from me.  

#16 You Know Those People Who Can Stand In The Same Spot In An Art Museum For Hours Staring At A Single Painting? I Get It Now

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#17 Are You Mad At Me: A Memoir By Me

Image credits: _SarahGailey

#18 The Facts And Information Make It Real Tough Though Tbh

Image credits: donni

For a previous Bored Panda article featuring introvert memes, we reached out to Jenn Granneman, founder of Introvert Dear, to hear her thoughts on what being an introvert means to her. “[It] simply means I prefer to socialize a little differently than extroverts do,” she explained. “I love to have meaningful conversations with just one or two people at a time, rather than make small talk with a big group. I socialize infrequently and in short bursts, and I need plenty of downtime afterward to regain my energy.”

#19 All Of The Above, Sugar *winks Seductively With Both Eyes*

Image credits: kariassad

#20 Stouffer’s B4 Broffers, Amirite?

Image credits: miriamgershow

#21 You Can Cut Off All Human Interaction And Be On Your Phone *all Night Long* If You Want To!

Image credits: behindyourback

“There are times when I might attend a big party or a concert, but generally, I prefer to hang out at home or in intimate spaces,” Jenn continued. “I can make small talk, but doing so takes a lot of effort, so I avoid it when I can. I cherish solitude. My favorite weekend ‘plans’ are no plans at all. I tend to keep thinking about certain issues, problems, or experiences long after other people have forgotten about them or moved on to another topic. I make my point using a handful of words rather than hundreds.”

#22 The Limit To My Attention Span Is 280 Characters Including Spaces And Punctuation So Plz Keep It Quick

Image credits: morganhousel

#23 … Every Visitor?? You Mean, Visitors To My House? That’s Just My Cat, Hon. And He Already Knows ❤️

Image credits: stupidtrashboy

#24 *is Excited For Bed Time Literally All Day Long, Since The Second I Woke Up Tbh* *finally Gets In Bed* *stares At Phone For Three Hours*

Image credits: emily_murnane

Jenn also noted that introverts can often be misunderstood. “When you’re a quiet person who doesn’t say much, it’s easy for people to misread you. One myth about introverts that I would like to dispel is that our need for solitude is about us, not the people in our lives,” she previously told Bored Panda. “Sometimes our friends and loved ones feel hurt or rejected when we spend time alone. They shouldn’t — introverts are simply wired to need that downtime to restore their energy. It’s not about you; it’s about us. If you have an introvert in your life, please don’t feel hurt if they occasionally decline your invitations or ask to spend the evening alone.”

#25 I Now Communicate Exclusively Through Tagging People In Memes And I Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way . *jazz Hands*

Image credits: jzux

#26 Normalize Skipping Right On Over The Small Talk And Landing On The Farewell Portion Of The Interaction

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#27 I Pay Roughly $83 Per Day For The Right To Live In My Home… “Going Big” Simply Means I’d M Be Wasting Money

Image credits: roastmalone_

We hope these tweets are making you feel seen, pandas, if you too have a fear of going out. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being an introvert or liking to keep to yourself, especially when you can bond with like minded individuals through lists like this. Keep upvoting the pics you find most relatable, and if you’d like to find even more memes and tweets for antisocial individuals, be sure to check out Bored Panda’s last article on the same topic!

#28 “Whoopsie Daisy”- Me Looking Around At All The Burnt Bridges

Image credits: 50FirstTates

#29 I Wish My Brain Had A Sleep Button. This Shit’s Exhausting

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#30 Plz Be Here For Me But Not Like Here Here. Over There Here

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#31 “It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere” Is Tired. It’s Done. We’re *quafftiding* Now

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#32 All Makes A Bit More Sense Now, Eh?

Image credits: kariassad

#33 *meows*

Image credits: jzux

#34 Narrator: They Never Spoke Again

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#35 I Do, However, Think Adults Should Apply The Same Zest In Party Planning To Their Own Parties That They Do Their Kids’ Parties. Grownups Like Bouncy Castles And Putting Dry Ice In Bowls Filled With Drinks And Calling It A Witch’s Potion Too, And If These Were Featured At Your Event I’d Be Far More Likely To Attend

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#36 Pretty Sure I’m About To Be The Winner Of The Argument I’m Having In My Head With My High School Math Teacher Who, Circa 2003, Was The Worst

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#37 Let’s Circle Back In The New Year?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#38 Doorbell: *rings* Me: *dives Behind Couch*

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#39 All Clear

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#40 Who Am I Gonna Call? My Mom, Like Six Times A Day, And Literally No One Else

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#41 “What! Are You Doing! In My Swamp!”- I Yell, Confused, At The Neighborhood Children At My Door Who Are Trying To Sell Me Magazine Subscriptions (Seriously Though… How Is This Still A Thing?!)

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#42 Feeling Aggressively Seen Tbh

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#43 Mary Poppins Is My Party Icon ?

Image credits: billybarrett123

#44 And Unfortunately The Stress Of Receiving A Social Invite Has Increased That To A Five Day Recovery Period With A Clause That Allows For An Extension For Any Reason, Let’s Touch Base In June?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#45 This Is The *exact* Energy I Seek To Embody As I Get Older

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#46 I See You, Goldcrest. I Am You, Goldcrest

Image credits: todayyearsoldig

#47 Well At Least The Photo Sounds Adorable. That’s The Important Part

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#48 I Genuinely Did Not Mean To Spend $300 On A Weighted Blanket…

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#49 Camera Cuts To Me Parking, Getting My Reusable Shopping Bag Out Of The Car, Walking All The Way To The Entrance Of Trader Joe’s, Grabbing A Basket, Stepping One Foot Inside The Door And Seeing All The People, Out Loud Saying “Absofuckinlutely Not”, Putting The Basket Back And Leaving

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#50 Me, On The Verge Of A Full Blown Meltdown: “Doing Great Thanks! You?”

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#51 Why Sleep When Dwelling On Unlikely Disaster Scenarios Is On The Menu?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#52 I’m Sorry But If You’re Living In 2023 And Have Absolutely Zero Anxiety… I’m Not Sure That’s A Good Thing??

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#53 Thinking About Soon Making The Switch To Meetless Every Days Myself, Wish Me Luck ?

Image credits: thisone0verhere

#54 While A Surprise Party Sounds Like My Absolute Worst Nightmare, I Can Still Recognize Cheryl For The Icon That She Is ??

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#55 My Mom’s Friend Has My Phone Number And Every Few Weeks Will Send A Massive Group Text. Not In Messenger, A Text. It Will Usually Be A Picture Of A Flower In Her Garden Or Something She Cooked, And For The Next Several Hours My Phone Will Be Blowing Up With Reply Texts From Boomer Strangers Saying Anything From “Lovely Flower, Here’s A Picture Of A Flower In My Garden” (Which Will Set Off Another String Of Texts Replying To That Flower) To “Please Stop Including Me In These Group Texts”. It’s A True Nightmare And Brought Me To The Point Where I Changed My Message Settings To Just Not Allow Group Texts From Anyone. I Do Not Want This

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#56 Moss Babe Goals

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#57 *walks In Very Fast Laps Around Office With A Look On My Face That Is Meant To Reflect Deep Contemplation And Purpose When Really I Just Don’t Want To Check My Email*

Image credits: _RobertSchultz

#58 Ah Yes, House Cleaners Who Work For $30 And Want No Tips, And 25 Year Olds Who Make $615 In Monthly Donations. I Love Science Fiction ❤️

Image credits: ConsultingHumor

#59 My Patronus Is A Kitty In A Dress That Is *completely* Pussed Off

Image credits: SketchesbyBoze

#60 Apparently I’ve Been 40 Since I Was 25?

Image credits: thearibradford

#61 Thoughts? Oh, None For Me Thnx

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#62 I Love My Colleagues ❤️

Image credits: itssarahdutcher

#63 Teehee My Bad Wasn’t Listening

Image credits: bingowings14

#64 I’m Such A Terminal People Pleaser That I’d Probably Just Roll With It And Start Going By Hannah But I’m Also Introverted Enough That I Wouldn’t Go To The Party. This Is Exhausting

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#65 Absolute Family Goals ???

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#66 Can You Imagine Sitting Through A High School Pep Rally And Then Immediately Having To Go And Take An Algebra Test?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#67 I Believed That Turning The Light On In The Car At Night Was Illegal. I Now Know This Is Not True But Will Never Risk It Just In Case ?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#68 … And Now That I’m Here, I Realize I Was Having Way More Fun Doing That. Toodles ?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#69 Shhhhhhhhhhhh Plz Tysm

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#70 The Likelihood Of Me Agreeing To Go To A Party Would Increase *significantly* If This Was A Thing

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#71 So Thankful For Free Will But I Wouldn’t Say No To A But More Guidance Ffs

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#72 My Favorite Part Of The Morning Is When The Barista Asks My Name For My Order And I Promptly Forget What It Is. I Do This Every Morning And Always Know The Question Is Coming Yet And Somehow Am Always Caught Off Guard

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#73 You’re Doing Great Sweetheart *promptly Dissociates*

Image credits: delia_cai

#74 Facebook Is The Upside Down

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#75 I Am Not Responsible For The Things I Say/Do When Hungry

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#76 You’re My Best Friend In The World And I Love And Adore You And I Will Be The Happiest Person In The World If You Cancel Our Plans Today

Image credits: omgskr

#77 Quick Question… Do You Have To Pay For Medical Care Received From A Doctor Who Is Not In Their Office But Is Just Like A Fellow Passenger On A Flight? Is This A Medical System Hack I’ve Just Realized??? Like Should I Be Saving My Medical Emergencies For 10,000 Ft?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#78 Moo

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#79 *jazz Hands*

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#80 I Am But A Potato ?‍♂️

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#81 Doorbell: *rings* Me: *dives Behind Nearest Potted Plant*

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#82 The Joy These Really Nice Stickers May Have Sparked Has Been Replaced With An Overwhelming Sense Of Dread About Needing To Make A Decision As To Where To Stick Them

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#83 Relatable Af

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#84 I Wish Someone Would Take This Power Away From Me. I’m Too Young To Have This Much Responsibility

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#85 How About We Do A Poll? Should I Stop Letting Strangers On The Internet Make Decisions For Me?

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#86 It’s Always “You Can Wear Jeans On Fridays” And “Free Pizza In The Break Room”… When Will Hr Finally Get Their Shit Together And Implement *this*???

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#87 Iso A Grownup To Take Care Of Me Because I Am *not* Nailin’ This ❤️

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#88 The Fact That The Meanest, Most Unhinged Dms Almost Exclusively Come From People Who Have Some Mention Of Being A Kind Person In Their Ig Bio. If Ya Have To Say You’re A Nice Person…

Image credits: martiniposting

#89 Ya Had Me At “Disgusting Pile Of Goo” ??

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#90 *nods Enthusiastically* *gently Begins To Weep With A Remarkable Level Of Grace And Sophistication* *vomits*

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#91 Adopting This Very Statement As My New Mantra

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#92 Sooo… Not Just Me? *jazz Hands*

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#93 Ever Since I Found Out Pig-In-A-Blanket Was Real, Everything Changed. I’m Not A Fan Of Eating Them But Find The Mere Concept To Be Deeply Relatable

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#94 Single Iso Precedented Times

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#95 An Awkward Mind Speakith A Sober Heart

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#96 I Do Not Miss Every Work Meeting Beginning With Deep Talks On Our Feelings, But I Do Miss The Level At Which We Set Our Expectations For Productivity

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#97 I See You. I Am You

Image credits: fearofgoingout

#98 Why Sleep When Dwelling On Unlikely Disaster Scenarios Is On The Menu?