72 Hilariously Accurate Memes About Weekends

Saturday and Sunday — weekend memes joke about these two great days that come at the very end of each week. Sometimes they are hysterically funny, while other times — super relatable. When that feeling of two free days comes up on Friday, we react differently, as Monday is just around the corner. For this reason, the weekend meme has a lot of space to work with. While the focus is usually given to Saturday and Sunday, the funniest memes usually involve the start and end of the weekend, a.k.a Friday and Monday.

In every office building in the world, somebody always has a case of the Mondays. The Monday meme strikes that middle ground of being super sad with a hint of relatable comedy: a feat even the most hilarious meme hardly accomplishes. Usually, they touch upon the fact that we all awaken tired and unmotivated on Monday and have to push through it till the next weekend comes again. However, on the other side of the spectrum, we have the classic Friday meme. They are always enthusiastic, reminding us that the best part of the week is coming — Saturday and Sunday. These types of memes usually ooze in positivity. For the people looking for the middle ground, some memes put these two — pessimism and optimism — together.

If Monday and Friday’s jokes are not your cup of tea, there is also the 3-day weekend meme that you can enjoy. We have compiled a list of funny memes that touch upon the topic of the weekend (not the singer). Since some of these relatable memes hit closer at home, be sure to upvote the ones you like. Have some thoughts on the memes? Share them in the comments below. Want to lighten up your friend’s work week? Show this list to them.


Image credits: intempo_tech




Image credits: CruisinSoozan




















Image credits: IAmJustShaka
















Image credits: Naseeba_G



Image credits: KateWhineHall





Image credits: ITYSL_memes




Image credits: UnfunnyWatermelon469


Image credits: CocoaDoe


Image credits: _beccawright




Image credits: Mr_Shave_TIS



Image credits: thotpocket8






Image credits: yungbiryanii


Image credits: ItsSamG


Image credits: jimmyfallon






Image credits: _bertoooo1999_



Image credits: graceyldn



