This Church Is Going Viral For Their Openness And Their Sign Game Is Epic (96 New Pics)

Love your neighbor as yourself. Turn the other cheek. And remove the plank in your own eye before worrying about the speck in someone else’s.

If you’ve ever been to a Christian church, you’re likely familiar with the standard lessons they teach. But it’s not every day that pastors also address xenophobia, transphobia, police brutality and various refugee crises. The Clackamas United Church of Christ in Milwaukie, Oregon, however, doesn’t shy away from any of these topics.

Below, you’ll find some of the best messages that this progressive church has posted outside of their congregation to make it clear to everyone where they stand on certain issues. Keep reading to also find a conversation we were lucky enough to have with Pastor Adam Ericksen, and be sure to upvote the signs that make you want to pay a visit to Clackamas this Sunday!

More info: Facebook | Instagram | YouTubeWebsite

#1 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#2 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#3 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

Even if you’ve never stepped foot in a Christian church in your life, you may be familiar with some of the values. But unfortunately, the messages of love and understanding sometimes get lost in translation or twisted, and churchgoers are left with a bad taste in their mouths. Feeling judged and unwanted is the last thing anyone should feel when attending a service, so the Clackamas United Church of Christ works hard to ensure that everyone feels welcome there. This congregation, which prides itself on being an inclusive community, welcomes anyone and everyone to attend services, just as Jesus would have wanted.

Reverend Adam Ericksen has been the pastor at CUCC since 2018, and he keeps open-mindedness at the forefront of his church. When earning his Masters in Theological Studies from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, his thesis was titled “Love and Nonviolence in Christianity and Islam,” and his progressive views have ensured that CUCC welcomes all with open arms. 

#4 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#5 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#6 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

We reached out to Pastor Adam to hear more about what Clackamas is like, and lucky for us, he was happy to have a chat with Bored Panda. The last time we spoke with him was about two years ago, so first, we wanted to know if there were any updates on Clackamas he could share. 

“Our messages on the sign inspired people from around the world to join our interactive online services on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. We have people from our hometown of Portland to Toronto to London to Lima to Brisbane,” Pastor Adam shared. “It’s a global online church. Since coming back to our local campus worship services earlier this year, we were excited to keep our online service going.”

#7 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#8 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#9 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

We also asked the pastor if he believes this sign has brought many people into his church that may not have otherwise walked through the door. “The sign has been a big influence on our congregation,” Pastor Adam shared. “People from around the Portland area have joined the local church because of the sign. People from around the world have come because of the signs. People often say that they would never enter a church, but that our signs have made them feel comfortable about our church.”

#10 We Love Lori’s Message. It’s True. Be Kind. Everyone Is Struggling. Just Be Kind

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#11 Our Transgender Siblings Are Made In The Image Of God

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#12 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

When it comes to where Pastor Adam and his team gets their ideas for the signs, he told Bored Panda they come “from the Bible (especially passages about social justice), from current events, and from progressive Christian theologians,” adding that they’ve had no shortage of ideas yet!

We also asked the pastor if there were any misconceptions about Christianity or the church that he would like to dispel. “The people on the religious right that are homophobic and ‘anti-woke’ are a minority within Christianity,” he noted. “They just happen to be very loud. There are many progressive Christians who are increasing our volume to show support and solidarity in the struggle for ant-racist policies and policies that affirm out LGBTQIA2+ siblings.”

#13 He Gets Us

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#14 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#15 There Were 3,800 Anti-Asian Incidents Last Year. Stop Asian Hate

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

And if you’ve previously had a less than favorable experience with a church, Pastor Adam understands where you’re coming from. But he wants you to know that you’ll always be welcome at Clackamas. “God understands, too. Sometimes the most faithful thing we can do is to reject the false image of God as a homophobic, racist tyrant,” the pastor shared. “That god is an idol. But if you want to explore God or religion or spirituality, there are many churches in the United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ and other denominations that are repenting of the harm Christianity has often caused in our history and working to do better. If you are interested in joining others on that adventure, we would love to welcome you on the journey.”

#16 Amy Hopes Something Good Happens To You Today

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#17 We Pray For Refugees From Ukraine, Syria, & Throughout The World

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#18 Systemic Racism Is Everywhere In The United States, Including Our Medical System. We Need To Name It To Transform It

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

We’re big fans of the signs Pastor Adam and his team share in front of CUCC, so this isn’t the first time we’ve interviewed him at Bored Panda. About four years ago, we were able to get in touch with Pastor Adam, and he shared a bit about how the signs got started in the first place. “People saw our building, but didn’t know what our values were,” he explained. “So we started a fundraiser for the sign, and I started posting those messages. People began to stop as they drove by to thank me for the messages. But I didn’t know it would have an online impact too.”

“Amidst the pain of the world and all the hate, people are thirsty for something deeper,” Pastor Adam continued. “The truth of the Gospel is that all people are loved. The sin is when we start treating certain people and groups as if they are not loved. Jesus was most critical of those who used religion as an excuse to marginalize others. We are merely seeking to follow Jesus in the best way we can.”

#19 Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#20 For All The Women Who Died From Illegal Abortions, We Pray

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#21 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

Before Pastor Adam arrived at Clackamas, their numbers were a bit lower, but he surmised that this was because people weren’t sure what the congregation’s messages and values were. “I decided that we needed to be bold with our message of love and inclusion, especially for those who are marginalized, especially by religion,” he previously told Bored Panda. “My goal is to be part of a larger movement that is reframing or redefining Christianity so that it’s based on God’s love for all people.”

#22 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#23 We Are: Pro Faith Pro Family Pro Choice

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#24 God Is Kind. Luke 6:35 If You Can Be Anything Be Kind

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

Clearly, as we can see from the virality of the signs outside of Clackamas every week, Pastor Adam has done a great job accomplishing his mission. “There are so many of us who are trying to get this message out and whether we do it in the name of God or the name of humanity or the name of God and humanity — I say amen, let’s do this,” he previously shared. “I just want people to know that God loves them, and we love them and we’re for them. It sounds so cheesy, but that’s the basic message!”

#25 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#26 Do You Have Doubts? Sure You Do. We All Have Doubts. This Sunday At Worship, We’re Going To Talk About Doubts

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#27 This Church Supports The Right To An Abortion. For More

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

We hope you’re enjoying this list of wholesome and uplifting signs, pandas. While not every church in the world is willing to share such messages, I would guess that Jesus is very proud of those that are. Keep upvoting the signs that you would like to see outside of your own local congregation, and then if you’re interested in seeing even more clever and uplifting messages that Clackamas has shared in the past, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring the church right here!

#28 Sometimes It Can Be Really Hard To See The Stars. And When It’s So Hard Please Remember That You Are Not Alone

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#29 Jesus Has A Replacement Theory. Replace Racism With Justice

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#30 Let Your Religion Be Less Theory And More Love. -Gk Chesterton

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#31 God Is Kind. The Most Godlike Thing You Can Do Is To Be Kind – Worship Tomorrow At 9 Am Pacific On Our Facebook Page And Youtube Channel

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#32 The Women Of Iran Are Leading A Revolution. #endreligiousoppression

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#33 Blessed Are The Peacemakers. -Matthew 5:9

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#34 We Can Solve The Houseless Problem In The United States Because The Cost To House Everyone Is Less Than The Cost Of One Aircraft Carrier

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#35 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#36 This Church Rejects Christian Nationalism. Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Etc. Belong

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#37 Christians Homophobia Has A Strategy When It Comes To The Laws In Leviticus. This Strategy Allows Christian Homophobia To Do What It Normally Declares Is A Sin – Pick And Choose Which Passages Of The Bible To Follow

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#38 For God So Loved The World. And So Should We. Stop Climate Change

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#39 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#40 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#41 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#42 Amy Wants You To Know That Banning Books Based On Violence And Sexuality Means We Ban The Bible

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#43 Happy International Women’s Day! God Is She Who Gave You Birth. Deuteronomy 32:8

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#44 The Christian Faith Has Been Used To Whitewash The Nation. – Rev. William Barber II

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#45 Larry Wants You To Know That Jesus Gets Us. He Gets Us To Welcome Immigrants

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#46 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#47 He Gets Us To Ensure A Person’s Right To Reproductive Healthcare

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#48 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#49 Key To Jesus’ Teaching: Welcome Refugees. Matthew 25:31-46

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#50 Social Justice Is Love Applied To Systems, Policies, & Cultures. – Bernice King

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#51 Worship On Our Facebook Page And Youtube Channel Begins Sundays At 8:30 Pacific. We Will Worship Inperson At 10:30

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#52 Just So We Are Clear: The Gay Agenda: M, W, Th, F, S – Be Gay. Tues – Be Gay And Eat Tacos

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#53 Erika Wants You To Know That It’s Okay To Fall Apart. Tacos Fall Apart. We Love Them, Too

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#54 Darryl Wants You To Know What Jesus Never Said. For Example, Jesus Never Said, They Will Know You By How You Excluded Lgbtqia2+ People

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#55 The Evils Of Capitalism Are As Real As The Evils Of Militarism And Racism. -Martin Luther King Jr

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#56 Happy Pride Month! Jesus Had Two Dads. We Think That’s Fabulous!

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#57 Jesus Loves Our Transgender Siblings. Be Like Jesus

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#58 Today Is A Holy Day For Christians. It’s Known As Christ The King Sunday. I Move We Rename It “Christ The Antifascist King Sunday.”

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#59 Erika Wants You To Know This Jimi Hendrix Quote. When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power, The World Will Know Peace

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#60 I Will Always Love You. -Whitney, Dolly And God

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#61 We Are Like The Island Of Misfit Toys A Little Weird But All People Belong

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#62 Merry Christmas! On This Christmas, Erika And Bono Want You To Know That

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#63 Erika And Jeff Want You To Know That For God So Loved The World That He Gave Us Vaccines

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#64 This Country Has Socialism For The Rich And Rugged Individualism For The Poor. – Martin Luther King Jr

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#65 May God Save Us From Violent Christian Theology

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#66 Different Faiths Help Us Realize The Immensity Of God. -Desmond Tutu

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#67 Those Who Oppress The Poor Insult Their Maker. Proverbs 14:31

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#68 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#69 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#70 Dispense True Justice And Practice Kindness. -Zechariah 7:9

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#71 We Are A Conservative Church. We Want To Conserve Air, Land, And Water

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#72 Jesus Gets Us. He Gets Us To Work Against Climate Change

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#73 Amy Wants You To Know That The Steadfast Love Of God Never Ceases. -Lamentations 3:22

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#74 Jade Wants Everyone To Know That: The Righteous Know The Rights Of The Poor. -Proverbs 29:7

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#75 Christmas Is About Believing A Woman About Her Sex Life. Matthew 1:18-25

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#76 Christmas Is About A Young Woman Giving Birth To A Revolution. Luke 1:46-55

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#77 On This Veterans Day Work To End War. Work To Support Our Veterans

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#78 Larry Always Gives Good Advice. What To Do After The Election? Love More

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#79 Who’s Up For Some Wisdom From Mister Rogers? Let’s Go! Love Begins With Listening. -Fred Rogers

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#80 This Church Supports The Separation Of Church And State

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#81 As Our Culture Debates And Often Scapegoats Immigrants, It’s Important To Remember That

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#82 Just So We Are Clear: Debt Forgiveness Is A Christian Virtue

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#83 God Is Our Father. Even More So, He Is Our Mother. -Pope John Paul I

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#84 “Activism Is My Rent For Living On Our Planet.” – Alice Walker ….. A Thought To Ponder Shared By Erika Beseda And Eric Allen

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#85 Clever Signs

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#86 It’s Important To Realize That Systemic Racism Runs Whether We Pull The Levers Or Not. -Ijeoma Oluo

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#87 We Want You To Know That This Was The Sin Of Sodom – They Didn’t Help The Poor & Needy

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#88 Darryl Wants To Let Everyone Know That Hate Never Solves Problems. It Creates Them. Thank You Darryl!

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#89 Do Not Oppress The Foreigner Or The Poor. -Zechariah 7:10

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#90 The Good News Is That The Vast Majority Of Americans, Including Members Of The Nra, Want Stricter Gun Legislation

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#91 Easter In Drag!

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#92 Larry Wants You To Know That Love Wins Because He Has Risen

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#93 Cheesy Motivational Quote Of The Week: When You Hold On To Grudges Your Hands Aren’t Free To Catch Blessings

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#94 Jesus Knew Economic Debt Crushes The Human Soul, So He Advocated Forgiveness Of Debts. Christians Should Advocate For Economic Debt Forgiveness, Too

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#95 Before We Move On From Christmas, Just Remember: Christmas Is About Christ Receiving Government Assistance. -Matthew 2

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR

#96 Amir Locke’s Life Matters. Black Lives Matter

Image credits: Clackamas United Church of Christ, Milwaukie, OR