Karen Couple Bother Plane Passenger, Calling Them “Too Fat” For Their Own Seat, Get Served Karma Cake

Nobody is safe from the likes of Karens, Kevins and other types of wildly entitled people. Well, there’s not really a threat coming from said people per se, but you can never tell because if they’re out of touch to that degree, they have the potential for so much more.

Luckily, the worst they do these days is spew out ridiculous demands and request a manager. And it doesn’t matter if it’s in a Walmart, a Starbucks, or this one airplane. And it’s about the seats. Because of course it is.

More Info: Reddit

When it comes to Karens, Kevins and other forms of entitlement, you’re never safe. Not even on an airplane

Image credits: Domenico Bandiera (not the actual photo)

But you can also do what this Redditor did and that was nothing because this bit of entitlement imploded on itself

Image credits: u/SuzannesSaltySeas

Not only did the entitled couple not get “their” seat, but they were also frisked by airport security

Image credits: Jerry  Wang (not the actual photo)

Reddit user SuzannesSaltySeas recently shared a story of entitlement on the part of this one couple who have trouble understanding airplane seat maps.

OP was already in their 1A (first one) seat with all the comfort in the world as a couple, aptly described as “husband wearing a ‘Berkeley’ sweatshirt and jeans and a wife dressed in designer duds,” approached them. They immediately started demanding that the OP get the heck out of that seat.

A quick back and forth determined that they didn’t know how seat numbering on planes works, and they were insisting on a seat that wasn’t technically theirs. Soon the flight attendant got involved, who confirmed that it was, in fact, not their seat.

This, however, did not curb their entitled enthusiasm, and they continued complaining throughout the entire flight. Even after being reseated, they were bitter as ever. The best part of it all, as noted by this commenter, is that OP didn’t really do, or need to do, anything.

But it gets better. The couple seemed so riled up about channeling their entitlesonas that they also got into a bit of trouble with the airport customs. OP said they saw the couple being frisked while offboarding. “Karma is real,” concluded OP, as they laughed about the whole situation.

Image credits: StockSnap (not the actual photo)

Folks loved the story—it’s this particular sort of entitlement with a karmic twist that gives readers a fuzzy feeling inside. A feeling that also urges them to smash that upvote button 2,500 times and be engaged in the comments.

Speaking of which, it’s there that we find out it was Frontier Airlines and that OP doesn’t typically go for first class, but it happens. Others shared their own unhinged entitlement stories, not necessarily limited to flight. And yet others just were just poking fun, like one mentioning that they hoped the customs agent was twice their size and sweating profusely as they were picking out their clothes out of the luggage.

Image credits: Kelly (not the actual photo)

For context, while technically speaking entitlement is a personality trait—one within the scope of narcissism—the fact that it’s discussed in detail on WebMD might lead some to think it’s a full-blown disorder.

In short, a sense of entitlement is a “you owe me” attitude, which has long-term implications (short-term, too, probably, if you count a punch in the face as an implication) like conflict in relationships, general unhappiness and disappointment in things, and depression. And this can bleed out of one’s social into their personal and professional life.

What’s worse (besides a punch in the face) is that entitlement often manifests itself into a vicious cycle: you’re entitled, so you’re always vulnerable to the threat of unmet expectations, and when they’re unmet, it can lead to dissatisfaction and distress, and when you’re that, you try to fix the situation and console yourself, reassuring yourself that you deserve everything and we’re back to entitled behavior.

But there’s a way to overcome this, and that is working with yourself. So, [1] get what you give, i.e. respect others and treat them the way you’d want to be treated, [2] learn from your mistakes (especially ones that land you a swift punch in your face) and never stop learning, and [3] admit that not all situations are unfair.

That’s that. You can check out the original post here, or read more about entitlement here. But before you do that, why not leave a comment about anything that you’ve read here today! Who knows, you might avoid a punch in the face by doing so. Just kidding, Pandas don’t have fists… wait… no, scratch that. Kung-Fu Panda.

Netizens approved. 2,500 times. Also, comments. Lots of them. Viral.

The post Karen Couple Bother Plane Passenger, Calling Them “Too Fat” For Their Own Seat, Get Served Karma Cake first appeared on Bored Panda.