My 18 Vibrant And Surreal Watercolor And Ink Paintings Of Animals

I’ve been a professional artist since 2006, showcasing my paintings in art fairs and galleries. I’m a self-taught artist who creates dark, vibrant, and surreal paintings in watercolor & ink inspired by humans, nature, and human nature.

One of my favorite things to do is going on walks and hiking. This is some of the artwork of nature and animals that I’ve created throughout the years, after being inspired by exploring during my excursions.

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#1 “Pick Of The Litter”

#2 “Bark In The Dark”

#3 “Dinner And A Show”

#4 “Hear, See, Speak”

#5 “Disappearing Act”

#6 “Inc”

#7 “A Calm Within A Qualm”

#8 “Early Bird”

#9 “Disaster-Bound”

#10 “Pink Freud”

#11 “The Communication Burier”

#12 “Livid Deer”

#13 “Rats”

#14 “Rat-Trapped”

#15 Shedding Light

#16 “Fowl Howl”

#17 Spaced Owl

#18 Pink Panther