“My Wife Is Not The Woman I Used To Know. She Let The Fame Get To Her”

“Money and success don’t change people. They merely amplify what is already there,” Will Smith, the slappy actor of The Pursuit of Happiness, once said. And while Smith’s resistance to an overly opulent lifestyle is impressive, even admirable, there are unfortunately countless stories where fame consumes people entirely, turning people most dear to us into unrecognizable, Gucci-obsessed ghouls.

Which is the exact case of u/PassengerTraining913, who recently dumped it off his chest what a painful transformation he had to endure of his wife, dazzled by career highs and a lifestyle that once seemed only possible in movies. Not recognizing the person he fell in love with in the first place, the author shared what it’s like to see your soulmate drift farther and farther away from you, one extravagant step at a time.

One of the hardest things in life is seeing the people you love change unrecognizably

Image credits: nd3000 (not the actual photo)

Witnessing the changes in the wife’s humble lifestyle after a hefty promotion, the author shared how the person he fell in love slowly succumbed to fame

Image credits: RossHelen (not the actual photo)

Image credits: wikipedia.org (not the actual photo)

Image credits: PassengerTraining913

OP added more details to the heartfelt story

People were very supportive in the comments, wishing the author the best of luck in bringing the person he fell in love back

Later, OP gave a heartbreaking update to his story

Image credits: PassengerTraining913

The post “My Wife Is Not The Woman I Used To Know. She Let The Fame Get To Her” first appeared on Bored Panda.