Server Gets Witty Revenge On A Customer Who Tried To Impress His Date By Tipping A Fake $100 Bill

Have you ever been on a date? What am I asking, I’m sure you have, and more than once. And you, quite possibly, wanted to do something to impress your date. Okay, one of the characters in the story we’re going to tell you today also made an impression…

However, the guy forgot for sure that revenge is a dish that is best served cold, so after some time he fell victim to exquisite petty revenge from the server. The story from the user u/masterofjay has collected more than 14.3K upvotes and nearly 750 different comments in the Petty Revenge community on Reddit. Perhaps someday it will be filmed, but for now, let’s just read this tale together.

The author’s friend works as a server at a restaurant and they recently told an instructive story about tipping

Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo) 

So one day a couple came for dinner and the man probably wanted to impress the date with his incredible generosity

Image credits: u/masterofjay

When the customers left, the server found a $100 bill in tips, which, however, turned out to be fake

Image credits: Lukas (not the actual photo) 

Image credits: u/masterofjay

The server got frustrated but they could really do nothing there – yet fate led the same couple there two weeks later

Image credits: Vladimir Solomianyi (not the actual photo) 

Image credits: u/masterofjay

So the server came to the table, left that fake bill and told the guy that his past tip was too hefty

Let’s immediately make a small disclaimer – this situation did not happen to the Original Poster (OP), but to their friend, yet that does not make it any less interesting. So, that friend works as a server in a restaurant, and one day they happened to serve a couple – apparently on a date. Perhaps, the man in this couple desperately wanted to impress the woman, so he left nothing less than a $100 bill as a tip. Looks great? No doubt! That’s what the server originally thought too…

And then, when the couple had already left, the server unfolded that bill – and it turned out that it was a fake. More precisely one of the fake bills that are used specifically for pranks. Well, anything can happen, the server could only laugh sadly – although at that time they really needed money, and you know how it happens – when you tune in to something pleasant, then it’s incredibly frustrating to face a sad reality.

But then it was the hapless dater’s turn to face reality. We do not know whether it was the desire of the criminal to return to the place of the crime, famous in hundreds of works of the detective genre, or whether the woman simply liked the restaurant so much – but two weeks later they returned. And they returned just in time for the OP’s friend on duty! Is anyone still sure that karma doesn’t exist?

The manager, seeing this couple, immediately called the server that suffered the last time and offered them the chance to serve the couple again, although they sat down in another part of the hall. When the server came up, the man was clearly nervous, but made his order. And when it came time to pay, the OP’s friend had already approached the customers with the fake bill extended, and told the man that his past tip was obviously too hefty. It was scary to look at the dude, but he indignantly declared that this was some kind of mistake.

Well, a mistake is a mistake. The server turned around and left, and when they returned to the empty table, there was a big $0.00 on the signed copy and a $50 bill on the side where the woman was sitting. The original poster’s friend doesn’t know what happened to the couple next – or if they even remained a couple after that – but they do hope the woman will at least start looking for his red flags. Well, it serves him right, as they say.

Image credits: Yan Krukau (not the actual photo) 

Though tipping isn’t mandatory throughout the United States, it’s welcome anyway – at least by restaurant staff. And since the client left a tip, it’s a completely different matter. What happened cannot be qualified as counterfeiting, either, since the client paid with real money, so formally it is most likely just a prank. If so, then such a backlash was quite reasonable.

In any case, extra tipping is always welcomed by the employees of any restaurants or cafes. “I appreciate the extra tips more than being frustrated by the non-tippers,” Washingtonian quotes bartender Dylan Curtis, who works at the Purple Patch, a Filipino spot in Mount Pleasant. “Even though they’re [the staff] totally taken care of, it’s a compliment, basically, at that point,” Lutèce general manager Elizabeth Parker is quoted in the same article.

As for the commenters to the original post, they, of course, cracked up at the guy whose prank backfired and believe that now the woman’s attitude towards him will probably change. “His character is garbage and she needed to know it,” one of the folks in the comments wrote. Another guy even believes that by this act the server did a great favor for the woman, opening her eyes to her date’s true nature. And, of course, people in the comments brought up a lot of stories about how clients’ attempt to cheat while tipping did not lead them to anything good in the end.

In any case, after a few years in a restaurant, almost any employee can sit down and write an entire book about their adventures. For example, like in this post of ours, about a client who literally declared from the doorstep that they were allergic to seafood – only to order seafood pasta soon after. And you know what? It turned out that there was no allergy in sight, they just did not like crab. Yes, the main thing is to have a writer’s talent, and there are always a lot of plots. So maybe add your own tale about tipping in the comments below, and who knows, it could be the beginning of a future bestseller!

People in the comments are sure the server did a favor for the woman, exposing her date’s true nature that way

The post Server Gets Witty Revenge On A Customer Who Tried To Impress His Date By Tipping A Fake $100 Bill first appeared on Bored Panda.