58 “Awesome Things But Absolutely Useless”

Some product designs have been around so long that we often take their convenience for granted. We all know that everyday items like keys or forks are designed with specific characteristics so that they can actually be practical in our day-to-day lives. But have you ever wondered how these same objects would look if they were intentionally created to make your life miserable?

If you’re curious about such absurd design choices, look no further than the subreddit r/AwesomelyUseless. There, you’ll find the finest collection of the most bizarre “upgrades” made by designers. While these creations may overall look great, they serve absolutely no practical purpose and might infuriate you instead. Reflecting on these useless items might lead us to consider how people with special needs might feel when faced with everyday objects that are difficult or even impossible to use.

So, next time you reach for a regular old fork or key, take a moment to appreciate the thought that some professional has put into designing it to make your life somewhat better.

#1 This Is Some Platform 9¾ Level Cycle Path

Image credits: Noxova

#2 I’m Sure You’ve All Seen This Before, But I’m Posting It Anyway

Image credits: reddit.com

#3 This Looks Roughly Six Times More Complicated Than Just Using A Pen

Image credits: Noxova

#4 I Bet They Made Some Serious Dough Selling These

Image credits: Noxova

#5 Full Body Umbrella

Image credits: reddit.com

#6 I Actually Really Want One Of These

Image credits: Noxova

#7 Perfect For On The Go Viewing When You’re Out Of Data!

Image credits: Noxova

#8 You Need A Trolley And An Owl To Get Off Of This Escalator

Image credits: Noxova

#9 Post Not In Use

Image credits: Noxova

#10 What’s The Point?

Image credits: reddit.com

#11 It’s A Dog Eat Dog World

Image credits: Noxova

#12 Make Your Baby Do The Cleaning

Image credits: reddit.com

#13 For When You Have Dinner At 12 But Kung Fu At 12:15

Image credits: Noxova

#14 I Thought I’d Seen It All… But Nope, USB Pet Rock

Image credits: Noxova

#15 Peel The Potato And Your Skin, 2 For 1!

Image credits: Noxova

#16 Is This A Bowl Or A Spoon?

Image credits: Noxova

#17 This Has To Be A Joke Right?

Image credits: Noxova

#18 Because Your Guinea Pigs Can’t Go Around Looking Cute And Adorable!

Image credits: Noxova

#19 I Hope These Never Catch On

Image credits: Noxova

#20 You Can’t Even Eat The Cone After

Image credits: Noxova

#21 I Would Pay Good Money To Watch Someone Try And Water Their Garden With This

Image credits: Noxova

#22 I’m Sure It Has A Great View, But Good Luck Getting There!

Image credits: Noxova

#23 The Whole Thing Is A Ramp

Image credits: Dominicmeoward

#24 There’s One Key Flaw In This Design

Image credits: Noxova

#25 Stylish Diving Is The New Trend

Image credits: Noxova

#26 You’d Wine A Lot About It If Someone Bought You This

Image credits: Noxova

#27 It’s Probably More Effort Getting This Thing Out To Use Than It Is To Just Press The Buttons

Image credits: Noxova

#28 Take The Goldfish For A Walk

Image credits: reddit.com

#29 The Sole Reason For These $425 Gold Pills Is To Make Your Excrement Glittery

Image credits: Noxova

#30 Not Only Is This Useless, It Looks Like Even More Work

Image credits: Noxova

#31 Just Incase You Didn’t Have Enough Trouble Finding Normal Golfballs

Image credits: Noxova

#32 This Picture Really Brings Light To One Of The Most Useless Gadgets Ever

Image credits: Noxova

#33 Lip-Stick This Thing In The Bin

Image credits: Noxova

#34 Picnic Pants

Image credits: reddit.com

#35 More Like Bay Leaf This One On The Shelf And Don’t Buy It

Image credits: Noxova

#36 Health And Safety Has Gone Mad

Image credits: Noxova

#37 What, Why, Who, No

Image credits: Noxova

#38 Is This The Most Spoilt Goldfish There Has Ever Been?

Image credits: Noxova

#39 Absolutely Pointless, And Yet I Want One

Image credits: Noxova

#40 I’m Sure These Are Extremely Effective

Image credits: Noxova

#41 Inflatable Neck Brace?

Image credits: Noxova

#42 This Sun Visor That Blocks Nothing

Image credits: ultrafire3

#43 Does This Offend Eastern Cultures Less?

Image credits: Noxova

#44 This Looks Like Something Only Lady Gaga Would Wear

Image credits: Noxova

#45 This Door Doesn’t Even Lock

Image credits: okok321

#46 Let Me Introduce You To The Cuecat, The Early 2000 Home Barcode Scanner

Image credits: Starbucks-Hammer

#47 Because Cracking An Egg Is So Difficult

Image credits: waxer2672

#48 A Tool That Can Slice Hot Dogs Into Little Hot Dog People, That Kids Can Then Devour Without Mercy

Image credits: waxer2672

#49 Bingo But Every Card Is The Same !merry Christmas

Image credits: Irishrocklobste

#50 “Every Inch Matters”

Image credits: Noxova

#51 Well Crap, There Goes My Dinner Plan!

Image credits: Noxova

#52 No More Losing Remotes Down The Side Of The Couch

Image credits: Noxova

#53 Really?

Image credits: Dryslap2000

#54 What Could Be Cooler Than A Watermelon Coo… Oh Never Mind

Image credits: Noxova

#55 Good Luck Doing Any Sums That Involve 1’s

Image credits: Noxova

#56 You’d Have To Be A Mug To Buy This

Image credits: Noxova

#57 I’ve Been Wondering How I Should Rewind Dvd’s All This Time

Image credits: Noxova

#58 But You Couldn’t Just Use A Bag?

Image credits: waxer2672