Some things are simply worth spending money on; a pillow that doesn’t break your neck every night, for instance, or comfortable hiking shoes that make hiking… well, bearable. And while splurging might not be the right way to go about everything, most of us likely have things we consider worthy of a higher investment.
The ‘Ask Reddit’ community discussed what things they wouldn’t go cheap on, and their answers go far beyond pillows and shoes. While some appreciate the longevity—they say ‘buy cheap, buy twice’ for a reason—others simply enjoy the feeling such items entail, be it the softness of quality toilet paper or the satisfaction of using a good set of headphones. Scroll down to find the redditors’ answers and see if you’d spend your hard-earned money on any of the same things.
Pillows. My neck thanks me every morning.
Image credits: Mail-We-Got-It
Cheese. You don’t know bliss until you have tasted parmigiano reggiano. It is worth every extra penny + it is so satisfying to grate it yourself.
Image credits: this_one_in_boots
Supportive bras.
Image credits: Hullaba-Loo
Ice Cream.
GTFO of here with that Blue Bunny Chemical Cream polymer or that Nicotine yellow Walmart Vanilla.
Image credits: anon
My wife ,she deserves the best after putting up with me for 30 years .
Image credits: blade2366
Food, my father always told me we can cut this or that but never cut on the food
Image credits: xdsDavid
My cats. Whatever they need they got
Image credits: SnowyInuk
Suits, can’t show up to court looking like an ambulance chaser
Image credits: Much_Committee_9355
ALCOHOL. I refuse to die with cheap booze in my bloodstream
Image credits: Jagermeister_UK
For example, mine is a bed. I’ll never buy a cheap bed again.
Image credits: jespmaha
I knit as a hobby, and I always buy the best materials I can afford. I have a budget for the year, and I try to choose projects that will last a while. It’s just no fun to knit with crappy materials, and a hobby is supposed to be fun. I also want to be proud of the finished object.
Image credits: kirbythesquirrel
Maple syrup
Image credits: Character-Draft-6503
I stayed with my brother and sister-in-law briefly between apartments. I brought my set of Wusthofs. She has a congenital birth defect that affects her fingers. She was worried about having sharp knives in the kitchen because she didn’t want to slice off what was left of her fingers. She had always bought cheap knives for that reason. But she found using good knives, she cut herself much less because, shocker, the knives cut better so they were easier to control.
Plus, these knives will last forever. It’s one of those things that you can buy crappy knives every few years, or spend a little more and never have to buy them again.
Image credits: anon
Laptops. Never buy a cheap one. Those €500 things tend to age like milk. Double the budget and you’ll still enjoy it after 6 years like you bought it yesterday.
Image credits: Mtfdurian
Toilet Paper (Cottonelle Ultra); Hiking Boots (Columbia or other good brand); Boxers (Poly Satin); Car Maintenance (Spend the money on the “extra” thing your trusted mechanic suggesting getting done when you bring it in. Get the good oil.); Home repairs (Same as the car. Get it done right so your f*****g wall doesn’t cave in.); Wife (Get her what she wants and you will be happy.); Ancient weapons of warfare (Just kidding. I’m not sure if anyone will actually read this.)
Image credits: qwerty4007
Good shoes
Image credits: anon
Boots. I have my work boots, my hunting boots, my deck boots I wear when on my boat fishing, even a pair I call my “town boots” which are just a square toe I wear out of the house to run errands or go out. It saves your feet, back, and knees so much over a cheap Walmart pair.
Image credits: martorano10
Image credits: Duckvondutch
Toilet paper.
Image credits: satallite
I used to stay in cheap motels until a friend I was traveling with booked a night at a “W” hotel. I splurge now whenever I travel and stay in nicer places.
Cars. I always buy used cars, but we spend way too much time in life driving so the ride might as well be fun and comfortable
Jaffa Cakes
As someone who, for years, suffered through cheap phones, I implore you all, whenever possible, get the best damn phone you can get.
Not the most affordable, not the flashiest, the best.
To the point where I’d say this: if you have a budget of $350 and you have a choice between a midrange phone that came out this year for $200, or last year’s flagship for $350, and both are brand new, in box, get that flagship.
It’ll last longer, perform better, and if its from a bigger, reliable brand like samsung, apple, oneplus, etc, will continue to get updates longer and more consistently than the midrange phone.
A good pair of practical shoes. As a barber, I live in my doc martens and don’t skimp on insoles.
Frosted Flakes lol it’s Tony the Tiger or nothing in my house!
Someone told me once you spend most of your life on your feet or on your back. Always buy good shoes and good bed.
Tampons has to be top brand
Socks! Athletic socks (I like Balega Silver) in particular. There’s no going back. But there’s also no blisters.
Crayons. It’s Crayola or it’s trash.
Dental floss. Generic floss breaks and frays mid-floss, splurge on the Oral-B
Coffee, if possible. If there is a micro next to a timmies or dunkin I will go for the good stuff.
Coffee machine.
wine, lifes too short
Divorce, priceless
House Cleaners to come every two weeks. We pay $115 and it means we rarely have to mop a floor, vacuum, clean a toilet, or a bathtub.
Flight tickets.
The mental wonders you get from going on a trip, whether closeby or far, cannot be understated. Especially as a young person.
A good quality instrument with all the bells and whistles.
A house. Better than paying rent month after month
Pay to not see ads. My quality of life has significantly increased not being exposed to them
Image credits: InevitablePiano6848
A good pen goes a long way.
Image credits: sixpackteeno
Good food.
SCUBA gear. It’s life support equipment and I’m taking it into caves. Cheap is suicidal.
Steak. A bad cut of steak can always be made good with proper preparation and seasoning (within reason), but a good cut of steak is something else entirely with or without seasoning.
Mayo. I went cheap a lot before I realised it just wasn’t worth it. It may be white and say Mayo on the jar. But most cheap stuff is just nasty as f**k
Ketchup. Nothing but Heinz, even if it’s regular price.
Sushi, high quality jackets/coats, mattresses, and shoes.
Shampoo/conditioner/hair products
The tip portion of a transaction, preferably cash. There is no better way to put your money directly in the hands of a working person than to literally put your money directly in the hands of a working person
Winter clothing, when you are going to be outside for a while, trust me, it is a life saver.
Skateboard parts. Decks, bearings, trucks, SHOES. Been doing it for 20+ years and I learned early you can’t be buying clearance shtuff. I guess this would apply to most sports equipment.
Kerrygold Irish Butter
a bicycle. there’s a monumental difference between the $150 Wally World special and a $600 trek from a bike shop or online.
Windshield wipers
A vasectomy
There’s a common wisdom that says you should never cheap out on anything that goes between you and the ground for long periods of time.
Shoes, tires, mattress, and desk chair if you sit for hours a day. There’s probably some others as well.
Electric toothbrush
Bed sheets. A nice set of cotton percale sheets will help you sleep better.
what I feed my animals and comfortable shoes.
Legos. They are pricy, but the quality is worth it.
Gamecube controllers, I like a good controller, and those cheap knockoffs are GARBAGE, I never wanna do that again