Blue shells, unblockable attacks, and lag are all little parts of the grand old experience of playing video games. Gamers, even if they just stick to single-player games, have all sorts of little things that they will immediately recognize in another, fellow gamer. And through the magic of the internet, they can share them with the world.
This online community gathers memes that many gamers will find painfully relatable or hilarious in equal measure. So pause your game, get comfortable, and be sure to upvote your favorite memes, then share your own stories, thoughts, and experiences in the comments section.
Image credits: Ailisme258
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: SeaworthinessMost875
While now we call them video games, a phrase that sort of doesn’t make sense when we sit down to think about it, the first gamers threw around a couple of alternative names, including “TV game” and “television game,” but these were too close to reality TV, so ultimately, to this day, video games reigns supreme.
Of course, the hobby is so ubiquitous that nowadays, if someone was to say just “gaming,” it’s quite likely that the vast majority of listeners would just assume they are talking about video games. In the same sense, a gamer, unless another adjective is added, is thought to be a person who is a pretty intense fan of PC, console, or mobile games.
Image credits: Onebeyondall
Image credits: tejos19557
Image credits: Rubikx107
Still, if all these definitions are getting confusing, you wouldn’t be alone. Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers from California had to rule that “at a bare minimum, video games appear to require some level of interactivity or involvement between the player and the medium.” Simply put, if you passively consume a piece of media, like a book, music, or film, it’s simply not a game. How “choose your own adventure” books fit into this scheme is unclear.
Image credits: imppr
Image credits: kiendaotq
Image credits: exo1020
However, “What is a video game” barely scratches the surface when it comes to terminology. Even the most casual gamer knows that discussing or reading about gaming means delving into an ocean of lingo that might border on unhinged for an outside observer. Genre names, “first-person shooter,” “RPG with tactical elements,” and “Metroidvania platformer” all attempt to sort the variety of experiences out there, with carrying success.
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Image credits: Effective_Spare_
Image credits: FunplugGaming
Of course, a true gamer somehow keeps track and can probably debate and define all of these concepts with some ability. With a somewhat pejorative meaning, some linguists believe that the origin of the term “gamer” comes from “gambler”, and can be traced back to the 15th century, when the town of Walsall, England, passed laws against “any dice-player, carder, tennis player, or other unlawful gamer”.
Image credits: beast11111
Image credits: PjayJazz
Image credits: _lemon_suplex_
In the modern era, the term was used interchangeably with fans of board games, wargames, and even the granddaddy of role-playing, the original Dungeons and Dragons. These days, it is an exclusive term for fans of video games, and to describe the others one will have to add a descriptive adjective and a noun, i.e. a board-game fan, instead of a board-gamer.
Image credits: Moral_Man
Image credits: CheesusGesus
Image credits: FarPlanetGames
In the United States, the majority of gamers are under 50, although within this group the demographics are quite well distributed. So it’s just as likely that a 7-year-old considers themselves a gamer as a 27-year-old. In general, at least half of US adults have played a video game at some point in their lives. And despite old-fashioned stereotypes, the gender ratio in gaming is about equal as well, however, men are more likely to self-identify as gamers.
Image credits: ILikeBurger1
Image credits: o0poppei0o
Image credits: secic3835
Unlike fans of other mediums, gamers sometimes set themselves apart due to the fact that their hobby involves “accomplishing” or “finishing” a piece of media. A particularly hard game could take months to master and beat, while multiplayer is an ongoing arts race of mastery and strategy. Yes, long films might be a tough nut to crack for a novice cinephile, but gamers can measure their “accomplishments” in days and weeks, not hours.
Image credits: WhoAdam007
Image credits: oska77rs
Image credits: VictorHardacrea2i
While this might sound a bit silly to an outsider, top gamers, according to one 2020 study, have been shown to have equal mental fortitude to Olympic athletes. This means the ability to focus and concentrate for a long period of time on a task without letting outside distractions interfere. Gamers also have very refined hand-eye coordination, pattern recognition skills, and the ability to identify problems quickly.
Image credits: ieatICE124
Image credits: thegdwc
Image credits: Far_Cryptographer638
Image credits: Jameztheprez
Image credits: IdumpedMincraft
Image credits: Innuendometa
Image credits: Screamformereddit
Image credits: arty-foosh
Image credits: Gaming Moments
Image credits: BH_Udoku
Image credits: rasepe8120
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: FragsterEN
Image credits: YourMilky
Image credits: stormi-abyss04
Image credits: No_Carpenter_1115
Image credits: mattiafxx
Image credits: Zorokosis
Image credits: PointAdventure
Image credits: FarPlanetGames
Image credits: vameje7646
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: MSFD2001
Image credits: little_ambient
Image credits: Rubikx107
Image credits: Gamestacy
Image credits: yinsdere
Image credits: Gaming Moments
Image credits: pofewitgty
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: predatorevil
Image credits: lopogad120
Image credits: MaazAr
Image credits: rib007700
Image credits: YourMilky
Image credits: Galaxy9056
Image credits: Russvs
Image credits: Mr_Feverblister17
Image credits: FarPlanetGames
Image credits: Pepeusz420
Image credits: Vxdeo-Gamez
Image credits: BaillBen
Image credits: LKrisz
Image credits: Thanos69urmom
Image credits: SpeedyTrev14
Image credits: MrSquirrel100
Image credits: TheLordOfLore
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: HHHemdev
Image credits: LazyFoxy33
Image credits: ActuallyGodOfWar
Image credits: NoCoolSenpai
Image credits: Potat0Chip7
Image credits: NotKidKoolio
Image credits: FragsterEN
Image credits: mkeyTVDE
Image credits: MarvelousAnatomy86
Image credits: Onebeyondall
Image credits: Far_Cryptographer638
Image credits: cardinator-__-
Image credits: tobydavidbell
Image credits: PintsAndPyros
Image credits: The8centimeterguy
Image credits: badSilentt
Image credits: Shaunaestacaliente
Image credits: Airozyte
Image credits: Floondario
Image credits: Cavalcammello
Image credits: johndoediscovered
Image credits: James_Holanda
Image credits: NarcissisticEyes
Image credits: Exionie
Image credits: LionTamerGirl
Image credits: Beginning_Local9821
Image credits: sahl030
Image credits: MikoTheShiba
Image credits: bumlaticii