Once kids get to a certain age, they no longer need constant parental supervision. The adults might at first rejoice in their newfound freedom, but very quickly, they might get the unsettling feeling that now their offspring can do things by themselves, without a parent seeing or knowing.
Netizens wanted to hear parents’ stories of the weird, unusual, and downright disturbing things they had found when being nosy in a kid’s bedroom. The list runs the gamut from obvious, if unpleasant answers to twists and turns worthy of a true crime series. So get comfortable, make sure to upvote your favorites, and, perhaps, reconsider being nosy if the desire arises.
When I was 12 and in 6th grade, I got in trouble for basically just goofing off and being poorly behaved in class at school. The teacher made me write a note to my parents telling them what I had done and she signed it and I signed it, and I was instructed to give it to my parents. I did bring it home but realized that my parents didnt know to be looking for it. So I decided to hide it, because I feared it would be found in the trash.
So I unscrewed the cover of the Air Conditioner vent and placed the note in there, figuring in an emergency I could go back and get it if the Teacher ever somehow asked about it.
Fast forward like 15 years later or so, and my parents are having the air-conditioning in the house replaced and also having the ducts cleaned in the process. Worker finds the now forgotten note and gives to my parents. I get a call (was living in an apartment/in college at the time) that I needed to come home because we had to have a talk.
Came home to serious parents who sat me down at the kitchen table to “discuss the problems I’m having at school”. I was beyond confused and so lost as to what they were talking about. They then bring out the now ancient note and we all had a good laugh about it. It was funny
Image credits: wlane13
I’m not typically a nosy parent – but I did have to clean out my child’s closet once. (The breaker box was in it and we no longer had access.) After finding handcuffs, whips and chains I decided to let her clean it out herself! (She was 19 at the time. We had a discussion about protection and safe words. I did not share with her father!)
Image credits: mel2mdl
When my son was 6 years old, I went into his room and found a live pigeon that he had been keeping as a pet. He was really sad when I let it outside
Image credits: Haris_662
Now, most of the stories here involve items, but there is also a distinct subset of children or teens that decide that they just want a pet and will get one underneath their parents’ noses if needed. Pigeons, stray cats, and even dogs have all been featured in these sorts of stories, though naturally, smaller beasts like hamsters and gerbils seem like they should be a natural choice.
Besides being cute companions, children often bond with animals to such a degree that they will even tell them secrets and other private thoughts. Young kids in particular, for better or worse, might start to believe that their pet even understands them, which, inevitably, makes it a lot harder for the parent to get rid of it when it’s discovered.
Our kids share a small bedroom so there isn’t many places to hide stuff, they’re young, 4 and 6.
We don’t let them have much candy or sugary treats. A few times a week they will have some cookies or something but not every day.
So one day my wife is in there cleaning and she pulled one of their beds away from the wall to vacuum and found our eldests daughters stash of candy.
She had all kinds there, kitkats, twix, packets of potato chips. It was all unopened except for some bags of hard candy.
We were both quite surprised because we keep the candy out of their reach in high cupboards in our kitchen. So how exactly did she amass such a collection of delicious contraband?
Well it turned out she would take her candy when given it by us and sometimes save it. She would never refuse a treat even if she didn’t particularly want it because she might want it later and so stashed it behind her bed in the gap against the wall.
I found it quite interesting that she could have such forward thinking to know she would maybe want some candy later and needed to secure her supply now.
So anyway we let her keep the candy but we put it in a bowl on her dresser and we explained to her she didn’t need to eat it all, she could continue to keep it there for when she wants some candy. Neither of them have eaten that stash, just a few pieces.
So I guess it worked out pretty good.
Image credits: i_mormon_stuff
While organizing my one year old’s closet, an envelope with a hundred dollar bill fell down. Seeing as we just bought the house, I’m guessing it was left over from the previous owners and that my infant does not in fact have a side hussle going on..
My six year old had a voice recorder. I asked him about it. He said that his mom (my soon to be ex), told him to record at my home. So messed up. My attorney said to not report it to CPS.
Image credits: MNCPA
Of course, certain animals, like the aforementioned pigeon really shouldn’t be living with humans, despite whatever the child is feeling at the moment. On the other hand, it could be a lot worse. Let a bird run free, it’s probably happier in the long run and the kid gets an important lesson in the difference between a pet and an honest-to-God wild animal. Some parents have to deal with a lot more, from literal weapons to drugs.
My mom found my list of sexual partners (I keep a list for personal reasons and also so I know who to call just in case I get an irregular test result, but I digress.) when I was 22 and lost it.
Mostly because she thought that was way too many partners for a woman to have. But also because there were women on that list.
She’ll never know that what she found was a super old and outdated list and that her daughter is, as the kids put it, a bit of a s**t.
Image credits: charlottedhouse
Drag queen son here.
Last month my mom found all of my drag stuff (wigs, corset, makeup. Etc.) And made me throw it all out. ALL OF IT. Like things I bought with my own money. She even threatened to kick me out if she caught me doing it again and told me that I needed help. She doesnt know the difference between a drag queen, a transgender, and a transvestite. Good news is I dug it all out of the trash, but hiding it way better.
My mum found my contraceptive pill at one point. Never said anything about it but I got home and she’s tidied my room and left it nicely on my bedside table. Figure she was just pleased I was being sensible.
Image credits: Timnra123
Parents can actually reverse engineer the child’s logic when they find something hidden. First, the location. Like an ostrich with its head in the sand, kids have a somewhat comical idea of what “hidden” can mean. For example, a “clever” kid, when asked to clean their room, will often shove a lot of stuff under their bed. Out of sight, out of mind. Most adults, first of all, know this trick and, second of all, are pretty aware of a little idea called object permanence.
My mum’s worst finds were when she used to read my Facebook messages, rather than go through my room.
She found messages where I admitted to a friend that I was worried I might be pregnant, read all the fights I had with my boyfriend(s as I never held a relationship for very long), all the messages to my friend about feeling like I had no privacy and my friend insulting her and me not defending her (my friend still hates her, this was after I’d changed my password and she told me that if I didn’t give her the new one I would lose all internet access while I was trying to pass GCSEs), about not being sure about dating this guy (she then sat me down to talk about breaking up with him) and admitting to a close friend that I was experiencing gender dysphoria (she urged me to never stop being a girl)
As a child who had a very nosey parent, please just ask your kids about what is bothering them. To this day I can’t have an open conversation with my mum because I don’t trust her anymore.
Image credits: Wishful-Thought
Throwaway for reasons Cleaning teenage son’s room one day, using the broom to reach down and sweep under his bed. The broom clunks up against something hard in the back-middle area under the bed. I’m a dust freak (hardwood floors) so I use the broom and push the object out from under the bed so I can get aallllll the dust. I walk over to the other side to see what in the hell it is: before my eyes lay the absolute most massive, blackest-a*s d***o I have ever seen in my damn life. I said to myself “Good Lord, son. Enjoy, but…ouch!”—Pushed it back under and never said a word about it.
My parents once found an intact slice of pizza in my little brothers drawer that had been in there for months
Image credits: andysgay
The choice of items can also be illuminating. Many parents do try to limit a child’s candy, which can do two things. Kids start to overvalue candy and store it for the future, or develop shame around eating it, but can’t resist a sweet snack. And who can blame them, many adults suffer from eating disorders and an unhealthy relationship with certain foods. What a kid chooses to hide is as much a reflection of what they think a parent dislikes as the kid’s own preferences.
Not the parent, of course, but this is a good one.
When I was in middle school, my dream was to become a medical examiner. I wanted to do autopsies and hints like that. My method of practicing/preparing was drawing ‘cadavers’ on pieces of paper, giving them names, ages, and causes of death, and then using the scalpel I got with my microscope kit to perform the Y-incision, as well as cutting along their foreheads.
Needless to say, my mother was incredibly disturbed and worried when she found those. The explanation made her feel a lot better, though.
An old, cheap revolver. Scared the hell out of me.
Image credits: goody-goody
When my sister and I were little, my mom would make us take multivitamins. You remember the ones. Small, shaped like animals, vaguely fruit flavored but with a texture like wet chalk. They were disgusting and we hated them. At some point, we hit on a pretty clever scheme of getting rid of them. She would give them to us just before we left for school, when we’d normally be sitting on the couch putting on shoes. So we began stashing them in the couch.
Of course, we didn’t think it through. What was going to happen when too many vitamins got shoved between the couch cushions?
My mom got the surprise of her life one afternoon when she set out to vacuum the couch. A month’s worth of children’s chewables for two, stuck between the cushions. They’d begun to melt a bit, and some were bleeding into the fabric. Some were stuck together in a huge wad. A rat king of chewables, if you will. Still others had begun to crumble into dust. And worst of all, the smell. You know the way those animal shaped chalk tablets smelled? Well now the couch cushions smelled like that. I remember her standing in front of the couch after school and saying, “I am not angry, I just want to understand”, her eyes pleading with us to give a rational reason why we would do such a thing. Sadly, all we could say was, “They’re gross”.
We were not allowed to leave the house without dramatically munching our vitamins in front of my mother for the remainder of the time we were required to take them.
Image credits: 5firtrees
But the downright most comical examples are those bits of information a parent will find out anyway, like, for example, report cards or notes from teachers. These days, schools use digital technology to communicate, so only the most tech-savvy children can intercept these messages. But in the past, nervous kids would stow away any information about them not doing so well in school, as if their grades would magically change by the end of the year.
When my son was 3 I found an old banana peel in a clipboard that opened. We were battling a fruit fly infestation and couldnt figure out what they were after. It was so disgusting when I opened that thing and hundreds of fruitflies flew out
Image credits: ariesxprincessx97
Not snooping through his room, but stuff he was throwing out…..I found my son’s journal from when he was about 9. In it, he chronicles how he heard me and my then- boyfriend have sex on multiple occasions. I probably died of embarrassment reading it.
Image credits: BadBunnyFooFoo
We had to move our kid out of a bad living situation. She wasn’t in any condition to help. So wife and I go in and just start grabbing her stuff. We come across her adult baby fetish gear. Like two duffel bags of it, giant onesies, binkis, diapers etc. Wife looked at me, I looked at her, we shut each bag and have never spoken of it again.
Image credits: browncoat47
But, at the end of the day, there is the elephant in the room. And it’s not the parents being nosy, although that is a whole can of worms in of itself. Many parents describe shock, surprise or their findings as “messed up,” which illustrates that at some level, they have not yet accepted that their child is an independent, sentient being that will grow up into an adult. One fun part of being an adult is not having to tell others what you do or keep at home.
I don’t snoop so I haven’t stumbled across anything too crazy but when my kids were in 3rd and 4th grade I found a shoe box (without the top) filled with actual cash and “Jesus Dollars” when I grabbed their hamper to do laundry.
Jesus Dollars were something my kid’s school gave out to kids for good behavior or high scores or doing anything Jesus like. My daughter was a top student and collected a lot of Jesus Dollars. They were allowed to be cashed in at the school store but my daughter didn’t see anything worth buying. My son has always been the kind of kid who could sell ice to an Eskimo so they combined my daughter’s ability to get a lot of Jesus Dollars and my son’s car salesman skills to sell their fake money for real money during recess. They had 44 real dollars when I found their stash.
We don’t pay for regular chores so finding that much money in their closet at that age was a little weird. They admitted to it right away and thought their plan was great but I did put an end to it because I didn’t want parents to call the school complaining that my kids scammed them out of their snack money. I’m not religious but it also seemed anti Jesus like to encourage it.
My kids are teenagers now but they keep their rooms clean and have been in charge of their own laundry for years so their Jesus Dollars operation remains the most shocking discovery and I hope to keep it that way.
Image credits: Mannings4head
My parents raided my older brothers room once …. The sock, oh my god the sock….
Image credits: anon
So, have you ever had someone hand you something, usually trash or something insignificant, and say “Keep this forever, it’s a token of our friendship.”? It’s a very high school thing to do, but a girl once gifted me a plastic spoon and told me to keep it forever. To own the joke, I was going to keep it for a long time and regift it to her.
I had it sitting on my dresser in my bedroom and my mom barged in and just started cleaning/throwing away what she thought was trash. She did this occasionally and it pissed me off. She grabbed the spoon and was about to throw it away, and I told her not to. She paused and asked “Why?” I didn’t know how to explain this without seeming weird, so I awkwardly said “… just…don’t.”
I don’t know exactly what she was thinking, but she yelled “You better not be doing anything weird!” and walked out.
I still have no idea what type of weird s**t one can do with a plastic spoon.
Image credits: Seamlesslytango
Kid here. When I was really little my parents bought an entire encyclopedia collection thinking I could use it later in life for school. Then a thing called the internet happened and they were basically defunct, but I still always kept them in my room. I used to hide random money in them, like from birthdays and forgotten. Fast forward 15 years, mom “snooping” through my old room for things to donate and books are still in my old room so my mom calls me to see if it is OK to donate my old encyclopedias to her church. I remember the money and laughingly tell her sure and you can even keep any money you find in them. The TL:DR version of this story is, I gave my mom almost $300…………….
Image credits: anon
Not quite on topic but funny all the same. I was about 18 or 19 and still living at home. One day my mom did my washing so a load of my clothes was loaded into the wash basket.
As they went in, I saw a condom wrapper fall onto the floor which my mom then trod on without knowing. It was stuck to her foot for ages before she noticed. I did everything short of pretending there was a fire in the house to distract her enough to take it off.
Image credits: TheXboxVision
I’ve told this story before but a year or two ago I slowly started cleaning my son’s room–he was 13 at the time, I believe. I wanted to see how long I could do this until he noticed his room was magically getting cleaner. I would go in his room when he wasn’t home and tidy the bookshelf one day. Another day I would go through the box that had his old schoolwork, etc. I knew I was opening myself to finding something I didn’t want to find, and I was relieved and amused that all I found was candy wrappers. So many candy wrappers. We should own stock in Hershey.
Image credits: estrogyn
My mom found my journal and read it cover to cover. I was a really prolific journaler at 15, I’m surprised she read the whole thing. There really wasn’t much in there, aside from losing my virginity and getting on birth control.
Anyway, I was in the hospital at the time and she came there to yell at me so much that they made her leave. Our relationship was never the same again. When she died a two years later, we were barely speaking.
Parents, don’t snoop through your kids’ s**t. Try being nice to them and they’ll *want* to talk to you about tough things.
I’m pretty sure my mom found my prescriptions I had from after having an abortion but she never said a word about it to me. I had hidden them in my laundry hamper for two weeks. Near the end of the pill cycle I came home and Mom said she had thrown some of my laundry into the wash. I panicked internally and ran back to my room. The pill bottles were in the hamper still under 1 layer of clothes. I’m still convinced there’s no way she missed that and I think she just chose to take it to her grave. It was 12 years ago.
Image credits: AGirlHasNoName90
Am a parent…so one weekend wife and I are chilling out in bed watching whatever garbage on tv, when our youngest son (11) comes in and says oldest brother (13) is looking at p**n on his tablet. So we call for oldest son, he denies and denies of course, so tell him to bring me his tablet. He hasn’t learned the art of incognito browsing or clearing history completely. Going through his history, well I’ll be damned, he is looking at p**n. Not just any p**n though. Some anime stuff, some adult raunchy stuff. But the real kicker was the Scooby Doo p**n. So mom leaves the room to let dad and his son talk about this…starts with the usual, don’t lie, you can’t hide this s**t from me if I go through your browsing history, it’s ok to m********e (in private of course), your growing up, yada yada yada. Finish the conversation, give him his tablet back, but as he’s walking out the door, I can’t but help do my best/worst Scooby impression “But Shaggy” followed by “Zoinks”, “Jinkies” and “Ruh Roh found your p**n”. His face got so red, and I just lost it, I was in tears. Now every so often, when he starts to cop an attitude with us, I just go “Zoinks” to him. Kicker of it all, youngest son comes into the room with “I was only joking, I didn’t know he really was”.
My mum was helping me pack up my house after my husband died earlier this year. I had told her I’d handle our bedroom, but she went in there anyway and opened all the drawers! She found sex toys, lots of lube, boxes of condoms from when hubby and I first started dating, all my lingerie, photos of me in said lingerie. I don’t know what she expected but maybe don’t open your 30yo daughter and her husbands personal drawers? I just about had a heart attack! Thankgod she didn’t snoop much further because we had some c**e and V****m in the back of that drawer, I’m sure she would have freaked if she found it.
Image credits: throwbqbzybaj-a
Letters from the school pertaining to grades and behavior issues.
Image credits: mmamammamamama
TL;DR below For context, my mother had a huge falling out with my aunt and grandma. Big enough that she cut off all contact, even though grandma has been in and out of hospital. We aren’t allowed to visit, she gets angry if we even mention them, and she made us block them on Facebook. I had been out shopping with my mum and found a preowned plaque. It was a heart with a poem on it, basically saying “I love you grandma”. I bought it secretly and hid it on the way home, and went to the post office alone to mail it to them (they live about 4 hours away, in Bendigo). Grandma sent back a little card saying thank you and that she loved me and she was sad about the falling out, and I sticky taped it to my bookshelf so that I would see it every now and again (the left side of my bookshelf faces the door, and the right side faces the wall of my room, where you only go to access my wardrobe) Somehow, even though she hadn’t been that far into my bedroom for about 10 years, my mum found it and flipped. Her. S**t. You’d think I had personally threatened her. She refused to speak to me for a week and my father came in and spent close to an hour yelling at me, telling me how awful grandma was and how he looked forward to p***ing on her grave. TL;DR: Mum found a card from my grandma, who we weren’t supposed to be talking to and treated it like I had slapped her.
Image credits: wintersass
My kids friends all hang out at my house to use my computer. Although my kids are younger, their older friend is 14. I found that he has been using my computer to look at p**n, which is like, eh. Big deal. His younger brothers came to tattle on him to me and I was like, do you seriously think I didn’t know? They now think I’m a computer God.
Image credits: PM_ME_UR_FLOWERS
My daughter went through a phase when she was around 6-8 where she only ever put dirty tissues under her bed. I would regularly be on hands and knees sweeping boxes worth of tissues out from under there while going “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? WE HAVE A BIN!”
Thankfully she’s past that.
Image credits: samaki14
Not sure if this counts, since i never really had an own bedroom growing up. But when i started dating, mom went through my cell phone and found my sexts… All the sexts…
what made things worse was that as an Indian kid, I was never really allowed to date. Im 27 now. Still not really allowed to date ><
Image credits: unwellociraptor
The child of the story, but my parents have two houses, one main one, and a little beach place. I maintain a room in both. My fiance and I use an ammo can for storing our sex toys, rope, lubes, etc. Last take we were at the beach house, it got left behind. This time when we went there … it was where we left it, but opened. If you don’t know how to close it, and you’re nervous due to the nature of what you found, it can be hard to close. So, one of my parents, assumably my mom, found the sex toys… Either that or the house keeper was snooping, and I doubt that.
Image credits: BARDLover
My son is very honest with me, so I’ve never felt the desire to snoop on him.
Over the summer, I was looking for my tape measure, and remembered that I’d asked him to measure the space above his desk for shelving. I went into his room (he was away at camp for a couple of weeks) and looked high and low before spotting the tape measure under his desk. I couldn’t comfortably reach it because of how the desk was constructed, so I pulled the desk away from the wall. While doing so, I heard a soft thud.
After I’d created enough of a clearance to shimmy between the wall to the back of the desk, I saw the gift box that we’d wrapped his birthday present in, splayed on the floor with what appeared to be an assortment of fabrics. Upon closer inspection, I saw what the “fabrics” really were – a box of washed and unwashed women’s underwear.
I put the desk back, but couldn’t recreate how the box was situated before. After thinking about what to do, I decided to broach this with him when he returned. More than anything else, I wanted to be sure he wasn’t doing anything dangerous (so many thoughts ran through my mind, the strongest being that he was somehow buying them from or bartering with girls at school…).
When he came home, I told him that I needed to talk to him. He seemed nervous, and as soon as I mentioned the tape measure he started to cry. He knew I’d found the box and was crying not because of that, but because he thought that I’d found out that he was stealing his best friend’s mother’s underwear, from his best friend’s mother. I’m not sure why he arrived at that conclusion, but such is the mind of my 13-year-old.
It turned out that over about 20-month period, he’d taken to swiping my wife’s coworker’s (mother of his best friend) underwear from her laundry basket, hamper, and even her bedroom drawer whenever he had a chance. There was a total of eleven pairs of underwear.
It took me a few days to have a heart-to-heart with him, and it was one of the most difficult conversations I’d ever had to have with him.
Maybe I stopped him from engaging in progressively more perverted behavior, maybe not. I just hope that he doesn’t go down a path like that again, and that his sexual proclivities manifest themselves in more natural and non-illicit ways.
Image credits: heiza
My 13yo son is depressed. First off – No I wasn’t spying on him. We recently replaced his phone and the old one was still logged in to his accounts. Some messages popped up on the lock screen and it concerned me so I looked closer. He talks to his ex-gf a lot (He’s never admitted to having a gf) about how he’s been depressed for over a year. Now, I open the old phone once in a while to keep an eye on his mental state. I don’t care about the p**n or the weed references or anything else, I just want to make sure he’s ok. Is it wrong for me to keep checking up on him like this? And how do I help him without letting him know what I’ve seen?
I was a bit of a hoarder, so my mum often insisted on going through my stuff with me and chucking out stuff I didn’t use. She pulled this on me as a surprise, so when I was about eleven-ish, one of the things she pulled from under my bed was a pair of shorts that I had attempted, with my amateur sewing skills, to turn into a skirt – this being because I’m transgender, didn’t know it yet, was fascinated by girls’ clothes, and couldn’t think of any other way to own some.
She just sort of looked confused at that sorry scrap of material before I snatched it away and put it deep in the black bin bag she’d brought up.
So far as I know, she never figured it out. She’s not the kind of parent I could tell about being trans, so she’ll likely never know. Luckily I’m now living in my own place and can wear whatever I like.
The absolutely atrocious way her father and stepmother treat her. Small stories come to surface but she’s sworn to secrecy and I can’t actually prove anything. She’s 11 and asks about very specific mental conditions she’s “heard of in movies” she overeats constantly and sleeps with all her lights on here…
If you think I haven’t tried everything in my power to protect her, you underestimate how good some people are at putting the fear of God in their children when it comes to hiding the fact that they torture their children emotionally.
My son (35) lives at home and hid an opiate addiction for 15 years, fueled by my junkie mom. It was far more extensive than I could’ve imagined. I got wind of this when he admitted it, wanted treatment, and is now 2+ years clean and is still attending meetings. I am so proud of him but Jesus, they can be incredibly sneaky.
My parents actually found beer cans under my brother’s pillow.
His defense? He’d found the ‘discarded can’ in the yard and picked it up planning on throwing it away.
He maintains that as truth, even 18 years later.
Image credits: Zeewulfeh
I actually found some crazy stuff of my dad’s when I was snooping around as a kid including a gun (I live in the UK, guns are most definitely illegal here) and huge plastic bag full of cash in the laundry basket. Turned out he was “away on business” a lot for a reason.
Poopy school shorts, the child in question is 7, and didnt want to tell me because he had been too busy playing at home to go to the toilet, the toilet connected to his bedroom. So hid his school shorts between his desk and drawers. Gross man.
My mom found my wife and I’s strap on when she was letting our dogs out to potty one day (their kennels are in our room). All I can say is, thank God she didn’t find the weed.
I think my parents most messed up things they found in my room was my journal documenting all the crazy s**t I had to deal with. They were a lot more empathetic with my grades once they realized I was in a constant state of fear and danger on a regular basis.
sometimes I let my 2 year old eat in the living room. One day we were cleaning under the couch and found a pile of old food. Apparently when she doesn’t like something she will put it under there when no one is looking. She actually has several stashes of different types of objects around the house invluding one for toys, one for money/screws, and one for just random objects.
Son had a sleepover with a friend. Went to an Easter egg hunt with friend’s family the next day. Friend’s mom put hard-boiled Easter egg in small side pocket of overnight bag. She didn’t tell me, I didn’t think to check. I put the bag away in the closet. Week or so later the stench made me snoop. Still gag at the thought of it.
This happened to someone else but I was around…
I worked at a large chain Take away place. One day the father of an ex-manager comes in with some old uniforms and an old wristband USB stick with the company logo on it. Assuming it had some old training resources on it, a young employee took the USB home as he was an aspiring young trainer.
Turns out the manager used the USB to store a few candid personal photos on it probably not suitable for the 15 year old kid who discovered them. So within a few days a lot of people had seen a lot of her. I’m not sure on the legalities of what went on, but it was technically her dad that handed the photos over.
Kid here; had sex with my bf when I was ~15 y.o and as luck would have it she was on her period. Stupid me puts my white briefs back on and the insides of my underwear look like I got a surprise genderectomy.
Panicking, I hid it *well* in my room for ~2.5 years and the last ~0.5 I simply forgot about it. Returning home at age 19 I find the underwear washed, in my old wardrobe.
My mom found a c**e bag and tasted it to see what it was.. SURPRISE
My wife was emptying the trash in the downstairs bathroom the other day and noticed that it smelled a little off. So, I cleaned out the can and sprayed it down with a lovely citrusy disinfectant. The next week, I noticed the same smell the moment I entered the bathroom. However, when I turned the can over to empty the contents, there was a generous amount of foul smelling amber liquid in addition to the usual tissues and empty toilet paper rolls. It didn’t take long to identify this mystery liquid. It was old urine. The only suspect was my son, as the wife and I both use the bathroom in the master bedroom exclusively. We set up a sting operation. We both sat quietly in the living room pretending to watch the tv when the boy arrived home after school. After the usual greeting he slipped past us as he usually does and went straight to the scene of the crime. Since we were listening this time, we could hear him locking the door as carefully as he could. That was the moment we both knew for sure that our son was up to something… odd. The bathroom door is easily unlocked with a toothpick. In one quick motion, I picked the lock, turned the knob, and swung open the door to reveal the boy responsible for carrying on my family name, my one and only child, and the fruit of my loins, with his a*s fully exposed and his pants around his ankles, pissing right into the trash can. My wife took one look and left the room. I stood there with a blank expression as he turned around in shock and scrambled to pull up his pants. He sat on the toilet and put his head in his hand, refusing to acknowledge my existence. “Son.”, was all I could say. It wouldn’t be until the next day that he finally spoke to me. He said that it made him feel good for some reason he couldn’t explain. Like, all tingly down there. I told him that he could piss outside all he wanted, but that he wasn’t allowed to piss on anything inside the house besides the toilet.
On my freshman year of college my father, out of nowhere, texted me asking what Java’s was. Java’s is a coffee shop, similar to Starbucks. He was looking at the college food report to know when, where and what I ate, and since in 3 or 4 months I never went to Java’s except that one time he was curious. The next semester I refused to get a meal plan and instead used my own personal debit card.
Mum found the d***o. I’m a dude
My nosy mother doesn’t snoop through our things usually, but one time she happened to snoop through my brother’s bedroom. She found condoms at the time my brother has been dating his ex for about a year. My mom assumed they obviously had sex.
I know this post is about the bedroom, but my parents are always managing their refrigerators around our house. One time, my mother found a bunch of empty Mike’s Hard Lemonade bottles in the basement fridge. My mom assumed it was my dad at first and then my mom said, “This is why your dad got a DUI once!” Actually, it was my brother, and my brother had to end up admitting the he himself did it. My brother left those empty alcohol bottles in the fridge, because he could not sneak it to the recycling bin while my parents were sitting on the couch or doing whatever in the house.
Kid here. My parents caught my older brother smoking pot in the house when I was 16 and he was 19 and they flipped out. My father went into a rage and went up into his room to find an ounce of weed which of course they thought was enough to kill him, and a big ol bong along with other basic paraphernalia like lighters and papers. They flipped out even harder, in the process of yelling at my brother my father stormed into my room and shouted “if you have anything in here you best come clean right f*****g now!” Stupid stupid 16 year old me tried to act innocent and told him I had nothing when in reality I was sitting on several grams of m**a, several dozen hits of acid, and a couple different pot vaporizers and a c**p load of pot. My father proceeded to tear apart my room as well and busted open a cheap lockbox I everything in with a hammer. I was on parental house arrest for quiiiiittteeee a while after that as well as made to do countless chores and punishments the whole time I was home. The level of trust my parents gave me was lowered significantly for the rest of my time living at home.
I haven’t snooped, but have helped clean/organize his room, and I plan to do a big reorganization while he’s away visiting his grandparents this summer. I would be surprised if there was anything, anything at all in his room that he hadn’t told me all about, that I didn’t already know existed. It wouldn’t matter what the secret was, I would be shocked to discover he had a secret at all. Sometimes I think he doesn’t have a single thought in his head that doesn’t eventually come out of his mouth lol.
My mom cleaned my room when I was out of town for a week or so. I was about 14, she found a pack of cigarettes, a bong and two of her credit cards.
I’m not the parent but when my aunt and her family was moving out of her house about 2 years ago, all my cousins and I had gone to help and her son found $2000 in his old closet.
That he (15) and his childhood bestie(15M) are doing drugs together. Yesterday he asked me if bestie could come over this week and play GTA a game in which, up to now, he’s never shown interest. I said I’d think about. This morning I picked up his phone and spied on him. Sure enough, there is a message to bestie asking if he can come over this week because son has “kush and pills and my mom is working 9-6 everyday.” Haven’t confronted him yet. This isn’t our first rodeo with weed but pills are pretty f***ing concerning. Pretty stressed today and trying to figure out how to deal with this.
My sweet innocent little boy is apparently a gangster rapper with a talent for violent p****graphic lyrics.
a LOT of gay p**n, like almost a terabyte
Bottles full of p**s. Apparently the bathroom next door is just toooo faaarrrrr!
My daughter is 15 and is already very sexually active. We took her to hospital and we found out she had genital herpes. She said she probably got it from dirty toilet paper from her camping trip that happened last month. I didnt belive in that but i told her i did. So a few days ago i took her phone (she was in detention for something else) and once while she was doing grocery shopping with my husband i told my older son to unlock it (he is a hacker). So i read some of her messages between her and some friend. They were talking about body counts. I didnt know what that means so i googled it. So my daughter slept with 7 scrampy boys and got HERPES from one of them + she is into some voyage thing can someone explain!!!
I found drug paraphernalia in my 16 year olds bedroom yesterday while making her bed. My heart is broken and I’m not sure how to approach situation
Damn, these are wild. The worst thing my mom found were some playboys my brother gave me. Thing is, I was still figuring myself out back then, so I also had a gay mag. Thankfully, I threw that out before she found them.
A joint, we later smoked it together