Father Disowns Son Over False Allegation, Tracks Him Down Years Later To Say Sorry

Although it’s a bit more rare to see, just like all relationships, sometimes families fall out. There are many reasons for it; sometimes people simply don’t get along with each other, as it often happens elsewhere, and at other times it’s a little more… explosive.

With that in mind, today’s story is pretty crazy, but not very happy. A man fell out with his family years and years ago because of false and damning accusations, but now they want back in.

More info: Reddit

No matter how important family relationships are, once the ties are cut, they should sometimes stay cut

Image credits: Nik Shuliahin (not the actual photo)

A guy went to the advice community to get some input on what to do about his father reaching out to him in person after disowning him years before

Image credits: ta23454

His dad and the rest of his family had taken an ex’s side after she made false accusations to protect herself from backlash over her own cheating

Image credits: ta23454

The dad eventually found out the allegations were false and decided to track his son down to apologize and beg for forgiveness

Image credits: ta23454

In an update, the poster let people know that he would not be reconciling with his father and the rest of his family

Image credits: ta23454

Image credits: whoislimos (not the actual photo)

In a final post, he revealed that he actually flew back to his home town to discuss it all and finally bury his past

Image credits: ta23454

The parents apologized profusely, but the poster was adamant and did not agree to even attempt to restore their relationship

Image credits: ta23454

Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)

The ex also apologized, saying that she regrets it all daily and that she’d like to “fix things”

Image credits: ta23454

At that moment the poster showed her and the family pictures of his own happy life out of incredible spite for all of them

Image credits: ta23454

Although the ending is bittersweet, the poster did agree to reconnect with his brother, who didn’t give up on him despite all those years

So, yeah. There you have it. If you’ve honestly made it all this way, patiently reading the entire story, hats off to you.

The most insane part of the story is most likely the person who caused the entire debacle – the ex. Instead of owning up to her cheating like a normal person would (although you have to be quite a bit off to cheat on people to begin with), she doubled down in the most destructive way possible, accusing the poster of assaulting her.

Although there was no evidence, his parents and friend immediately distanced themselves from the guy, probably as a knee-jerk reaction of disbelief and not wanting to be associated with him if it was actually true. If you’re an avid fan of true crime, you’ll understand how often it happens that a person is accused without any evidence at all, but they will be demonized and outcast for it.

It’s almost impossible to believe that anyone would bounce back half as well as the guy did, finding a stable job, a wife, having kids, and even achieving true happiness with his life.

Image credits: Ben White (not the actual photo)

The girlfriend, not wanting to give up the position of being the craziest person, though, hasn’t let go of the poster, saying that she regrets it all and would reverse things if she could.

The poster refuses this, though, along with any chance of reconciliation with his family. His brother is the only person to gain something out of this entire thing, as it turns out he had tried to contact the poster many, many times, but was prevented by his mother. Perhaps some silver lining could be found in this entire thing.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide the veracity of anyone’s testimony in this story.

The poster’s story grossed over 4.7k upvotes in the Best of Redditor Update community. Among the hundreds of comments, many expressed support for the poster and wished that he and his brother would begin healing their relationship.

What do you think about this story? Share it down below!

The comments encouraged the poster to connect with the brother and offered loads of support for him

The post Father Disowns Son Over False Allegation, Tracks Him Down Years Later To Say Sorry first appeared on Bored Panda.