138 Unreal Things Inside People’s Homes These Building Inspectors Found And Shared Online (New Pics)

While some things may seem too good to be true, others may appear too bad to be true. Well, the truth is, everything is possible! And California-based firm Alpha Structural, Inc. proves this on a regular basis. The inspectors working for this company share the scariest and most surprising things they come across during their structural assessments.

It would be great if all these bizarre errors were merely amusing to look at, but unfortunately, these architectural failures most of the time pose a significant danger to people around a particular construction. It gets as serious as the fact that the very foundation of the house is faulty, and everything indicates that the building has no right to stand and provide a home for anyone.

If you’re interested in seeing more engineering ‘nightmares’ and ‘miracles’ found during inspections that we’ve featured in Bored Panda’s posts, you can here, here, here, here, here, or here.

In order to get a better understanding of structural engineering, we have reached out to Yassin Elouardi to ask him a couple of questions regarding this topic. Scroll down to find out what we learned from the engineer based in Italy.

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#1 Hillside Failures Have Filled Our Schedules, But There Will Always Be Room For Floating Post And Piers In Our Hearts

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#2 Although The Piles “Supporting” This Home’s Deck May Look Impressive, They Were Installed Illegally And Without Permits. When Building Foundations, Especially For Hillside Homes, It Is Critical For It To Be Designed And Installed In Compliance With Building Codes And Regulations. Failing To Do So Can Result In Serious Safety Hazards, Including Potential Collapse

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#3 During The Heavy Rainstorm, This Parking Garage Experienced Water Intrusion Which Caused Extensive Flooding. Without An Effective Drainage System, The Water Had Nowhere To Escape, Leading To The Flooding Of The Entire Garage. According To The Owners, Before The Water Was Cleared Out All The Cars Were Floating And Hitting The Ceiling

Image credits: AlphaStructural

With over a decade of experience as a senior civil engineer, Yassin Elouardi has been deeply involved in various aspects of structural engineering. His background encompasses both academic and practical expertise. The Italian engineer has successfully managed and contributed to a wide range of projects, from residential and commercial buildings to complex infrastructures. The expert actively pursues opportunities for continuous learning, staying current with the latest industry trends and technological advancements.

Having this extended expertise, Yassin agreed to tell us more about structural failures he has encountered: “Structural failures bear immense significance. Throughout my career, I’ve particularly focused on existing structures due to Italy’s strong emphasis on seismic retrofitting, particularly in masonry constructions. I’ve witnessed the impact of seismic events both locally and globally, which has informed my understanding of structural vulnerabilities. While I’ve observed more instances of damage rather than complete collapses in certain cases, the global prevalence of natural disasters underscores the urgency of ensuring structural resilience. For instance, personally experiencing the 2012 Emilia earthquake in Italy has profoundly shaped my perspective on the critical need for robust structural designs.”

#4 This Will Not Last Another Rainstorm

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#5 This Home Is Suffering From A Severe Case Of Fungus Growth Inside The Crawlspace. The Amount Of Fungus That Has Spread Across The Joists And Girder Can Potentially Be A Serious Issue For The Homeowners. We’ve Found A New Addition For Props On “The Last Of Us.” Mold Of Any Type Can Cause Respiratory Problems And Other Health Issues. If Left Untreated, It Can Weaken The Home’s Foundation And Cause Other Issues As It Spreads To Other Areas Of The Home

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#6 When The Hillside Failed In Front Of This Home, It Brought Their Retaining Wall With It. This Wall Was A Non-Conforming Retaining Wall As It Was Not Permitted. Could Have Been One Of The Reasons Why It Didn’t Do So Well During The Storm

Image credits: AlphaStructural

We were wondering how the field of structural engineering has evolved in terms of identifying and mitigating potential failures with the advancement of technology. Elouardi explained: “The evolution of technology has significantly revolutionized the approach to identifying and mitigating potential structural failures. Advanced computer simulations and finite element analysis have empowered engineers to meticulously model complex interactions, forecast structural behaviors, and pinpoint vulnerabilities well in advance of construction commencement. Notably, my focus on retrofitting existing structures has provided insights into the integration of seismic retrofit strategies with innovative technologies.”

“In addition to this, the advent of Building Information Modeling (BIM) has introduced transformative possibilities. The integration of BIM models with real-time data and augmented reality has enhanced the precision of design visualization, enabling us to identify and address issues more effectively before construction even begins. Moreover, the integration of virtual reality into the design process offers immersive experiences that allow stakeholders to interact with a proposed structure, offering invaluable insights and improving decision-making.”

#7 This Home’s Retaining Wall Completely Gave Way And Fell Down The Hillside. When Not Built To Code, Retaining Walls Can Collapse And Cause A Lot Of Damage To Not Only The Homeowner’s Property, But To Adjacent Properties. We Are Curious To Know Where The Wall Would’ve Ended Up If The Tree Didn’t Hold The Very End Of It. Here You Can See Just How Massive The Retaining Wall Is. The Damage That Could’ve Happened To The Homes Below Is Worrisome

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#8 This Walkway Was Completely Undermined During A Slope Failure. We Guess They Now Have A Cantilevered Pathway

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#9 Walking Inside The Home We Can See The Damage Is Extensive. The Garage Is Riddled With Cracks. You Can See Portions Of The Slab Sinking. This 7-Inch Crack Is Showing Severe Signs Of Differential Settlement, Meaning Portions Of The Foundation Are Sinking At A Greater Rate. Foot Added For Reference

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The engineer told us more about innovative tools that have proven particularly effective and he’s excited to see them being used in the future: “Looking forward, the integration of artificial intelligence holds tremendous potential. AI-driven algorithms can process vast data sets to identify patterns, optimize designs, and even predict potential weaknesses. This predictive capability, combined with the real-time insights from BIM models, could prove instrumental in ensuring structural integrity throughout a building’s lifecycle.”

“As seismic events continue to impact regions across the globe, the fusion of technological advancements with real-world experience places us at a critical juncture. The synergy between virtual reality, AI, and BIM presents an exciting frontier that promises to elevate our capacity to foresee, prevent, and effectively mitigate potential structural failures, ultimately contributing to safer and more resilient built environments.”

#10 Sometimes We Drive By Buildings We Wish We Had Been Called Out To

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#11 Another Assessment Day, Another Failed Retaining Wall

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#12 I Guess It’s Not Protocol To Double-Check Your Work. The Urfp Is Meant To Connect The Sill Plate To The Foundation Wall. It Strengthens The Connection During An Earthquake. This Is Doing Nothing

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Public safety is a paramount concern when it comes to structural failures. We asked Elouardi how engineers can effectively balance the need for innovation in design with the imperative to ensure safety and prevent failures. We found out that: “Public safety remains the cornerstone of our profession, and striking a harmonious balance between innovative design and safety imperatives is of utmost importance. As engineers, we embrace innovation as a means to enhance efficiency, functionality, and sustainability within our designs. However, we steadfastly acknowledge that each innovation must undergo rigorous scrutiny to ensure it aligns with the paramount goal of safeguarding lives and property.”

#13 When We Heard, “Falling Apart At The Seams,” We Didn’t Think It’d Be This Literal. When Your Home Is Showing Signs Of Possible Foundation Issues, It’s Important To Have Your Home Inspected And Repaired In A Timely Manner. Small Issues Can Lead To Bigger Issues Such As Water Damage, Pest Infestations, And Even Severe Structural Damage To The Home. This Makeshift Pier In A Crawlspace Is Not A Safe Or Effective Way To Support The Structure Of A Home. Properly Installed Posts Should Be Made Of Durable Materials And Securely Fastened To A Concrete Footing

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#14 When Nature Decides It’s Time For A Convertible…

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#15 This Is Just Messed Up

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The engineer continued: “One key approach to maintaining this equilibrium is through robust risk assessment and thorough testing. Before implementing any new design approach or technology, comprehensive simulations and prototyping are imperative. This allows us to gauge potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities, ensuring that the innovative design is fortified against potential failures.”

“In this context, the role of monitoring technologies cannot be overstated. Implementing real-time monitoring systems in newly constructed structures enables us to collect data on their performance over time. This information not only validates the effectiveness of our innovative designs but also provides valuable insights for refining future projects. Additionally, the integration of monitoring systems in existing buildings allows us to detect signs of deterioration or strain early, facilitating timely intervention and maintenance to prevent potential failures.”

#16 This Three-Story Apartment Building With A Store Front On The First Floor Was Severely Damaged When A Drunk Driver Crashed Into It. Although The Impact Caused Extensive Structural Damage, The Store Remains Open

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#17 You Can See The Extent Of The Damage And Where The Front Of The Wall Ended Up After The Storm Passed

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#18 When The Hillside Wants To Join The Party But Accidentally Brings The Whole Neighborhood Along For The Ride

Image credits: AlphaStructural

Lastly, engineer Yassin Elouardi shared his insights about the importance of retrofitting and rehabilitating existing structures: “They cannot be overlooked. As we confront the challenge of aging infrastructure, retrofitting methodologies informed by cutting-edge technology assume a pivotal role. These methodologies not only bolster structural integrity but also ensure that historical and cultural assets are preserved, while simultaneously enhancing safety.”

“In essence, engineers approach innovation with a dual commitment: to push the boundaries of design while upholding the core principles of safety and reliability. Our journey towards this equilibrium involves rigorous testing, continuous monitoring, and the strategic revitalization of existing structures. By marrying innovation with a steadfast dedication to public safety, engineers can contribute meaningfully to the built environment’s sustainability and resilience.”

#19 Is This Post Floating? The Homeowners Not Only Have To Deal With The Effects Of A Bad Foundation Pour But They Also Have Mold Now

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#20 Rainwater Seeped Into The Balcony Framing And Got Caught Between The Joists And The Stucco Causing A Big Portion Of The Stucco To Fall Off. You Can See The Framing For The Balcony Has Significant Water Damage. Luckily, No One Below Was Hurt From The Falling Debris

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#21 This Retaining Wall Is Just Taking A Break, But It May Never Get Back Up

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#22 The Ocean Just Revoked Your Visiting Privileges

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#23 The Dirt Was Washed Away In The Recent Rainstorm And Left The Swale Unsupported. Without The Proper Components, The Swale Can No Longer Function As Intended And Is Allowing The Water To Flow Directly To The Retaining Wall. Would Have Definitely Used That As A Slide If It Was Around When We Were Kids

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#24 We Were Called To Do This Assessment For Something Completely Unrelated But When We Pointed Out This Wall To The Homeowners They Said, “Yeah, No, It’s Been Like That For Years. It’s Fine.”

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#25 An Attempt Was Made Here. This Internal Stem Wall Was “Repaired” Using A Framing Strap. It Should Be Noted That This Method Is Incorrect For Reinforcing These Types Of Structures And Is Typically Used For Timber Instead. So, Using The Strap In This Case Is Ineffective

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#26 Last Week’s Heavy Rainstorm Caused This Crawl Space To Flood Entirely, Leaving Standing Water And The Risk Of Potential Water Damage, Mold Growth, Foundation Damage, And Structural Instabilty

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#27 Some Serious Substandard Foundation Work Spotted On A Hillside Home. No Permits, No Inspecti

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#28 An Unstable Slope Will Show Indications Of Movement By The Presence Of Geotropism, Which Refers To The Growth Of Plants Against Gravity. The Way The Trees Bend Towards The Bottom Of The Slope Lets Us Know The Hillside Is Unstable And Is Constantly Moving

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#29 Those Two Brackets “Supporting” This Balcony Are Working Double Time. Deferred Maintenance Or Irregular Repairs Are Almost Always The Reason Of Why A Balcony Fails. Balconies Can Be Prone To Failure Since They Are Exposed To The Elements. This Is Why There Are Many State Laws Requiring Balcony Inspections On Various Building Types

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#30 The Rainwater Was So Heavy That It LED To The Failure Of This Swale And Gate. A Swale Is Typically Used To Control The Flow Of Excess Water And Direct It Away From The Retaining Wall. This Failure Has Resulted In The Undermining Of The Wall And Now Poses A Greater Risk Of Collapsing. This Other Massive Mudslide Is A Clear Reminder Of The Impact That Heavy Rainfall Can Have On Our Hillsides

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#31 Here You Can See A Mudslide That Took Place Which Caused A Portion Of The Slope To Give Way And Spill Into The Backyard Of The Homeowner Below. Unfortunately, We Noticed A Lot Of That Happening These Past Few Weeks. This Really Adds A New Dimension To The Classic Saying, “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors.”

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#32 You Can See Here How Much Damage The Rain Caused On This Hillside Alone. The Front Portion Of The Grassy Area Parallel To The Concrete Driveway Was Completely Pulled Away. It Slid Right Down The Hillside

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#33 California Has More Rain In The Forecast But We’re Still Dealing With The Aftermath Of The Last Storm. When The Hillside Beside This Home Slid Down, It Brought Down The Home’s Pergola. It Came Crashing Down, Causing Some Structural Damage To The Home. Luckily No One Was Injured

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#34 This Beam Was Left Hollowed Out By Termites. Termites Will Eat Away At The Wood From The Inside Out, Leaving Behind Only A Thin Outer Shell. Obviously, This Will Weaken The Beam’s Structural Integrity, Making It More Susceptible To Collapse. How Nice Of The Termites To Leave The Bolts. These Bolts Are No Longer Effective And Are Not Providing A Durable Connection As They Are Simply Drilled Into Empty Space

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#35 It’s Been A While Since We Audibly Gasped During An Assessment

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#36 Responding To An Emergency Call, We Assessed The Aftermath Of An Incident Where A Car Crashed Into This 6-Unit Apartment Building. The Resulting Damage Was Extensive, Showcasing The Sheer Impact And Force Involved

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#37 The Cracks In The Soil Are Signs Of Hillside Instability. This Easily Secures A Spot On Our List Of The Worst Things Witnessed During Our Assessments

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#38 Less Is More … Unless You’re Talking About Posts

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#39 This Photo Serves As A Reminder Of The Dangers Of Neglecting Issues In Your Home Or Building. The Substantial Hole In This Balcony Floor Is A Result Of Deferred Maintenance, Putting Both The Home And Homeowner At Risk. By Investing In Regular Upkeep And Repairs, The Life And Safety Of A Structure Can Be Greatly Improved

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#40 Hillsides All Over Socal Failed And Our Assessors Were Quickly Dispatched Out On Emergency Calls. We Saw Some Of The Worst Landslides In Years. Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Water. It Holds Until It Just Can’t Anymore. It Can Seem Like It’s Out Of Nowhere, But The Hillside Can, And Will, Show Signs Of Failure

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#41 These Cracks Are More Than Just A Cosmetic Issue. They’re A Clear Indication Of Serious Foundation Issues

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#42 Homes In The Hills Usually Have Neighbors Below Their Hillside Homes And Many Of Them Woke Up To Piles Of Dirt In Their Backyard

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#43 Rainfall Is One Of The Main Causes For Slope Failure, As We’ve Seen In The Past Couple Of Weeks. Once The Slope Has Shown Signs Of Failure, Although Not Significant, We Should Be Wary Of The Next Storm

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#44 The Los Angeles Hillside Communities Were Some Of The Hardest Hit During The Storm

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#45 The Recent Extreme Weather Has Caused A Surge In Calls For Failing Retaining Walls, Which Further Emphasizes The Importance Of Proper Engineering And Maintenance. As Extreme Weather Events Become More Common, Ensuring The Safety And Stability Of These Walls Is A Crucial Aspect Of Property Maintenance. Rain, Rain, Go Away… Or At Least Give These Retaining Walls A Break!

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#46 A Support Beam Is Meant To Transfer The Load Of The Building To The Other Supporting Structures Of The Home. This Beam Here, Though, Has A Gaping Hole In It. A Compromised Load-Bearing Beam Can Lead To Serious Structural Issues And Potential Collapse

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#47 This Deck Is Suffering From Severe Wood Rot, With Visible Signs Of Failure. Years Of Exposure To The Elements Have Taken A Toll On The Structural Integrity. The Wood Has Decayed, Weakened, And Lost Its Ability To Bear Weight Effectively

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#48 Beware Of Dog Or Beware Of Wall? Although It Doesn’t Look Like Much From This Angle, This 9-Foot Wall Is Leaning Over 16 Inches

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#49 Here We Have An Unconventional Approach To A Post-And-Pier System, With A Cinderblock For The Pier. This Choice Raises Concerns, Especially Considering That The Cinderblock Is Not Only Fragmented Into Multiple Pieces But Also Not Suitable For Providing Adequate Support

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#50 More Cracking Along The Home, With The Countertop Visibly Disconnected From The Wall. The Uneven Settling Has Caused Significant Structural Movement, Resulting In Misalignment And Separation

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#51 These Extensive And Concerning Cracks Running Along The Exterior Walls Of The House Reveal Significant Structural Issues. These Cracks Can Be Caused By Many Issues Including Failing Post And Piers Or An Undermined Foundation That Is Now Sinking Significantly

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#52 Ever Seen A Load-Bearing Beam Melt Under Pressure? Now You Have

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#53 The Presence Of Wood Rot Was Evident Throughout Multiple Balconies At This Building, Highlighting The Urgent Need For Repairs To Ensure The Safety And Stability Of These Structures. The Extent Of The Rot Raises Concerns About Potential Underlying Issues With The Building’s Prior Construction, Maintenance, Or Exposure To Moisture

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#54 This Home Was Built Within The Last Few Years And Is Already Experiencing Significant Differential Settlement Issues, With Visible Signs Of Uneven Settling All Throughout The Property. The Huge Cracks And Shifting Levels Create A Concerning Situation, Highlighting The Importance Of Proper Site Preparation And Foundation Design

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#55 On Our Way To An Appointment, We Drove By An Unnerving Sight. Since We Did Not Do The Assessment, We Are Not Sure What Happened, But We Conclude That It’s Not Looking Structurally Sound

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#56 This Cantilevered Wood Beam Snapped Due To Extensive Termite Damage And Rot, Which Compromised The Structural Integrity Of The Beam. This Type Of Damage Can Occur Over A Long Period Of Time And Can Be Difficult To Detect Until It’s Too Late

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#57 This Misaligned Pipe Is Not Only An Eyesore But It’s Hindering Proper Drainage To Take Place, Which Can Lead To Blockages And Backups

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#58 Just Going To Pop These Back In

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#59 Most Of The Damage From The Storm That Hit California A Few Weeks Ago Was Far From Catastrophic, But There Was A Lot Of Cleaning Up To Do

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#60 Down Came The Rain And Washed The Hillside Out

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#61 We’ve Seen Many Instances Where Homeowners Will Opt For A Remedial Repair. We’re Always Eventually Called Back

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#62 Woah, Haven’t Walked Into This Big Of A Mess In A While

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#63 Alphit Is Evident That The Foundation System Was Not Embedded Deep Enough To Provide The Necessary Stability And Support. Properly Constructed Foundations Are Crucial For Maintaining The Structural Integrity Of A Building, Ensuring It Remains Level And Secure. Some Of The Posts Had Also Become Dislodged And Were At The Bottom Of The Hill. Structural

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#64 Hit-And-Run Accidents Can Be A Nightmare For Property Owners. According To This Homeowner, This Home Sustained Damage After A Delivery Driver Crashed Into The Property And Left Without Taking Responsibility

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#65 We Were Called Out To Do An Assessment Of A Growing Sinkhole. You Can See A Huge Portion Of The Slab Failed Due To The Collapse Of The Supporting Dirt Beneath It. New Fear Unlocked. Sinkholes Can Form Gradually Over Time Or Suddenly Without Warning. If You Notice A Sinkhole On Or Near Your Property It Is Important To Seek Professional Assistance To Assess The Situation And Prevent Any Potential Damage

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#66 Heavy Rain = Unstable Soil This Year Has Been Very Wet For California, So We’re Seeing Our Fair Share Of Landslides. Landslides Can Cause Significant Property Damage, But Also Pose Serious Risks To Human Life And Safety. Here You Can See Just How Much Of The Hill The Rain Took Down With It

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#67 Nature Can Be Both Beautiful And Destructive. This Homeowner Experienced The Latter When A Branch Snapped Off And Landed On Their Deck. It’s Important To Consider The Potential Risks Certain Trees Can Pose To Nearby Structures

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#68 Small Dock Collapses Are Happening All Over Southern California After These Heavy Snowstorms Hit Our Foothill Mountains. Southern California Is Probably The Only Geographical Location Where You Can Drive From One’s Boat Docked In The Pacific Ocean, To Finding A Very Unpleasant Surprise In One’s Mountain Lake Dock On The Same Day! Some Consider It An Amazing “Perk” Of Living Here, But It Has Its Hazards!

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#69 There Is Also Widespread Cracking Throughout The Surrounding Area, Indicating A Serious Issue With The Structural Integrity Of The Entire System. It’s Important To Address The First Signs Of Structural Issues Promptly To Prevent Further Damage And Ensure Stability

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#70 Although Our Expertise In The Real Estate Community Lies In The Structural Or Soil-Related Issues, We Tend To Find Other Issues Beneath Buildings And Make Our Buyers Or Sellers Aware Of Them To Get The Right Professional In So They Can Complete Their Full Due Diligence. In This Case, There Is Excessive Mold Growth Beneath This House, But Nobody Had Detected This Issue Despite Other Inspections Having Occurred Prior To Ours

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#71 Mud Bath Anyone?

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#72 This Home’s Retaining Wall Shifted Forward During The Rains And Left Their Backyard Slab Completely Undermined

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#73 Introducing The Lopsided Post And Pier Held Together By A Framing Strap. Hey, At Least It’s Not Held Together With Bubblegum And A Prayer!

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#74 We Performed An Assessment Of A Failed Retaining Wall. You Can See Here That The Neighboring Home Sat Higher On The Hill. When Retaining Walls Are Built Without The Proper Drainage Solutions, It Can Cause Water To Accumulate Behind The Wall And, As The Pressure Increases, It Will Eventually Exceed The Strength Of The Wall, Causing It To Fail. This Is Called Hydrostatic Pressure

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#75 If This Beam Could Talk, I Bet It Would Have Some Spine-Chilling Stories To Tell. Looks Like Something Straight Out Of A Horror Movie

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#76 This Oceanside Deck’s Crooked And Unstable Support System Is Not Only An Eyesore, But Also A Safety Hazard. With This More In-Depth Photo, We Can See The Extent Of The Rot And Decay In This Wooden Structure. The Proximity To Saltwater And Exposure To Moisture Is Likely The Reason For The Damage, As It Can Accelerate The Decay Process, Weakening The Wood Fibers And Compromising The Overall Strength And Stability Of The Structure. If Left Unaddressed, The Rot And Decay Can Spread And Potentially Cause The Entire Structure To Fail

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#77 Looks Like Someone Forgot To Invite The Post To The Pier Party. I Guess The Shim Had To Step Up And Be The Life Of The Foundation—literally. Post And Piers Require Footings To Provide A Stable And Secure Foundation For The Home They Support. You Can See Here This Lacks A Footing. The Footing Helps Distributes The Weight Of The Pier Over A Larger Area, Helping To Prevent Settling Or Shifting

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#78 This Underground Garage Has Severe Signs Of Water Intrusion That Is Causing The Concrete To Spall. Spalling Is The Cracking And Crumbling Of Concrete

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#79 A Sinking Feeling. This Home Has Experienced Significant Settlement, Causing The Foundation To Disconnect From The Mudsill

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#80 The Sinking Foundation Has Created A Noticeable Gap. This Homeowner Is Most Likely Experiencing Some Very Bouncy Floors In This Area

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#81 We Assessed This Property Where The Homeowner Had Attempted A DIY Support System For A Block Wall By Building Several Cmu Columns Along The Side Of It. Without The Proper Footings, The Columns Are Now Leaning And Sliding Down The Hill

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#82 It’s Important To Get A Professional To Assess Areas Of Your Home You Might Not Regularly Look At. This Hillside Deck’s Foundation System Is Slowly Being Exposed Leaving It Open To The Elements And Can Ultimately Cause It To Sink And Fail

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#83 Post Without A Pier On A Bigger Scale

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#84 This Internal Cripple Wall Is Failing Under The Pressure Of The Structure Above

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#85 Load-Bearing Shim Or Load-Bearing Pier? How About Neither

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#86 Water Strikes Again! This Crawlspace Is A Prime Example Of The Havoc That Moisture Can Wreak. Water Has Seeped Into The Vulnerable Wooden Elements, Eroding Their Strength And Stability. Water Intrusion Has Taken Its Toll, Leaving Behind A Clear And Undeniable Sign Of Extensive Wood Rot

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#87 The Lack Of Support In The Structural Components Of The Deck Is Quite Worrying And It Raises Questions About The Initial Construction, Maintenance, And Overall Safety Of The Structure

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#88 This Parking Garage Showcases An Extremely Concerning Issue With Its Vehicle Barrier Wall, Which Is Visibly Disconnected From The Structure And Leaning Over With A Noticeable Tilt

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#89 Pipe And Board Sounds Like A Great Deal Until You’re Hit With The Sudden Realization That Maybe You Should’ve Gone With The Engineered Retaining Wall Instead

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#90 When A Foundation Is Undermined, It Can Cause Significant Damage To A Home’s Structural Integrity. This Homeowner’s Foundation Was Impacted By Soil Erosion, Causing The Soil To Shift And Ultimately Compromise The Foundation’s Stability

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#91 Nature Has A Way Of Reminding Us Who’s In Charge. This Landslide Caused A Road Collapse And Sent Debris Tumbling Down To The House Below. Landslides Highlight The Importance Of Proper Slope Stabilization And Erosion Control Measures In Areas With Steep Terrain And Heavy Rainfall. Failure To Implement Such Measures Can Lead To Catastrophic Consequences, As Seen In This Case. Landslides Can Happen For A Variety Of Reasons, Including Heavy Rainfall, Soil Erosion, And Changes In The Slope Due To Human Activity

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#92 This Crawlspace Offers A Unique Challenge Of Figuring Out Which Piece Goes Where…if Any At All! It’s Like Playing A Game Of Tetris, Except The Pieces Don’t Quite Fit And Gravity Always Wins. The Deteriorated Condition Of The Structural Support System Becomes Evident As Sections Of It Are Crumbling Away

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#93 Sometimes You Make Use Of What You Have. These Homeowners Found A Clever Solution To Help Support Their Failing Wall

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#94 Let’s Play A Game: How Many Issues Can You Find In This Photo?

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#95 On An Assessment This Week, We Discovered This Home’s Pool Was Often Overflowing, Causing Excess Water To Run Into The Crawlspace. As You Can See, The Crawlspace Has Gaps Between The Mudsill And The Framing Of The Floor Above Which The Water Could Flow In Through. When Dealing With Expansive Soil, It Is Important To Have The Proper Drainage Solution To Mitigate Excessive Settlement As Much As Possible. When These Expansive Clay Materials Do Encounter Water, They Will Swell Up And Excessively Dry Out Causing Shifting To The Structural Components Of The Home

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#96 When We Said Be Resourceful, We Didn’t Mean This

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#97 The Concrete In This Interior Garage Has Delaminated Significantly, Exposing The Underlying Rebar. Rebar Is Meant To Be Fully Encased Inside The Concrete As It’s Meant To Increase The Ductility Of A Building During Seismic Events. Leaving The Rebar Exposed To The Elements Can Ultimately Compromise The Structural Integrity Of The Building Which Is Why It’s Crucial To Address It Promptly

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#98 When You’re On A Budget, Quick And Easy Work Might Sound Like A Good Idea. This Brick Foundation Was Parged Over And These Wood Planks Were Added To Create “Shear Strength.” You Think The Angle They Installed The Planks At Adds The Strength Needed To Resist The Big One?

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#99 There Are Certain Areas That Are More Prone To Clay Soil. The Expansive Nature Of Clay Soil Can Lead To Significant Foundation Issues As It Expands With Moisture And Contracts When Dried Up. The Movement Caused By Clay Expanding And Contracting Through Wet And Dry Seasons Can Cause Problems For Your Foundation. An Interesting Crawl To Say The Least

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#100 The Presence Of Wood Rot In This Area Of The Crawlspace Is A Cause For Concern. Can Anyone Guess What Room Is Above? Moisture From The Bathroom Can Seep Into The Underlying Structure, Creating An Environment Conducive To Wood Decay

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#101 A Significant Amount Of Water Had Found Its Way Into This Crawlspace, Leading To Potential Issues. Factors Like Overflowing Gutters And Excessive Groundwater Can Contribute To Damp Crawlspaces. Thankfully, We Spotted This Puddle Before Going Any Further

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#102 This Hillside Fence Is Completely Undermined. If No Action Is Taken To Fix The Issue The Hillside Will Continue To Erode Causing The Fence To Fail Entirely

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#103 Despite Its Unconventional Appearance, This Tree Has Not Toppled Over But Rather Grown Into This Shed. Mother Nature Doesn’t Let Anything Get In The Way

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#104 The Spa Built Into The Parking Garage Is Showing Signs Of Distress With Visible Cracks And The Presence Of Efflorescence Indicating Potential Moisture Issues

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#105 Taking A Closer Look Inside The Damaged Building After The Car Crash, The Extent Of The Impact Becomes Apparent. Emergency Shoring Was Promptly Put Up To Provide Temporary Support And Prevent Any Further Damage

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#106 This Swale Is Meant To Direct Water Away From The Property, But As You Can See It Is Compromised. A Portion Of The Swale Has Sunk, Which Will Ultimately Cause Drainage Issues

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#107 The Supports For This Balcony Were Built Illegally Without The Necessary Permits, Which Raises Concerns About Their Structural Integrity. It’s Important To Note That These Supports Lack The Proper Foundation System, Leaving Them Vulnerable To Lateral Forces And Creep Loads. Creep Loads Refer To The Gradual And Long-Term Deformation Or Movement Experienced By A Structure Under Constant Stress

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#108 Believe It Or Not, A Retaining Wall Previously Sat Along This Hillside. This Landslide Has Come Crashing Down, Entirely Wiping Out This Retaining Wall. The Force Of The Landslide Was So Immense That The Wall Is Barely Recognizable, With Large Sections Of It Completely Obscured As It Hides Under The Debris. This Serves As A Reminder Of The Formidable Forces Of Nature And The Importance Of Implementing Well-Engineered Structures To Withstand Such Events

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#109 This Non-Conforming Unreinforced River Rock Retaining Wall Has Experienced A Significant Collapse, With Approximately 25 Feet Of The Wall Toppling Over. The Affected Area Has Been Tarped Off. With Sections Of The Wall Now Unsupported, Immediate Attention Is Needed To Address The Compromised Stability, As Adjacent Upslope Structures Are Now Unsupported And In Danger

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#110 Non-Conforming Retaining Walls All Over Los Angeles Were Pushed To Their Limits During The Last Rainstorm. They Are No Match For The Hillsides They Were “Holding Up.”

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#111 This Is An Alarming Case Of Spall Damage. The Severity Of The Damage Is Evident As Large Chunks Of Concrete Have Fallen Away Exposing An Extensive Network Of Corroded And Weakened Rebar

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#112 When It Comes To Extensive Damage To The Structural Support Of A Building, It Is Necessary To Act Quickly. The South Champlain Tower That Collapsed In Miami Reportedly Had Extensive Spall Damage In Their Basement-Level Parking Garage. The Longer The Damage Is Left Untreated, The Greater The Risk Of A Catastrophic Failure

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#113 The White Powder On The Ceiling Is Called Efflorescence. It Is Caused By Water Moving Through Masonry, Concrete And Other Building Material. Additionally, The Rust On The Ceiling Is Also Telling Us The Rebar Inside Is Beginning To Corrode Because Of Its Exposure To The Moisture. Over Time, These Issues Could Potentially Lead To A Larger Problem With The Building’s Structural Integrity

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#114 The Homeowners Called Us Because They Were Experiencing Some Flooding Inside Their Home. In This Case, The Water Is Coming In From Underneath The Slab. We Call This Hydrostatic Pressure, Which Occurs When Water In The Soil Exerts Pressure On The Foundation Walls And Floor. Over Time, This Pressure Can Cause Cracks, Bulges, And Other Damage To The Foundation And The Interior Of The Home. Homes Located In The Hills, Like This One, Can Collect The Runoff From Above, And Without Proper Drainage This Water Can Collect At The Home’s Foundation And Cause This Buildup

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#115 So Close But So Far

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#116 This Wall Detached From Its Foundation And Is Sliding Down The Hill, Causing Significant Damage And Posing A Serious Risk To The Surrounding Area. Ignoring Even Minor Problems Can Result In Severe And Costly Consequences, Therefore It’s Essential To Take Prompt Action In Such Cases

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#117 Looks Like This Post Got The Point – The Point Of A Knife That Is! A Wood Post Should Be Sturdy Enough To Resist Penetration From A Knife. If It’s Not, It Could Be A Sign Of Rot, Decay, Or Even Termite Damage And Can Lead To Significant Problems And Safety Hazards

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#118 This Caisson And Grade Beam System Was Designed To Support A Deck. You Can See It Has Sunk Over Time. If You Take A Closer Look At The Connections, You Can See Newly Poured Concrete That Was Added As An Attempt To “Fix” The Issue. The Concrete Was Meant To Help Close The Gap And Provide The Support Needed To Keep The Deck Stabilized. While This May Seem Like A Quick Fix, It’s Important To Note That A Sinking Caisson Can Indicate Serious Underlying Issues With The Soil Or Foundation Of The Structure

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#119 Believe It Or Not, Some Homes Are Built Around The Mountain That Resides There, Incorporating A Unique Landscape. While This May Seem Like A One-Of-A-Kind Decoration In Your Home, It Also Presents Potential Challenges, Particularly When It Comes To Water Exposure. Being Nestled Against A Mountain Can Increase The Risk Of Water Infiltration Into The Home, Requiring Careful Measures To Ensure Proper Drainage And Moisture Control

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#120 Gaps Between The Door And The Frame Are Often A Sign That Your Foundation Is Shifting Or Settling, Which Can Compromise The Structural Integrity Of The Home Over Time

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#121 A Post Without A Pier Is Like A Sandwich Without Bread. It’s Important To Ensure That Any Post And Pier Installations Are Done Correctly And Securely. A Well-Designed Post And Pier System Will Not Only Provide Structural Stability But Also Protect Against Soil Movement And Settling

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#122 A Truck Crashed Into The Supports Of This Soft Story Building And Caused Significant Damage, Leaving The Columns Severely Bent And Ultimately Compromising The Structural Integrity

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#123 This Post And Pier System Is Being Used As A Perimeter Foundation. This Raises Concerns Regarding Lateral Deficiencies And Structural Stability. To Ensure Long-Term Durability, It Is Recommended To Replace This With A Conventional Continuous Footing, Providing A Stronger And More Reliable Foundation For The Structure

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#124 Same Wall, Different Problem. An Attempt Was Made To Add Support With These Angle Brackets. Tiny Angle Brackets Like These Are Completely Inadequate And Not Meant To Bear The Weight And Pressure Exerted By A Structure Of This Scale

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#125 Despite Its Unconventional Appearance, This Tree Has Not Toppled Over But Rather Grown Into This Shed. Mother Nature Doesn’t Let Anything Get In The Way

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#126 This 6-Foot-High, 50-Foot-Long Dog-Eared Fence Is Serving As An Unconventional Retaining Wall

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#127 This Is Undeniably One Of The More Alarming Instances We’ve Seen, As The Wall Of The Parking Garage Is At Significant Risk Of Collapsing. We Wouldn’t Want This To Fall On Anybody

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#128 The Spa Built Into The Parking Garage Is Showing Signs Of Distress With Visible Cracks And The Presence Of Efflorescence Indicating Potential Moisture Issues

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#129 A Critical Flaw Becomes Evident Upon Closer Look–The Support Is Placed On The Wrong Side. Despite The Failing Retaining Wall, The Client Simply Wanted The Dirt Recompacted Without Addressing The Actual Problem

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#130 Taking A Closer Look Inside The Damaged Building After The Car Crash, The Extent Of The Impact Becomes Apparent. Emergency Shoring Was Promptly Put Up To Provide Temporary Support And Prevent Any Further Damage

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#131 Not Quite Sure What Choices Were Made To Get Here, But A Shim In Place Of A Post Is Definitely A Head-Scratcher

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#132 This Old Retaining Wall Has Seen Better Days

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#133 A Slab Foundation Is The Preferred Method Of Construction These Days, But When They Fail It Means Something Is Seriously Wrong. They Are Often Costly And Very Invasive To Repair. Suddenly A Crawl Space Doesn’t Sound So Bad

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#134 Looks Like This Wall Skipped Leg Day…or, Should We Say, Engineering Day

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#135 This Home Was Experiencing Serious Signs Of Foundation Issues In The Form Of Cracks Bigger Than ¼ Of An Inch And Differential Settlement. This Term Describes Uneven Settling Of A Building’s Foundation. It Occurs When Different Parts Of A Foundation Settle At Different Rates And Cause Them To Be Uneven. Here’s A Close Up. The Solution Or Repair Requires More Than Just Filling The Crack With Mortar And Placing A Strap Then Calling It A Day

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#136 These Stairs Have A Noticeable Shift In Their Alignment, Leaving Visible Lines Where They Were Once Level. This Can Be An Indication Of Foundation Issues Or Inadequate Support, Which Can Ultimately Compromise The Safety Of The Structure

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#137 Adding A Deck To Your Yard Can Add Value And Create A Beautiful Hangout Spot For Friends And Family, But When They’re Done Wrong, They Can Be A Real Hazard For Anyone Stepping Onto It

Image credits: AlphaStructural

#138 Looks Like These Bolts Have Commitment Issues. These Bolts Were Not Even Securely Fastened Into Their Metal Bracket Which May Seem Like A Minor Issue, But That Can Have Big Consequences If Left Unaddressed

Image credits: AlphaStructural