Hypothetically, what would you do if your dog started speaking English? For example, you came home one day, and you heard your dog talking on the phone? Asking for a friend…
If you’re in the mood to read about some oddly detailed scenarios that might make you raise your eyebrows, you’ve come to the right place, pandas. Below, we’ve gathered some of our favorite posts from the Suspiciously Specific subreddit that might have you wondering what inspired people to post them. Enjoy reading about these hilarious, bizarre situations, and be sure to upvote the pics that make you wonder what these people have been through!
#1 Gracelynn, Where Art Thou?
Image credits: itchy_label
#2 I Love It
Image credits: Thedepressionoftrees
#3 Free Coffee
Image credits: IEnjoyCats
We all know there’s no limits to what you can find online. Whether you want hard hitting news, adorable pictures of cats, shocking videos on TikTok or photos of your friends’ vacations, you can find it all! But one interesting niche of content is “suspiciously specific” posts. This genre contains all of the questionable tweets, Facebook posts and more that describe bizarre, sometimes “hypothetical,” scenarios that might have you wondering who in the world is actually experiencing these things.
And while this kind of content can be found in all of the different corners of the internet, one place that compiles plenty of this content is the Suspiciously Specific subreddit. This group was created in 2018 but has already amassed an impressive 1.3 million members. The community has more recently transitioned to focusing on Among Us fanart and memes, but lucky for us, members had already shared a variety of hilarious, oddly specific posts.
#4 Til
Image credits: Strong_Boysenberry18
#5 What Did The Frog Do?
Image credits: PHOTOCIDE4
#6 Apologise To Mr Hoskins
Image credits: rooooosa
I think we’ve all been in a scenario where we asked a question “for a friend,” that was a bit too specific to ask if we didn’t actually have experience with the topic… “My friend is having relationship troubles,” or, “My cousin has a medical question that she’s too embarrassed to ask.” Well, many of these posts are the virtual equivalents of those, often used for comedic effect of course. And according to Candace Osmond at Grammarist, this is an easy way for us to save face when we’re worried about being judged.
While there’s no way of pinpointing exactly where the classic “asking for a friend” phrase came from, it doesn’t seem to be anything new. Anonymous advice columns have been popular in newspapers and websites for decades, so it’s no surprise that we’ve implemented a similar style of posting on social media as well. Even if something is shared “hypothetically,” if it’s too specific, it’s going to raise some eyebrows.
#7 Well Then
Image credits: jaidon_c
#8 Would Be Interesting
Image credits: EdieCardinale
#9 Nicknames
Image credits: dino_ski
Although many of the posts on this list were shared online for comedic purposes, regardless of whether they’re referring to real situations or not, this content got me wondering about whether we’re oversharing online. As much fun as posting on social media can be, we have to remember to have boundaries too. According to Van-Hau Trieu, Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at Deakin University, and Vanessa Cooper, Professor of Information Systems at RMIT University, there are personal and professional risks associated with oversharing. Research has shown that over half of us have anxiety surrounding our family, friends and coworkers sharing photos or videos that we don’t want public.
#10 Free The Frog!
Image credits: asatoaf
#11 2020 Was So Easy Back Then
Image credits: memezzer
#12 Ok Josh
Image credits: jessasitis
Oversharing often has innocent intentions, though, as it’s linked to how we’re feeling. “When we feel strong emotions, we often use social media to communicate with and get support from friends, family and colleagues,” Trieu and Cooper write. “We might share good news when we feel happy or excited, or anger and frustration might drive us to vent about our employers. When emotional, it is easy for us to cross the boundary between work and social life, underestimating the consequences of social media posts that can quickly go viral.”
#13 Ratatat 2 E
Image credits: thatguykeith
#14 You Can’t Put Them Anywhere
Image credits: BrittanyCullins
#15 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Image credits: YoloFighter12345
To ensure that we aren’t oversharing too much online, Trieu and Cooper recommend that we all set defined boundaries between our personal and professional lives. Inform your friends, family and colleagues about these boundaries, and rethink your relationships with anyone who doesn’t respect them. It can also be wise to create separate social media accounts for personal and professional use, or to keep your pages private to ensure you know exactly who’s able to view your content.
#16 Mood
Image credits: ErisWoodenWing
#17 That’s Something
Image credits: Previous_Reporter_63
#18 Ok
Image credits: Nic0487
It’s also important to make sure that you respect the boundaries of others. If you plan on posting photos or videos of friends, it’s courteous to ask for their permission before sharing them publicly. And if anyone asks not to be featured on your account, make sure that you don’t overstep. Trieu and Cooper also add to share consciously online, to avoid making mistakes. They recommend staying offline when you’re feeling emotional, especially when you’re upset, and to always consider who will see your content before publishing it. If there’s anything you don’t want family or colleagues to see, perhaps it shouldn’t be out there.
#19 114 Is A Lot Of Cats, For Sure
Image credits: My_Memes_Will_Cure_U
#20 New Fear Unlocked
Image credits: shopnoakash2706
#21 3..2..1.. Go!
Image credits: resorialtman
It’s always wise to do periodic clean ups on your social media accounts as well. If you find something from 5 years ago that doesn’t align with your beliefs anymore, just delete it. Yes, it’s possible that plenty of people have already viewed it, but you have the chance to minimize who else can or even eliminate anyone else from seeing it in the future. Especially for the average person who doesn’t have a huge following online, it can make a big difference to simply hit delete on questionable posts.
#22 Fyi
Image credits: JE_DataLore
#23 Suspicious And Wholesome!
Image credits: Krimson_Klaww
#24 Relatable
Image credits: reddit.com
If you’re worried about oversharing, Trieu and Cooper recommend treating social media like your own personal brand. “If you wouldn’t say it to your colleagues and managers, don’t post it online,” they write. “Social media can enrich our professional and personal lives, but ill-considered posts and oversharing can be damaging to yourself and others. Being smart on social media is something we need to get better at in our professional lives, just as much as our personal lives.”
#25 21st Century Surnames
Image credits: Alarid
#26 Guilty As Charged…
Image credits: polyfigirl
#27 Lovelighting And Gasbombing
Image credits: TheSuccesfulElevator
We hope you’re enjoying all of these suspiciously specific posts from social media, pandas. Keep upvoting the ones you find particularly intriguing, and feel free to share about your own oddly specific “hypothetical” situations in the comments below. Then, if you’re looking for even more bizarre and oddly specific posts, feel free to check out this Bored Panda article next!
#28 Does Your Town Have A Horseback Jesus?
Image credits: just-me1995
#29 My Lil Bro Takes Video Games Very Seriously
Image credits: celticblobfish
#30 Just Some Guy
Image credits: Ontherecords
#31 Sky Bird!
Image credits: StarbuxIsGross
#32 Does This Go Here
Image credits: uaef19
#33 With Your Hair Softly Blowing In The Wind
Image credits: yasmin_k
#34 There’s No One In Their Basement
Image credits: agraw68
#35 Dementia Is A Game For 2 Or More Players
Image credits: StridAst
#36 Ska
Image credits: My_Memes_Will_Cure_U
#37 Could You Imagine
Image credits: minefat
#38 Shakespeare Of Our Time
Image credits: TheDemolisherPlays
#39 It’s A Family Secret
Image credits: olbigbear
#40 Typical Shrimp Watch
Image credits: chart7
#41 Only A 7.5
Image credits: AlanMO123
#42 The Future People
Image credits: perfect_for_u
#43 I Want A Tree From This Guy
Image credits: skane110
#44 Is There Something You Need To Tell Us?
Image credits: Wallblaster
#45 Roosters Are The Best
Image credits: asayy
#46 Hmmmm
Image credits: Thepopg
#47 You Have To Accept This
Image credits: Bmchris44
#48 They Complete Each Other
Image credits: nate_drezzz
#49 Ipod
Image credits: DJDuckVenom
#50 Who Hasn’t ?
Image credits: UniversalGriever
#51 Seems Like He’s Been Through A Lot
Image credits: reddit.com
#52 Sounds Like Someone Didn’t Have Fun
Image credits: Upachompa
#53 Real Deal Breaker
Image credits: B12374
#54 Jack Black
Image credits: Bmchris44
#55 Saw This Gem While Browsing Twitter
Image credits: cyc10n3
#56 But You Know, Just Hypothetically
Image credits: InfluxDeluxe
#57 Highly Recommend 10/10
Image credits: Bmchris44
#58 Gotta Love The Early 2000’s
Image credits: CenturioLingerus
#59 Who Says It Isn’t
Image credits: Cherrymus
#60 What Is Denny’s Even On
Image credits: shinyhappyteacups
#61 Man, I Love Me Some Tiny Pot Soup
Image credits: FudgeOfDarkness
#62 I Needed To Hear That. Thank You
Image credits: estherm12345
#63 A Scholar And A Gentleman
Image credits: helvegr13
#64 That Product Would Sell Well
Image credits: MicrowaveBurrito2568
#65 Depression On A Stick
Image credits: reddit.com
#66 Perfect Reason To Study Computer Science
Image credits: sandwich1145
#67 Gotta Remember This One
Image credits: reddit.com
#68 Can’t Say I Have
Image credits: LelahLedbetter
#69 The First Rule Of Waffle House Is
Image credits: john510runner
#70 They Really Do Though
Image credits: jediwillsmith
#71 Methany
Image credits: ZorjisMLG
#72 Im Sorry I Didn’t Quite Catch That
Image credits: several_watermelons
#73 Again?
Image credits: Jarde15
#74 Discussing A 30-Year Lease
Image credits: reddit.com
#75 An Ego Booster
Image credits: keep_it_4_real
#76 Anyone Know The Meme?
Image credits: WMDxJohnzo
#77 That’s Interesting
Image credits: Thedepressionoftrees
#78 Capitalism
Image credits: CafieroandMalatesta
#79 Russian Back Flip Tomahawk Throw!
Image credits: whatisthehitler
#80 Wamen
Image credits: Electro_Bear
#81 Sounds Like A Dream Job
Image credits: WastingSomeTimeAgain
#82 Just Imagine
Image credits: Mommas-Little-Man
#83 Not A Bad Idea
Image credits: memezzer
#84 Sounds Like A Cry For Help
Image credits: Trans_day_of_rage
#85 Huh?
Image credits: Wire_Emblem
#86 Kevin From Applebee’s
Image credits: explorealways
#87 Pass The Mic
Image credits: gallifreyrises
#88 I Drive A Manual Because I Need To Be Forced To Focus On What I’m Doing
Image credits: My_Memes_Will_Cure_U
#89 Ok Elon
Image credits: Juhbell