“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is one of the most incorrect sayings of all time. Idiotic opinions, fallacies, and outright untruths are all, unfortunately, broadcasted over the internet for everyone to see, meaning that all of us have to see, hear, and read the very worst words and ideas humans can put together.
The “Facepalm” internet group gathers all those moments when people really did or said something so unbelievable that it caused a visceral reaction to all onlookers. And through the magic of the internet, it can reach you too. So be sure to upvote your “favorites” and comment your thoughts below.
#1 The Rich vs. The Poor
Image credits: Solopeerless
#2 In Fact, It’s Happened 7 Times
Image credits: NuclearEnt
#3 “Muh Guns!!!”
Image credits: No-Interview97
The oldest use of the word “facepalm” (but not the actual, physical action) dates back to the early days of the internet. In 1996, where the first netizens mentioned it in a variety of posts about everyday life. This points to the fact that this phrase was in the popular lexicon earlier, as the posters do not clarify what the word means and use it nonchalantly.
However, the actual post, of holding one’s face in your palm, is relatively old, and found in statues and sculptures going back hundreds, if not thousands of years. Normally, it was associated with more serious loss, like Henri Vidal’s Caïn, depicting the biblical figure mourning the death of his own brother, who he killed.
#4 Burnnnnnnnnnnnn
Image credits: Aether-0917
#5 American Dream
Image credits: justiceforall1000000
#6 Now Your Own Decisions Belong To A Man You Havent Met
Image credits: HakuDoomer
Due to the internet and the general ubiquity of this emotion, the facepalm remains popular, to such a degree that there is even a facepalm emoji (Unicode U+1F926) and a vast library of stock images depicting this action. While commonly reaction images of humans facepalming were used, one can now even find animals doing the gesture, most likely by accident, but it’s always fun to imagine a cat actually facepalming.
#7 This Anti Vaxxer Trying To Stop Her Son From Getting Vaccinations Himself
Image credits: killHACKS
#8 What A Shit Show
Image credits: DaFunkJunkie
#9 Just Your Average Pro Life Hypocrite
Image credits: reddit.com
For those that see something not worth a full facepalm, as it is a bit dramatic at times, you can use the good old disappointed head shake, that one’s grandparents will tactically deploy when they see anything that confuses them. Over text, one can quickly and easily communicate their disappointment with the good old acronym smh (shaking my head) which is actually older than good old facepalm.
#10 Spot On
Image credits: TheKluten
#11 In Church For Blessing Ar-15’s. But Blaming Others Than Christians
Image credits: DonaldWillKillUsAll
#12 Brain Damage: Cool, Vaccine: Nope, Thanks
Image credits: lucynyu13
On the other hand, should one need to deploy stronger language, there is always the trusty face desk aka the head desk. While we do not recommend you actually do this, be sure to upvote the posts that go beyond a facepalm. This is a stronger emotion, one so visceral that the victim wants to physically bash the thing they just read or heard right out of their head.
#13 Show Me
Image credits: Thryloz
#14 Who Wants To Pay Our Bills
Image credits: Comfortablejack
#15 High Iq Destruction
Image credits: ShubhamG77
The reality is that there have always been people who might cause us to facepalm. Bad decisions and horrible opinions are deeply human and probably existed before language. So it’s overall a net positive that we have methods to immediately “get it out of our system” when someone does something so deeply idiotic that it makes us feel bad by proxy. As long as we don’t facepalm too hard.
#16 She Tried
Image credits: ExpertAccident
#17 Having A Functioning Circulatory System
Image credits: lucynyu13
#18 Antivax Logic
Image credits: DaFunkJunkie
Similarly, while the internet allows us to see more facepalm-inducing moments, on the flip side, it lets us publicly shame people with ideas this bad and it communicates to others who might have similar ideas that in reality, they are wrong and should keep it to themselves. Someone is not a bad person for being wrong but sticking by an objectively terrible opinion even when presented with contrary evidence is pretty childish. If you want to keep facepalming, Bored Panda has got you covered, check out our other article on this topic here.
#19 Who Needs Vaccines When You Have Miracles
Image credits: Palifaith
#20 What If We Made An App That Would Endanger Lots Of Women?
Image credits: Horror-Carrot
#21 Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
Image credits: 42words
#22 Awkward
Image credits: __Dawn__Amber__
#23 Not Bad
Image credits: yosef_kh
#24 It Was Media Control All Along
Image credits: bradhrad
#25 Yep That Sound Right
Image credits: tytyd50
#26 Immigrant Prisoners Are Lease To Be Slaves
Image credits: MeatPublic46
#27 Lemme Ask You This
Image credits: Puzzleheaded_Bee_571
#28 You’ll Survive
Image credits: reddit.com
#29 Just Because Of Freedom And Law
Image credits: Comfortablejack
#30 Texas Be Looking Like Gilead
Image credits: reddit.com
#31 Yeah, Sounds About Right
Image credits: deceitful_resurgence
#32 Tat
Image credits: vibratinghornet
#33 Which One Of The Many Mass Shootings Are We Talking About?
Image credits: letstalkaboutit24
#34 We Did Everything But
Image credits: americanthaiguy
#35 Damn Son!
Image credits: MavDrake
#36 You Had One Job
Image credits: Tracer_Bullet1010
#37 When You Try To Sue A Restaurant For No Reason And Lose
Image credits: killHACKS
#38 Just Another Normal Day
Image credits: lucynyu13
#39 My Brain
Image credits: Life-is-a-potato
#40 Burn Victim
Image credits: AristonD
#41 But My Country Is Not Happy Any More
Image credits: Comfortablejack
#42 These Darn Spoiled Kids Today, With Their “Need To Eat At Regular Intervals” Or Whatever, Smh My Head
Image credits: 42words
#43 Virtue Signalling
Image credits: Aki008035
#44 Queen Elizabeth Is Asking For Money On Internet
Image credits: Ampher7
#45 ☠️☠️☠️ How Is This Possible
Image credits: Vendruscolo
#46 Woman On American Airlines Plane Duct-Taped To Her Seat After She Tried To Open The Door Mid-Flight
Image credits: DarthPirate10i
#47 Yahoo Answers Might Be Gone, But We Still Have Quora
Image credits: tacolordY
#48 Instead Of Calling The Cops, The Museum Turned Off The Heating And Lights. Protestors Were Asking For Food And A Bowl To Go To The Toilet – No One Cared
Image credits: PatriotASR
#49 Keep It Simple Stupid
Image credits: yosef_kh
#50 Time To Hate White People For (Checks Notes) Walking In The Rain?
Image credits: mitzi_mozzerella