101 Hilariously Relatable Tweets About What We Should All Do “By Age 30”

Turning 30 is a huge life milestone. Unfortunately, however, the years leading up to it are often filled with dread and anxiety about closing the chapter on your twenties. 77% of Millennials and 83% of Gen Z admit that they feel pressure to accomplish certain goals before entering the next decade of their lives, but the reality is that age is just a number.

Everyone has a different idea of what it means to be in their thirties, so below, you’ll find a variety of tweets detailing what we should all do and have “by age 30,” as well as a conversation with Nicole Booz of GenThirty. Some of these tweets are sage wisdom, while others are painfully relatable or simply satirical, but they’re all refreshing reminders that we’re on our own journeys. So don’t feel bad if you haven’t yet acquired that drawer full of miscellaneous cords and chargers; you’ll get there!


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Image credits: SteveOnSpeed

What is it about turning 30 that fills so many of us with existential dread? The combination of your twenties coming to an end and knowing you’ve been an adult for over a decade is unsettling for plenty of people, but if you’re approaching the big three-oh, take deep breaths and remember that there’s nothing wrong with aging. In fact, most people don’t even reach their peak level of happiness until they turn 33, according to one study. “The age of thirty-three is enough time to have shaken off childhood naivety and the wild scheming of teen-aged years without losing the energy and enthusiasm of youth,” psychologist Donna Dawson says.

“By this age innocence has been lost, but our sense of reality is mixed with a strong sense of hope, a ‘can do’ spirit, and a healthy belief in our own talents and abilities. We have yet to develop the cynicism and world-weariness that comes with later years,” Dawson continued. 42% of people surveyed said they felt more optimistic about the future in their early thirties, and over a third admitted that they felt less stressed than they did when they were younger.


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To learn more about what it’s like to be 30, or to be approaching our thirties, we reached out to Nicole Booz, the woman behind GenThirty: the thirty-something’s guide to life. We asked Nicole what her thoughts were on 30 being seen as such a monumental birthday and whether or not she thinks it deserves so much power. “Your twenties are really a transitional period between adolescence and adulthood,” Nicole shared. “Turning 30 feels like you’re saying goodbye to your youth.”

“We really do build it up to be a massive turning point, but the reality is that while you might be saying goodbye to your twenties, you are also saying hello to your thirties which is an incredible decade of its own,” she pointed out. “I think turning 30 is absolutely worth celebrating. It’s a beautiful new adventure where you will get to know yourself more deeply and truly discover the person you were meant to be.”


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Image credits: BergamOhJones

We also asked Nicole if she thinks anything drastically changed in her life after turning 30. “I think turning 30 takes a big weight off of everyone’s shoulders,” she told Bored Panda. “People seem to dread the milestone but as soon as you pass it, you get to breathe a sigh of relief. In my twenties, I was much more aware of others’ opinions of me and let that often guide or dictate my choices for my life. In my thirties, it’s actually way easier to do what I feel is right for me, regardless of what anyone else thinks.”


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Image credits: KateBrauning

When it comes to what goals we should have accomplished by the time we reach 30, Nicole says that, as someone who loves goals, there are certain things that are helpful to have achieved by age 30. “One of them is doubling your salary from age 25 and making sure you are saving for retirement,” she noted. “Considering these financial goals will take a lot of worry and stress off of you as you age. I also personally think it’s extremely important to be in an exercise routine – it’s essential for your overall health, and as we get older and busier, it’s more difficult to prioritize. The sooner you can be disciplined about exercise, the better.”


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“Turning 30 is a milestone but an exciting one!” Nicole says. “Focus on the possibilities ahead of you and the goals you have for yourself for the next few years. Whether your twenties were a challenging time or a fun time, look forward knowing that the best is yet to come.”

If you’d like to hear more words of wisdom from Nicole, be sure to check out her blog GenThirty right here!


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While it’s clear that turning 30 does not mean you have one foot in the grave, you might still want to accomplish certain things before reaching this milestone. No, you don’t have to purchase a home or have paid off all of your student loans, but according to Daisy Jones at Vice, it might be wise to acquire certain skills and habits before entering your fourth decade of life. One of which is knowing how to properly take care of your skin. Start moisturizing and using that daily SPF. Your skin will thank you later! 


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Image credits: AjajaEzekiel

Learning basic cooking skills is also smart to do before you turn 30. Whether you want to spend less money on eating out, start preparing healthier meals or impress potential partners, learning how to cook is always worthwhile. Jones also recommends going to therapy, at least for a while, before you turn 30. You might have past trauma that you’ve never addressed, or you might simply want to see what comes up. But sitting down with a professional to learn more about yourself and how to process your life is certainly worth the investment. We all continue to get to know ourselves in our thirties, but why not get a head start?  


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Image credits: JosifJosevski

Another recommendation Jones has for people to start doing as they near the age of 30 is to start sleeping more. It’s not embarrassing to be in bed at 10pm, it’s actually super smart. You’ll feel better, and dare I say it younger, if you’re well rested and take care of yourself. It’s a lot easier to jump out of bed at 7am after you’ve slept for at least 8 hours. Plus, your skin, immune system and likely everyone you have to interact with, will thank you for it.  


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Image credits: BastionForMen

Whether you’re 18 or 57, we hope you pandas have enjoyed this lighthearted list. It’s perfectly healthy to have goals and want to achieve accomplishments in a certain amount of time, but remember not to put too much pressure on yourself. If you make it to 30 or 40 or 80, that’s an accomplishment in and of itself. Keep upvoting the tweets you find particularly relatable or uplifting, and feel free to share what you think we should all have by age 30. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article discussing what it’s like to be in your thirties, look no further than right here


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