The world’s so much vaster and weirder than many of us realize. Oh, some of us might feel like we know pretty much everything interesting that there is to know about life on Planet Earth, but that’s very far from the truth. There are so many obscure oddities in science and nature that are mind-blowing, to say the least.
Popular TikTok content creator and talented artist Cameron, @criminal__acttv, has a video series that is dedicated to sharing disturbing, creepy, but genuinely intriguing facts, and we couldn’t wait to share them with you, Pandas. We hope you’ve got your notebooks out because this is the kind of stuff that you can use to impress your friends. Scroll down, upvote the facts that impressed you the most, and don’t forget to follow Cameron’s socials if you enjoyed what he does. Bored Panda has reached out to Cameron via email, and we’ll update the article as soon as we hear back from him.
More info: TikTok | Instagram | YouTube | Twitch | Linktree
In places like Brazil, Australia and where I’m from, Texas, it is possible for millions of spiders to rain from the sky.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Crocodiles absolutely shouldn’t be able to climb trees. You’re right, they shouldn’t be able to. But they do it anyway, like this guy. What the [hell] is he doing up there? There’s like basically no video recording of a crocodile starting at the ground and then climbing to the top of a tree. Because it’s just one of those things that just appears in front of you. Like, you don’t see it happen. All of the reports of this behavior and crocodiles were taken right then and there, as soon as they saw it. There’s no telling when a crocodile is just gonna decide to climb a tree right in front of you. There’s also not really a practical way of recreating this behavior, because if you were to go up to it and poke it with a stick, it would retreat into the water, not up to a tree, and you’re not very likely to see it in a tree that’s covered by leaves because the main reason they do this is just the bathe in the sun.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
When you die, your eyeballs will deflate and just become floppy little sacks that sit in your skull.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Cameron, aka @criminal__acttv, has a massive following on TikTok. A jaw-dropping 1 million internet users follow his account for his latest clips. The draw, for them, mainly appears to be about learning about all the cool and uncomfortable things that nature has to offer.
Many of his videos get a lot of attention, netting hundreds of thousands and even millions of views. Cameron also does live-streaming on Twitch and runs a YouTube channel.
Hippos are responsible for about 500 human deaths a year. They are way more likely to kill you than a crocodile. And they like to fling their [poop] at each other because they think it’s funny.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Sand tiger sharks are usually pregnant with about 100 babies, and in the womb, before the babies are born, they kill and eat each other until there’s only like a couple left.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
If you ever work in a morgue, it’s very likely that it will seem haunted. ‘Cause from time to time, gas will release from a corpse which will sound like either whispers, someone talking to you, or if it’s released in the right way, sound like distant screaming.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
What’s more, the TikToker spices up his videos by showing off his awesome art skills—his whiteboard sketches look utterly fantastic, and we’d love to learn how he makes his drawings so neat and detailed. Whiteboard markers aren’t the easiest medium to use, after all.
If you’re as gob-smacked by his art as we are, you can check out some more of his cool designs and sketches on his Instagram page, where he goes by the moniker @ cr1m1nal__act. 12.2k people follow his account on the social media network.
When the people that discovered the platypus presented the anatomical structure to the association that decides the naming of animals, they thought it was a joke. I like to imagine that after they thought it was a joke, he brought in a live specimen and placed it on the table and they’re like, “Oh, that’s funny. You made a little doll.” And then it started moving and you’re like, “Oh, what the [hell]?” And the guy who brought it in was like, “Watch out, his ankles are poisonous”. And then they were like, “What the [hell] did you just say?”
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Did you know that 40% of your body is just foreign entities like bacteria and fungus.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
It’s estimated that around this area of Mount Everest, there’s about 150 to 200 dead bodies just scattered about.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying bizarre and even disturbing facts about the world. According to the Washington Post, people tend to enjoy disturbing content (aka they like partaking in ‘recreational fear’) because they get an adrenaline rush and also get to learn about how to deal with intense, scary situations while they’re in a perfectly safe environment. It’s entertainment and education all in one neat little package.
Many of us are fascinated by the strange and unexplained, and we’re curious to figure out the ‘why’ behind it all. This fascination with the creepier and darker aspects of the world can also be partly explained by the fact that our ancestors used to be very aware of potential threats to their safety. In brief—knowledge about the world that surrounds us used to be very important for our survival.
Female penguins. If their baby dies, they’ll probably go up to another female and just steal its baby and be like, “This is my child now.”
Image credits: criminal__acttv
There is a species of spider that is so small that it’s about the width of this three-millimeter pencil. So there could just be a ton in your nose and your ear and your eyes and you have no idea.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Did you know that this is how pandas [pee]. This is what male pandas do to say that “this is my tree now.”
Image credits: criminal__acttv
As we’ve covered on Bored Panda previously, in modern times, many of us living in developed nations rarely feel threatened in our day-to-day lives. So consuming disturbing and creepy internet content is one way to explore the more unsavory aspects of the world while also staying perfectly safe at home, school, or work. We get all the emotions and new knowledge without any of the risks.
However, one downside of constantly exposing ourselves to disturbing content is that we might become slightly desensitized. Moreover, if you find that the amount of internet content that you’re consuming is far too big, you should definitely scale back. For instance, if your sleep and diet are suffering, if you’re not moving enough and sacrificing your social relationships for the sake of being online, it’s time to become more disciplined when it comes to screen time. Social media is fine in small doses.
Within their lifetime, the average person will interact with about 30 to 36 people who have killed someone.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
The odds of a death row inmate being found innocent after their execution is 1 in 25.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
There are thousands of deaths that occur each year as a result of a doctor’s [bad] handwriting.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Cameron, aka @criminal__acttv, is far from the only content creator who focuses on interesting and peculiar facts. A while ago, Bored Panda got in touch with Connor, who runs the @con_spiracy TikTok page with 4.6 million followers. His channel also proof that weird topics definitely draw in quite a crowd on the internet.
“As conscious beings, we cannot simply ignore the negative aspects of history and everyday life. Not all roses are red; there are dark realities beyond those familiar to us, and while some prefer to turn their heads away, many of us can’t help but look, and I think it’s important to look. This morbid curiosity exists within all of us in some form or another, and I think that embracing it makes us more interesting and understanding as collective individuals,” Connor shared his thoughts on why so many folks are fascinated by dark and mysterious facts.
In 1933, this Japanese woman on the island of Oshima threw herself into a volcanic crater. And after that happened and it hit the news, within the same year, 1,000 more people threw themselves into the crater. I didn’t find out if it was active or not, but if it was, that would be the dumbest and most semi-slow, painful way to die, because it’s like mixing suffocation with burning to death.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
There is basically a 100% chance that there’s a spider in your house at any given moment.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
The FBI says that there is between 1000-3000 active serial killers within the US.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
“If something makes my jaw drop or gives me goosebumps, I know thousands of others will likely feel the same way. From my experience, I think the most resonating content is that which seems so alien to people: stories of the past and present involving people or situations that we simply cannot fathom going through ourselves,” TikToker Connor, @con_spiracy, shared with Bored Panda during an earlier interview.
Research has shown that some spiders grow larger than normal the more populated a city is.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
3% of the ice in Antarctica is just penguin [pee].
Image credits: criminal__acttv
When a camel pees, its urine is as thick as maple syrup.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
“They all seem so incredibly difficult to comprehend, but real people, good or bad, have found themselves in these very real scenarios time and time again. There is something about the most inconceivable aspects of life, history, and human nature that appears to be the most captivating to people, he said. “In a strange way, learning about these dark facts and stories in a comfortable setting allows us to turn something negative into a thrilling experience.”
“Perhaps it [morbid content] allows us to appreciate the safe and secure lifestyles we are accustomed to, which we would otherwise take for granted. I personally believe it’s important to be aware of all aspects of the human condition: some bright and beautiful, others dark and horrific,” TikToker Connor, @con_spiracy, previously told Bored Panda.
Some species of spider, the male has a detachable penis, so when they mate, they’ll just leave it inside. Other species of spider mate by making a bag out of webbing and then putting their sperm in it. And then they like stuff it in or throw it in.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
If you have any pets, like a cat, a hamster, a dog or a raccoon, if you die and no one finds your body, they’re most likely going to eat your corpse.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
It’s possible after you die to become fully erect afterwards.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Koalas actually have fingerprints and they’re very similar to humans’. They also have chlamydia.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
If you were to shine a UV light on a platypus, it would glow, not because it’s covered in semen, but because it has a biofluorescent property, like a lot of Australia’s species. And just like Perry the Platypus from ‘Phineas and Ferb,’ they actually glow green. That’s not why he’s green. That’s just a coincidence.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Another thing about corpses. If you put them in a coffin that’s sealed tightly enough, there’s a very good chance it will explode.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
If we were to think of SpongeBob’s genitalia as the same as humans’, then a sea sponge could either be born with a penis or a vagina, both at the same time or a mixture of both. What does a mixture of both mean? I don’t know. It sounded scary. I didn’t look into it. And if SpongeBob had female reproductive organs, what he could do is just go around swimming, just throwing his eggs out from his uterus until it hits a male in the face. And hopefully that male decides, “oh, I’m going to reproduce.” The reason that sea sponges do these methods of mating is because they don’t have a brain to think of anything else. SpongeBob wouldn’t have a brain, a skeleton or any internal organs. He would just be a thing that floats around, eating somehow, while making sperm and eggs. I want you to think of this if you ever go diving in the coral reef.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Certain species of spider, like the brown recluse, the way their venom works is that it makes your blood cells explode.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
If you were to die in the woods, then it’s very likely that a deer would eat your body. And if they find a nest of like baby birds, they’ll just eat the baby birds, even though they can’t really eat meat properly. They just do it ’cause they’re stupid.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
If you were to drown in saltwater, there’s a good chance that you would drown in your own blood, because the saltwater would enter your lungs and the salt would cut the interior of your lungs.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Now, sloths hang from trees. And when they die, they don’t let go of the tree. So if you’re ever in the rainforest, and you happen to see a sloth hanging from a tree, poke it with a long stick to see if it’s still alive. But remember, they have a really slow reaction time. So if nothing happens after an hour, it’s probably dead.
Image credits: criminal__acttv
Did you know that SpongeBob, if he was a real sea sponge, the way he would reproduce is that he would just float through the water, blowing his load everywhere until it eventually just hit some random lady in the face.
Image credits: criminal__acttv