Say what you want but dealing with peculiar tenants can be a challenging task for any landlord, however, nothing compares to the horror of encountering tenants from hell who leave properties in a state of unimaginable disarray after moving out.
Such tenants often exhibit what may be described as a sheer lack of respect for the homes they temporarily inhabit, often leading to significant financial and emotional stress for the actual owners of the property. From littered rubbish and pen-scribbled walls to broken walls and even unattended pest infestations, the aftermath portrays a big amount of damage that can take months, if not years, to restore before the owners decide that enough is enough.
#1 This Will Always Be The Most Memorable Reason For Evicting A Tenant
Image credits: emuridge
#2 Tenant Moved Out. This Is What They Left Behind
Image credits: Brookexo88
#3 Surprise From A Person Renting House From My 92yo Great Grandmother (Its Pee)
Image credits: IHateToplaners
#4 Landlord Finds Out Where Evicted Tenant’s Money Was Going. Awful But Somehow Impressive At The Same Time
Image credits: Vermillion_Crab
#5 It Took Six Months To Evict This Tenant. His Advocate Has Applied For Me To Return His Damage Deposit
Image credits: FastConstant
#6 Just A Warning About Trusting “Friends” And Not Doing Regular Inspections
Just a warning about trusting “friends” and not doing regular inspections. Tenant was a friend of wife, paid mostly on time, never had any problems or called for anything, was here 3 yrs before not renewing lease due to rent increasing. She always had excuse not to inspect. Wrong
Image credits: fireguy-dan
#7 Anything I Can Do Against My Tenants For Destroying The Place ? They Were Evicted And We Found The Place Like This
Image credits: francisco062
#8 Look At The Carpet One Year After A Tenant
Image credits: reddit.com
#9 Renters Ruined My House. I Can’t Think Of Any Way To Resolve This That Doesn’t End In Filing Bankruptcy
Image credits: trapskatch
#10 And People Wonder Why Security Deposits Are Expensive
Image credits: That-One-Red-Head
#11 Love It When Tenants Try To Fix The Plaster Wall After Their TV Rips Out Of The Wall
Image credits: wood2010
#12 Does This Justify A Loss Of Deposit?
Image credits: StranzVanWaldenburg
#13 Tenant Hasn’t Paid Rent Or Utilities…what Are My Rights?
I have a property that has been rented out to a couple (with children) for a one year lease. They have paid their rent (always late) up until 3 months ago. Their lease ends at the end of July but I was notified by them on July 3rd that due to them not paying the water or electric (which is in their name) the utilities were cut off. Mind you I live in Virginia so it gets almost a 100 degrees daily. I told them that I would like them to vacate the premises on July 3rd due to it being uninhabitable and non payment of rent.
I also notified them that I would be doing a walkthrough July 7th to assess my property. Well I did the walkthrough and it was horrible. Only had the place since 2020 always a rental property and it was a new build and the house is destroyed. Their was dog and rabbit feces on the ground, apparently they also had 2 cats (the lease says no pets!) and their was layers of waste in the toilets because they weren’t able to flush so they just left it there. I told them that they need to leave ASAP.
They both agreed to leave on Sunday July 9th. On July 9th one of the tenants (they have broken up) stated she has left the keys and she is gone. Then the other tenant says she can’t come and she doesn’t have a key and that since she doesn’t have an eviction notice she will leave on Wednesday July 12th. I provided them 3 keys so how is it my responsibility to get you access to the property again? Also I want to change the locks on July 13th, am I legally allowed to do this? My court date for the eviction isn’t until August 1st but if the place is uninhabitable what am I supposed to do? Let feces and rotten food sit for 2 weeks to get more flies and damage my property further? If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it!
Image credits: Local_Apartment_5443
#14 Found Out My Former Deadbeat, Evicted Tenants Who Trashed My Home And Did $60k+ In Damages Purchased A New Home. What To Do? Sue? Report Mortgage Fraud? Do Nothing??
Image credits: NeedTeddy
#15 My Tenant Took The Locks Out Herself, And This Is What I Found Inside: Mountains Of Trash. Trash Looks To Be Hoarded In The Attic For Months
Image credits: diva4lisia
#16 How To Bill For This Damage?
Countertop was brand new when tenant moved in. There are cut marks across the entire countertop. They lived there just over two years. I’d rather not replace it right now so I’m curious how to bill for this damage
Image credits: zaffhumble
#17 Tenant Had An Accidental Fire In Kitchen. Stove, Vent, Part Of Cabinet Are Damaged. Walls Blackened
Image credits: tuhbggjj
#18 Finally Got Them Evicted And This Is What The Basement Ended Up Like
Image credits: Due-Arrival-6247
#19 [landlord] What Renters Can Do In A Year Is Beyond Me
Image credits: DonaldsRightNut
#20 It Turned Out That The Tenants Made Some Incredibly Tasteless Yet DIY-Enthusiastic ‘Renovations’
Image credits: https://www.tiktok.com/@its_principle/video/7169254365750988074?is_from_webapp=v1
#21 Update On Noise Complaints
Image credits: jonmoj34
#22 Tenant Told Ll Her “4 Year Old Scratches For Comfort”. Idk, Something Feels Off To Me. Terrifying
Image credits: AmandaKathleen
#23 New Tenant Is Set To Move-In 3 Days From Now. I Don’t Think It Is Happening. This Is One Of The Worst I’ve Seen
Image credits: LordNoodles1
#24 Tenants Trash Home After Refusing To Pay Rent And Being Asked To Leave
Image credits: anon
#25 My Tenant Moved Out… What Is This And Why?
Image credits: PollyDarton_me
#26 Tenants Say This Is Normal Wear And Tear. What Do You Guys Think?
Image credits: SweetnessBaby
#27 Would You Even Bother Responding?
Image credits: zoomzoom71
#28 How Do I Itemize Their Letter To Let Them Know They Won’t Be Getting Their Deposit Back. New Landlord Here
Image credits: k8t12587
#29 Would Anyone Rent To This Guy? ?
Image credits: Ro-on-reddit