43 Rarely Heard Facts That May Leave Your Craving For Knowledge Sated, Courtesy Of This Page (New Facts)

The world is fascinating! For example, just today we found out that people all over the world drink 2.6 billion servings of Coca-Cola every day, which is like 11,000 sodas every second. In fact, we learned this from a cool Reddit group called ‘Today I Learned‘.

This group has a whopping 32.7 million members who share new fascinating facts they learn every day. From quirky trivia to mind-bending revelations, you might just find some interesting insights in these posts. So, step right in and start scrolling. And don’t hesitate to upvote the facts that really caught your attention!


TIL that MIT will award a Certificate in Piracy if you take archery, pistols, sailing and fencing as your required PE classes.

Image credits: jfamutah

You might love chatting about things like your job or hobbies, but it’s also important to keep adding new interesting facts to what you know. “We all know that it is important to exercise the body, but very little do we talk about the benefits of exercising the mind,” says Frank Elaridi, a wellness coach, the co-founder of Modern Nirvana Conference, and co-author of the Modern Nirvana Oracle Deck.


TIL Svalbard, Norway is the only visa-free zone in the world. Regardless of citizenship, anyone can live and work there indefinitely.

Image credits: wes7946


TIL the first telephone switchboard operators were boys, but their “rude and abusive” behavior led them to be replaced by young women.

Image credits: Vektor0

Continuous learning is when you keep on learning and gaining skills to grow and open up more chances for yourself. It’s about your personal and professional growth to avoid standing still and reach your highest potential.


TIL that an estimated of 22% of all gold ever accounted for on the earth’s surface came from a single plateau in South Africa called Witwatersrand.

Image credits: OkMaybeLater90


TIL in ancient Egypt, under the decree of Ptolemy II, all ships visiting the city were obliged to surrender their books to the library of Alexandria and be copied. The original would be kept in the library and the copy given back to the owner.

Image credits: Meo22p


TIL: The amount of abs you can attain is purely determined by genetics. While 6 packs are the most common, some bodybuilders such as Schwarzenegger can only attain a 4 pack. This is due to humans being born with different amounts of fascia bands. The most you can have is a 10 pack, which is rare.

Image credits: Flares117

Today, ongoing learning plays an essential role in developing crucial critical thinking abilities and exploring methods of engaging with people from diverse cultures. The idea of not engaging in perpetual learning is not understandable.


TIL Japan has a ratio of one vending machine for every 30 people.

Image credits: reedson3


TIL that in 1999, Sergio Motsoeneng ran part of the Comrades Marathon, then went into a mobile toilet to switch places with his twin brother. They won 9th place and the equivalent of about $500, but got caught when a newspaper published photos of them wearing their watches on opposite wrists.

Image credits: calvins48


TIL in 1993 a fan at a Chicago Bulls game won a shot to make a basket from half court for $1million and made it. The insurance company disqualified him because he played bball in college but the team paid him themselves and years later he met Michael Jordan who told him “we made them give it to you”

Image credits: f_GOD

As Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously expressed, “The only thing that is constant is change.” Whether it’s changes in your profession, shifts in your personal life, or transformations within your community and institutions, one of the best strategies for effectively managing change is through lifelong learning.


TIL there are 96 bags of human waste on the moon.

Image credits: zonakev


TIL Paracetamol overdose is one of the leading causes of acute liver failure

Image credits: -theahm


TIL that honey bees are *not* endangered

Image credits: Ididitthestupidway

Instead of overwhelming your mind with a load of information in one go, consider taking it easy and aiming to learn something new every day. Learning something new every day can help keep your brain sharp as you get older. It improves your memory, focus, and problem-solving, and might even lower the risk of dementia, says Elaridi. Keeping your brain active is crucial since a lazy brain can struggle to remember words and ideas.


TIL In 2003, two men stole & flew a Boeing 727-223 parked at the Luanda International Airport (in Angola) and neither of them was qualified to fly the plane. The plane & the men are missing to date.

Image credits: poleco1


TIL that the bees of the British Royal Family were informed of the Queen’s death and their hives were adorned with black ribbons, following old traditions of informing bees about change of ownership

Image credits: nialltg


TIL ancient Greeks would irrigate battle wounds with vinegar and honey and then use spiderwebs to keep the honey in the wound

Image credits: Tall_Cow2299

Learning something new regularly keeps your brain sharp and alert. It also fulfills your natural craving for novelty and growth, says Alexis Haselberger, a productivity expert. This daily learning boosts confidence, helps you connect with others, and makes you feel better overall.


TIL that at least 4 billion people across the globe wear glasses, and 75% of adults worldwide rely on some sight correction product.

Image credits: Moto_Rouge


TIL the Majority of Millennials and Gen Z use subtitles when streaming TV

Image credits: mankls3


TIL about the 2010 book “Barbie: I Can Be A Computer Engineer” and that Mattell apologized for the book after extensive online criticism because Barbie had her male friends code the game she was designing and that her male friends fixed Skipper’s computer that Barbie had infected with a virus

Learning doesn’t have to be a chore. Have fun with it by choosing topics you like. Wellness coach Elaridi says to go for something that excites you, not just what you think you should learn. If you’re not into a topic, you’ll probably get distracted or lose interest. So, pick what you’re passionate about.


TIL: In 1562, Spanish bishop Diego de Landa burned 27 Mayan manuscripts in front of the Maya people of Maní, Yucatan. This was an attempt to erase their memories of their Gods and beliefs so that they were more easily coerced into converting to Catholicism. Today, only four Mayan manuscripts exist.


TIL that anxiety and depression can cause physical pain

Image credits: Stormymoonglade


TIL Samsung created a butt shaped robot that sits on their phones to test their durability. The robot exerts 220 pounds of pressure on their phones during testing. The robot even wears jeans.

Image credits: TheQuietKid22

If you’re bored, have free time, or want a change, learning something new can make you feel better in your mind and body. It provides motivation. Picking up a new language, trying out a musical instrument, or tending to a small herb garden can bring you energy, happiness, and a sense of purpose.


TIL in 1642, the people of New Haven, Connecticut were horrified by the birth of a “monstrous” pig with one eye. They became convinced that George Spencer, a local man with one eye, had sex with a pig and was the biological father. He was found guilty of bestiality and executed by hanging.


TIL the youngest person to ever be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease was only 19 years old, with initial symptoms beginning at 17.

Image credits: coolguysamuel


TIL A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. It rotates incredibly slowly on its axis, taking about 243 Earth days, while it completes an orbit around the Sun in around 225 Earth days.

Image credits: explowaker

One of the learning benefits is that it fights boredom. Doing the same routine daily can become dull and drain your excitement for life. While learning something new requires more effort than simply watching TV, the rewards are plentiful.


TIL that Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda, is the city with the highest cost of living in the world. The cost of living is 47.42% higher than New York City.

Image credits: dorgoth12


TIL popular 1920’s actress Madge Bellamy separated from her newlywed husband after four days because of his fondness for eating ham and eggs, which she considered “plebeian”. They would fully divorce three months later.

Image credits: BananaSlander


TIL that most airlines never use a flight number again if that flight has a fatal crash, except for American Airlines, which keeps using flight #1 despite three major crashes.

Image credits: DebtUpToMyEyeballs

It also boosts self-confidence, “When you acquire a new skill, your brain’s prefrontal cortex becomes more active,” explains Dennis Buttimer, a life and wellness coach at Cancer Wellness at Piedmont. “As you progress in mastering this skill, you’ll gain confidence and courage, which can help you conquer fear and anxiety. You’ll feel more empowered.”


TIL Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan had to ask fans to stop recreating a scene from the show where a pissed off Bryan Cranston throws a pizza on his roof, because the real life owner of the house was sick and tired of this happening.

Image credits: Comic_Book_Reader


TIL Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt was allergic to moon dust.

Image credits: BigfootDynamite


TIL that between 1962 and 2021 a James Bond film has been released on average every 2 years and 3 months; while all have been profitable, the first generated the best percent return.

Learning new things every day might help with your health, “Learning is excellent for your brain no matter your age,” Buttimer points out. “When you take on a new skill, your brain starts reshaping itself since it remains adaptable. In the past, it was believed that this adaptability lasted only until adolescence. However, current research indicates that the brain can keep changing throughout our lives, and in a positive way. This leads to fewer fear responses and a more positive outlook.”


TIL the 1 billion smokers in the world contribute to the 880,000 second hand smoke deaths each year from those that do not smoke.


TIL that Irving Berlin is the only Academy Award winner in history who presented the award to themselves. He won for writing ‘White Christmas’, and declared that opening the envelope was extremely awkward. The rules were then changed to prevent this ever happening again.


TIL of “Snickers salad”, a dish from the Upper Midwestern United States often served at potlucks that consists of chopped-up Snickers bars, Granny Smith apples, Cool Whip, and pudding. Popular lore states it is either a salad or a dessert depending on which end of the table it is sitting at.

Image credits: Skeleton_Pilots

Here’s your daily dose of motivation to learn something new each day. To kick things off, you can begin by exploring the fascinating posts on the subreddit r/todayilearned. And if you’re hungry for more intriguing facts, don’t forget to check out our past posts here, here, here, and here.


TIL in 1956 Paris and Rome signed an agreement to become twin cities of each other exclusively with the statement “Only Paris is worthy of Rome; only Rome is worthy of Paris”.

Image credits: die_a_third_death


TIL Some shoe companies will sell shoes with “fuzzy bottoms/soles” (think inexpensive shoes sold at places like Walmart, Target, etc) because they can legally classify them as “slippers” changing import tariff from 37.5% to just 3% despite them clearly being sneakers


TIL from WTC debris, the structural steel was bought by scrap metal industry and sold to Chinese and Indian second hand metal markets. Several buildings were built with Twin Tower steel across Indian cities, including a college and a trade centre.


TIL that Anne Ramsey, best known for her role in Throw Mama From The Train (1987), her slurred speech was due to operations for her throat cancer and was in pain during the whole production. She was nominated for an Oscar. Sadly she died of her throat cancer 6 months after the ceremony.


TIL the Colorado River doesn’t make it to the ocean anymore — since 1960

Image credits: Coniferus_Rex


TIL Abraham Lincoln was kicked in the head by a horse at age 9, almost severed a thumb with an axe, got frostbite on his feet, clubbed on the head during a robbery, had malaria and smallpox, and experienced the death of his mother, sister, and 2 sons. He suffered from melancholy(clinical depression)

Image credits: firstpc13


TIL during WWII, the Smithsonian invented new Fish names that were easy to pronounce, so the Navy could name Submarines after them.


TIL that Gal Gadot was five months pregnant while shooting for wonder woman. So, the costume department covered her belly with a bright green fabric that they could digitally alter in postproduction.


TIL that official Pokémon cards of Katy Perry, Post Malone and J Balvin made for a 25th anniversary album were created but never mass produced. The only owners of these rare cards are the people on the cards themselves and there are no plans to release them for sale


TIL about a federal lawsuit filed against Walmart concerning a stainless steel travel mug bought there. After mango juice had been in the mug for around 10 days, in which fermentation happened, a woman removed the top. It propelled into her face causing jaw injuries