Have you ever encountered someone making such a huge stink, all of their friends or family around seem to be embarrassed? They’re going off at something and the people with them just have this guilty dog look on their faces, unsure of how to proceed.
Well, the very same happened to an innocent knitter relaxing at a hotel, when a true bridezilla waltzed over, immediately assuming that the knitter was a guest and that the knit was a gift. It went about as well as you could’ve guessed.
More info: Reddit
Turns out the best compliment for a knitter is… someone coming up to you, demanding to have your knit as a gift
Image credits: Madragalabarada (the actual photo)
The poster took it to the Entitled People community to share a story of her interaction with a true bridezilla
Image credits: Madragalabarada
Image credits: The Falcondale (not the actual photo)
She was innocently knitting in the lobby and chatting to a random mom, when a bride, the mom’s daughter, rolled up and started making demands
Image credits: Madragalabarada
Image credits: Jorge Mejía peralta (not the actual photo)
She had assumed that the the poster was a guest and had been making the knit for her, which led to the poster clearing up the confusion and saying “this is for me”
Image credits: Madragalabarada
The bride absolutely flipped, leaving her extremely embarrassed mom to deal with the fallout
Talk about a compliment.
You can see the piece at the very start of the article, and if you’re an avid knitter, it’s Culpeper by Dee O’Keefe in white merino wool.
The other knitters were absolutely salivating in the comments and complimenting the original poster’s (OP) skills and choice of color.
If you’re now feeling self-conscious about your knitting skills, fear not! OP says that she simply follows the pattern, which is very clearly written and it just works. Funnily enough, she’s also crocheted a ring in the past – it’s a good thing the bridezilla didn’t see it, as she would have probably tried to snag that too.
Impromptu knitting break over! Let’s get back to the story.
Apparently the mom was quite mortified by her daughter’s actions, apologizing profusely to the OP. Many, including the poster, speculated on why the bride is the way she is and two prominent guesses rose to the top.
One guess was tunnel vision – everything for the past while has been all about the bride, so combined with all the stress, she thought that this random, unknown person must’ve been a guest and the thing they’re holding was a gift for her. Clearly.
Another, more sinister, assumption was that all the stress has simply made the bride reveal who she really is, which made many commenters send their best wishes to the groom.
Good luck to him, because he’ll most likely need it when dealing with such an entitled woman for a wife.
Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
I mean, we’ve all had embarrassing moments with the fam’, right?
The “parents telling lame stories from my infant years” and “atrocious pun in front of your best friends including your crush” are generational classics.
Embarrassment is a specific form of social feedback. When we feel out of options to make ourselves look better or worm our way out of a situation, all we have left is a feeling of wanting to hide away from people, avoid their gaze, and let all of this blow over.
This complex feeling, either real or perceived as such, is a way for people to realize that what they’ve done is wrong (at least that’s the public’s consensus) and course-correct their negative behaviors.
An interesting distinction is that embarrassment is different from shame, which is usually associated with morality. Shame is reserved for more severe emotions, then.
What can you do if you’re being embarrassed by your family, you ask? Aptly named Exploring Your Mind has some tips.
Well, your embarrassment may be objective or only perceived by you.
Objective embarrassment may be felt when your family member is actually doing something bad or reprehensible – a good indicator is that other people find this kind of behavior inappropriate as well. If that’s what is happening, you’re best off getting some space from your family members or talking about it, discussing the behavior that makes you uncomfortable and why.
But if you’re embarrassed by something like your perceived social class or economic status, you may have to address those insecurities, as the problem is not your family, but them.
The story, posted two months ago, got 4.6k upvotes. Among the over 350 comments, people were appalled by the bride’s behavior, saying “good luck” to her soon-to-be husband.
Share your own thoughts about the story below!
The commenters were shook up by the story, calling out the bride as horrible, taking pity for her mom and the groom
The post Random Hotel Guest Relaxes By Knitting In Lobby, Bridezilla Demands Her Work As A Wedding Gift first appeared on Bored Panda.