This Online Group Shames The Harmful Effects Of Car Dominance, Here Are 63 Of The Worst Examples

Cars: you can love them, you can hate them, but you can’t deny their overwhelming prevalence in the world. And while some of us are so used to it, we don’t really pay attention to it anymore, others are getting increasingly furious.

If you’re also getting annoyed by oversized pickup trucks, this online anti-car community welcomes all car-hating folk with open arms, and so far, they have over 400k members. It’s a safe space to vent about insane traffic, car-focused city design, poor public transit infrastructure, and the lack of green and community areas.

The car-free movement idea in general is quite big these days. It is supported by many urban planners, environmentalists, social activists, and transportation engineers. They advocate for walkable cities, mixed-use buildings, high density housing, and accessible public transportation.

To get some firsthand insight, we spoke to Paul Stout, a graduate student of urban design who gained a following on TikTok because of his videos explaining it. But before we get into the nitty gritty of things, check out this collection of some of the most infuriating instances of car dominance and some of the most beautiful examples of how it could be different.

#1 Religious Freedom, Daytime Drag, And Robust Public Transportation

Image credits: Light_A_Match

#2 F**k The Cato Institute

Image credits: gruenes_licht

#3 Found On Insta, Thought It Fit Well Here

Image credits: JackalHides

Car dominance is a thing all over the world, but it’s the most noticeable in the US. Paul Stout quotes a few reasons for that, including disinvestment in city centers, urban renewal, and a strong automotive industry. However, according to him, the biggest one is the zoning law which allows cities to enforce single-use areas in city planning. This means that certain sections of a city can only be used for residential, commercial, or industry buildings. This gave rise to the suburbs, which, in turn, made cars an essential part of living.

However, the increasing concern for climate change and the often-unbearable traffic is encouraging more and more individuals to reconsider the necessity of a car in their lives. Hence, the car free movement idea is getting increasingly popular.

#4 This Awful Space Between Two Kindergardens In My Neighborhood Got The Ultimate Car-Free Makeover. Copenhagen, Denmark

Image credits: thekimse

#5 Over 70 Years Later And We Still Widen Roads

Image credits: urbanthoughts11

#6 I Love Me Some Grassy Trams

Image credits: Fried_out_Kombi

The benefits of the car-free movement are many. The study that analyzed plans for private car free city centers found significant reductions in traffic-related air pollution, noise, and temperature. The reduction of cars also minimizes the need for parking spaces, which provides more room for green and community areas. This is a point that Stout emphasizes as well, as he believes that getting rid of parking minimum mandates can make a positive impact on communities. According to him, in addition to creating more public space, it would also “bring down the cost of housing, and allow density to exist in places it currently cannot.”

On top of all that, cleaner air, communal spaces that encourage socializing, and potential for more active mobility and physical activity can also lead to health benefits. And we haven’t even started about the reduction of CO2 emissions.

#7 Nice Summary Of This Sub I Guess

Image credits: PrimEverDream

#8 More Of This Please

Image credits: ABetterOttawa

#9 Carbrain Andrew Tate Taunts Greta Thunberg On Twitter. Greta Doesn’t Hold Back In Her Response

Image credits: frontendben

However, not all car free initiatives work as well. The impact of car free days during which car traffic is restricted in certain areas varies a lot depending on the scale and goals of the project. Diverting traffic can increase congestion and air pollution in neighborhoods where it wasn’t a problem before. Retail business owners are also weary of car free initiatives as it might deter locals from shopping.

#10 Infrastructure Is Too Expensive

Image credits: nalc

#11 I Know It’s An Old Tweet. I Don’t Know If This Is A Repost. I Just Think People Here Will Like Something Like This

Image credits: MJ_Cycles

#12 Just Go For A Walk, You’ll Feel Better, I Promise

Image credits: SaxManSteve

In general, it seems that the car free movement concept is embraced more readily in Europe. Madrid, Oslo, Helsinki, and Hamburg have in the past pledged their commitment to become partly car free cities while Ghent and Nuremburg are already there. Then, there’s Barcelona that is often praised for their superblocks—clusters of city blocks designed to prioritize pedestrians and reduce car traffic.

#13 Is “Trunk Or Treat” Real And Because Of Non-Walkable Communities?

Image credits: Qagggy

#14 Yet Another Person Realizing What‘S Good

Image credits: juanbuis

#15 Good Planning

Image credits: ellulie_

Of course, this trend, as well the pressing matters that force it, is not limited to Europe. For example, China’s megacity Shenzhen is investing in a massive car free district, while The Line, the ambitious Saudi Arabian project city is intended to have no cars, streets, or carbon emissions. African countries such as Uganda, Ethiopia, and Rwanda have adopted monthly car free days and enough citizens are taking advantage of it to see these initiatives grow.

#16 Pinterest Randomly Reminded Me That Cars Have More Rights Than Humans Sometimes

Image credits: bememorablepro

#17 F**k These Cars A Little Less

Image credits: horrible_bug

#18 I’m Convinced A Lot Of People Wouldn’t See Something Wrong With This

Image credits: simongerman600

Overall, it seems that the car-free movement is the future. And, after looking at all these posts, it seems that that future cannot come soon enough.

#19 Height Of Folly (By Jen Sorensen)

Image credits: geensoelaas

#20 Terrifying

Image credits: Lass1k

#21 Everything Must Be Sacrificed For The Car

Image credits: tomflood1

#22 How Is This Legal?

Image credits: unroja

#23 The Public Train I Take To Go To Work Has A Self Service Coffee Station

Image credits: candycane7

#24 New vs. Old Mini Cooper

Image credits: unroja

#25 Cool Idea? (Cannot Stand Carbrains In The Replies)

Image credits: cubsfan012512

#26 My City (Ottawa, Canada) Removing A Pedestrianized Street In Favour Of Cars

Image credits: ABetterOttawa

#27 Helicopters Exist Also

Image credits: KitsapEric

#28 Town Centers

Image credits: XxJoedoesxX

#29 The Onion Strikes Again

Image credits: jcwitte

#30 Magic Parking Lot

Image credits: the_transit_guy

#31 Assuming This Hasn’t Been Posted Here Before

Image credits: unabenjaminson

#32 American Exceptionalism

Image credits: unroja

#33 Stolen From Facebook

Image credits: Mumakilla

#34 Won’t Be Safe In Anything Weighing Less Than 4 Tons

Image credits: ShallahGaykwon

#35 Eff Cars

Image credits: TigTrigger_

#36 Tesla Go Boom

Image credits: 23k56b

#37 I Don’t Blame The Kids For Staying Inside

Image credits: Real_Muthaphuckkin_G

#38 Japanese Trucks vs. American Trucks

Image credits: I_LOVE_PURPLE_PUPPY

#39 “But What About People Who Need Big Trucks For Work?”

Image credits: unroja

#40 An American Pickup In Europe

Image credits: idapitbwidiuatabip

#41 In New York, People Are Cleaning The Walls As A Result Of Years Being Polluted By Cars

Image credits: The_Chuckness88

#42 2021 Best Selling Automobile In The Us (Ford F150) vs. 2021 Best Selling Automobile In Italy (Fiat Panda). You Can Almost Fit 2 Pandas In A Single F150 (And A Panda Will Fit Just As Many People)

Image credits: niccotaglia

#43 True Advertisement: Our Problems Will Not Be Solved By Newer Cars. They Will Only Be Solved By Fewer Cars

Image credits: Fietsprofessor

#44 Cars May Be The Most Important Movie Of The Past 20 Years

Image credits: BotuIist

#45 Activists Install Crosswalks. The City Removes Them. Allegedly They Do This So You Know That Your Safety Isn’t A Priority For Them

Image credits: Nestor_Arondeus

#46 Sidewalks Are Car Infrastructure. Change My Mind

Image credits: Statakaka

#47 Uber Eats Driver Is One Of Us

Image credits: mike_shakes

#48 6 Hour Line Of 14 Lane Traffic At Burning Man

Image credits: Remarkable-Mouse-206

#49 The Onion Strikes Again

Image credits: ItsLiterallyPK

#50 Coworkers Made Me A Bike Lane All The Way To My Desk Because Of How Much I Talk About Cars Sucking

Image credits: nerdwyrm

#51 I Saw This And I Thought About You Guys 😉

Image credits: daCollectionist

#52 Trucks Used To Be Work Tools Before They Turned Into Death Machines

Image credits: wilymon

#53 My Apologies For Trying To Bike In The Car Storage Lane

Image credits: unroja

#54 Carbrainer Will Prefer To Live In Houston

Image credits: Vishal_Patel_2807

#55 Beautiful

Image credits: ABetterOttawa

#56 Parking Requirements

Image credits: XxJoedoesxX

#57 Guess They’ve Never Heard Of Parks

Image credits: SwenKa

#58 The Oil Lobby Is Way Too Strong

Image credits: I_D0nt_pay_taxes

#59 Change Is Scary For Car Brains

Image credits: ABetterOttawa

#60 Walking Is Illegal

Image credits: Oftheclod

#61 Road Widening Makes It Worse

Image credits: pizzainmyshoe

#62 Famous Beach Is Removed In Favor Of Building A Coastal Highway. Government Calls It A Massive Achievement To Relieve Traffic. Alexandria, Egypt

Image credits: ThrowawayMHDP

#63 Trains Are So 19th Century, Clearly The Answer Is More Cars Everywhere

Image credits: ABetterOttawa