Have you ever heard of liminal anxiety? Well, if not, just know that the phenomenon arises from the uncertainty and discomfort experienced in “liminal” spaces. Derived from the Latin word “limen,” meaning threshold, liminality describes the ambiguity and disorientation one feels when standing at the precipice of change, whether it’s a life transition, cultural shift, or personal transformation.
For a lot of people, this form of anxiety is heightened by the absence of familiar reference points, leading to feelings of simply being… lost. Still, liminal anxiety, though uncomfortable, can also be seen as a transformative force of some sorts, and the Instagram page by the name of “Liminal Anxiety” does exactly that by posting interesting photos of liminal spaces.
#1 Where Am I?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#2 What Would You Do Here?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#3 Chair
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
Liminal spaces have always had sort of a peculiar allure to them. For example, picture an empty, dimly lit hallway in a long-abandoned hotel, a silent playground at twilight, or maybe even an old stairwell that seems to lead to nowhere. These settings might conjure feelings of eerie nostalgia, as though they belong to forgotten fragments of dreams.
#4 For What Would You Ride This?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#5 Where Does This Stair Lead To?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#6 The Pepsi Rooms
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
The Instagram page “Liminal Anxiety” captures the essence of these places that we mentioned before, presenting its followers with an array of images that not only invite contemplation but also challenge the viewer’s understanding of time and place in today’s modern, yet hectic world.
#7 Inside Or Outside?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#8 Would U Enter?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#9 What Did You Order?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
The reception to the “Liminal Anxiety” Instagram page has been a blend of nostalgia, intrigue, and at times, unease (which makes sense given the page’s name). Many followers have expressed how they feel an uncanny connection to these places, despite never having been there. Comments like “This feels oddly familiar” or “Why does this give me such intense deja vu?” can be found under the majority of posts.
#10 Going For A Walk
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#11 Who Would U Call?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#12 Skiing Down There…
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
Though the feelings evoked by these spaces can be unsettling, they also hold profound potential for growth. By confronting the unfamiliar and the unknown, we can pave the way for introspection and self-discovery. This form of discomfort, paradoxically, can act as a catalyst for change whether it would be your most inner world or just your everyday life.
#13 Let‘S Take A Bath
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#14 Would U Enter?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#15 Red & Grey
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#16 Happy Birthday
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#17 Liminal Basketball
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#18 Enter The Tunnel
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#19 Red
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#21 Liminal Anxiety
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#22 I Don‘T Want To Dream
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#23 Abandoned City Island In Japan
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#24 Wavy Floor
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#25 Huh. Thats A Weirdly Placed Kitchen
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#26 You Look Fine
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#27 It Is Winter. You Have To Walk Home From Work Because Your Bus Broke Down. It’s Late, But Not Too Dark Yet. You Have A Long Way To Go And You Are Freezing
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#28 Slides
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#29 How Do You Feel?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#30 Who Is This?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#31 Do We Know This Place?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#32 How To Exit The Backrooms?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#33 Let‘S Slide
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#34 New Gaming Setup
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#35 Hall
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#36 I Don‘T Wanna See This When I Go To Work
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#37 Empty Pool
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#38 What Is This?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#39 It‘S Watching You
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#40 Where Are The Cheze Ballzz
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#41 Flipping Patties
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#42 Could You Explain Please?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#43 Would U Ride It?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#44 Bowling Alley
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#45 Places Of Transition
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#46 What Does This Place Feels Like?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#47 Texture Error
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#48 Avoid Those Places
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#49 I Have Seen This Before…
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#50 Is This A Hotel?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#51 Snakey Pool
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#52 The Carpet Tho
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#53 The Best Office
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#54 In The School At Night
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#55 Abandoned Museum
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#56 Take A Seat
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#57 Some Chairs
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#58 How Does It Make You Feel?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#59 Liminal Anxiety
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#60 A Classic One
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#61 Do U Remember?
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#62 Let‘S Cuddle And Build A Pillowcastle In The Spongebob-Bed
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#63 1 V 1 On The Mcdonalds
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#64 Supermarket
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#65 Fast_food
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#66 Cool Bathtub
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#67 Liminal Space
Image credits: liminal.anxiety
#68 Dreams…
Image credits: liminal.anxiety