Baby boomer is a term used to describe a person who was born between 1946 and 1964. This generation makes up a substantial portion of the world’s population, especially in developed nations.
However, due to various reasons, such as political and social differences, younger folks aren’t particularly fond of them as a cohort. They point fingers at decades of disregard for the climate and accuse Boomers of entitlement whenever the housing market is mentioned.
And the media isn’t helping, either. There are countless articles, such as ‘The Boomers Ruined Everything‘ and ‘The Worst Generation: Or, how I learned to stop worrying and hate the Boomers.’
Image credits: profbobadilla
So historian Dr. Eladio B. Bobadilla decided to change the public debate and tweeted, “What makes you go, ‘I’m with the boomers on this one?'”
In less than a month, it was viewed over 71 million times and has received plenty of positive replies. Continue scrolling to check out some of the most popular ones.
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Image credits: LouisRedux
Image credits: Yehonathan_RS
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Image credits: Staris_Reborn
Image credits: feltwelt7
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Image credits: yam_url
Image credits: VivaLaBlane
Image credits: Ellathoompson
Image credits: ryanme
Image credits: TwoDopeSons
Image credits: frankjreynolds
Image credits: hmsafiya
Image credits: GormoExJourno
Image credits: cherylprice
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