41 Creepy Things People Are Legally Allowed To Do As No Law Is Stopping Them, As Shared Online

We humans are very weird creatures, when you think about it. We are all so different, but also, there are so many things about what we agree on. For example, using a urinal next to another person while there are many others available is very creepy and not normal. Or, for instance, standing on your porch in the middle of the night. You know, I am speaking about things which are legal and there are no rules forbidding them, but it still feels creepy and seeing somebody do it makes you feel uneasy.

Hold that thought, though, because recently one Redditor asked folks to name things which are perfectly legal but are creepy as hell. Community members shared many different weird things, starting from creating websites that count when celebrities turn 18, finishing with walking down the street with a glass of water. So buckle up, check out the best, or to be more specific, the creepiest things and write what makes you feel weird in the comments!

More info: Reddit


Child beauty pageants.

Image credits: Linux4ever_Leo


Exploiting your kids for fame on social media.

Image credits: worldworn

Bored Panda got in touch with the author of this thread, u/ArpanMondal270, and he kindly agreed to share more insights behind the inspiration of this discussion and favorite responses.

“Much of the internet is repetition. Statistics say the same for the front page of the internet – Reddit.”

So the author says that claiming that this thread was an original creation of his would be a downright lie. However, all of our ideas come from somewhere else. “As Tarantino says, ‘I steal from every single movie.’ I stole it too and then edited. The original form was – ‘What is something creepy but legal in the US?'” the Redditor shares.

“And at past 1AM when I was creeping around r/askreddit, the idea clicked. That’s how I started that thread.”


Divorce lawyer here. People fighting like mad to get the dog in the divorce and then turning it over to a shelter out of spite. Although now in CA there can be SERIOUS consequences for doing that due to recent law changes about pets and divorce, but it wasn’t always that way.

Image credits: The_GSD_Whisperer


The fact that Epstein’s client list hasn’t been released

Image credits: Grimmer097

Speaking about the responses from folks online, he says that he was expecting a good response, though didn’t think that it would blow up.

“When I woke up at 7 am , brushed my teeth and opened Reddit, I was like: ‘Hot damn! 5K+ upvotes!!’


Knocking on someone’s front door to sell them something, talk about religion, collect charity etc.

Image credits: StirtNutz


35+ year old people, Who wait for months until someone turns 18 to hit on them.

The day they turn 18, they are in their DM’s, etc.

Why is this creepy? Because they are predators and trying to seduce (read: manipulate) someone who is adult by law, but pretty much still a child. And if the law allowed younger, then they would do it.

Image credits: GoodAlicia

Additionally, he shares that one specific answer caught him off guard. “It said ‘Adopting a 17-year-old by an 18-year-old is perfectly legal in the US.’ Needless to say, it was shocking. Dirty mind, you know. Hehehe, not my fault.”

“But yeah, when I searched on Google, I got to know that it’s TRUE!”



Image credits: Delicious-Let8429


Filming the scene of accidents while emergency health care is being delivered.

Image credits: Numerous_Share7920


I babysat for this couple that had a 3 and 6 year old. They both still breastfed.

They were pretty normal otherwise. I don’t even mind extended breastfeeding. Like the 3 year old was whatever.

Seeing that 6 year old pull down her Mother’s shirt and latch was creepy.

Image credits: lightteenagerbaby

Moreover, the author says that every subreddit has its own momentum. He was aware that these inquiries go viral. Additionally, it relies on the ideal moment and day… “Saw it someplace.”

And finally, check out the author’s Quora’s profile as he is more active there!


The fact that google, Facebook and Elon Musk can buy the whole internet and that’s not considered monopoly


Marrying a child is legal in 40 US states.

Image credits: woodwog


Groping women for up to 10s in Italy.

Image credits: bigbadler


The Trade Federation blockade around Naboo

Image credits: prehistorikmayne


Children modeling. The industry is creepy and bad.

Image credits: BlooGloop


Taking photos of strangers

Image credits: cloudtdaz


Sitting beside someone in a bus/train when there are multiple available seats.

Image credits: Jackofnotrade5


Tabloid journalism, speculating random BS things about famous people off creep photos from paparazzi, speculating about health, relationships, etc… even going so far as to doctor photos just to sell the story they want.

Image credits: Piemaster113


Making those websites that count down to, usually female, celebrities turning 18.

Image credits: killersoda275


My friends dad took us to the gym when we were kids. There was a line of like 30 treadmills with only one person, a lady on the end. He proceeds to pick the only treadmill adjacent to hers. Lol even as a kid I was like cmon man

Image credits: shipskelly


Really specific, but this is my job, so I know about it. In the EU there is a lot of restrictions on how you handle animals for research (Directive 2010/63/EU).

But there is no restrictions on the kind of animal DATA you use for research, as long as you didn’t collect the data from living animal subjects in an EU member state.

So you can USE data that was drawn from animals living in the most appalling conditions and in contravention with any and all animal welfare standards and its perfectly legal.

Image credits: distilledwill


If you are on a public sidewalk, you can film through people’s windows into their house. There is no expectation to privacy for anything that can be viewed from a public space. If you want the inside of your home truly private, close your windows

Edit: in the USA

Image credits: jeophys152


Following people on the street for extended periods of time

Image credits: Infamous_Bandicoot33


There is still some issues with people being able to fly drones and spy on folks because of FAA regs in not being able to shoot them down.


Walking into an elevator and not turning around.

Image credits: Vinny_Lam


Smelling people.

Image credits: Howmanywhatsits


Lawyer here: I once had a client drink another person’s unflushed pee from a public toilet. The judge clearly hated that he had to dismiss my client’s case…

Edit: Lots of great questions, but I will remember what I learned at an MCLE training from Michael Jackson’s lawyer: “no comment” is never the wrong answer.

Image credits: InVulgarVeritas


In some places it’s totally legal to eat human flesh and buy human leather

Image credits: Shadow_storm193


Sitting at a pool, with a camera. Fully clothed.

Image credits: bikerdudelovescats


Smelling a seat when someone stands up

Image credits: No-Efficiency3406


mowing my lawn in nothing but a speedo bathing suit.

Image credits: TrailerParkPrepper


Buying used underwear


Staring at someone with minimal blinking and not at all trying to hide it while not speaking or doing anything else.

Image credits: ZilorZilhaust


Licking a spill directly from the table.


Peeing in a urinal next to someone


Crawling around in the city wearing a penguin costume covered in mayo.


Saving your milk from your bowl of cereal in a jug in the fridge for guests.

Edit: I didn’t mention that it’s a “family jug”

Image credits: OCSupertonesStrike


Screaming in a public place just like that? Unless it’s a curfew, of course, or you’re yelling at another person.




Tell someone you dreamed of them


Bringing your own chair and water glass from home and waiting for the train


Standing on your own front porch and not moving at 3am