Tattoo Artist Treats An Influencer With 10M Followers Like A Regular Customer, She Complains Online, They Lose Their Job

Am I the only one who finds it funny when people with a miniscule amount of power strut around as if they’re kings, complete with red cape and ermine fur trimmings? They’ve just got that patronizing “oh, hello, peasant” attitude, even if the other person knows more and better than them.

You’ve also probably seen a lot of drama like this going on with influencers. Today’s story reflects this vibe perfectly, as a Reddit user took it online to complain about how an influencer’s entitled behavior got her unjustly fired.

More info: Reddit

Sometimes you can have a customer’s best interests in mind, but they’ll still be upset, no matter what

Image credits: wwwuppertal (not the actual photo)

This poster took it online to vent about influencers being “choosing beggars,” that is, expecting special treatment for no good reason

Image credits: u/h8naturopaths

Image credits: Ketut Subiyanto (not the actual photo) 

This was sparked when an influencer wanted to cut in line at her old job, but she wouldn’t let it fly

Image credits: u/h8naturopaths

As the Instagrammer had 10M followers, it led to her complaining on her account and the author’s boss fired her for letting that happen

We’ve all probably seen our fair share of influencer drama. If it’s not them playing fun “pranks” which involve directly putting someone in emotional or physical harm, they’re pushing some breakthrough product which you need to turn your whole life the right way round (read: “useless junk”).

There’s no denying that there are a whole bunch of good influencers, though, who use their platform for good, to educate people about social issues, inspiring others to do likewise and change something in their community for the better.

But as the old saying goes, “a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch.”

In today’s story, the poster shares how an influencer complained about being treated like any other customer on her social media, leading to the original poster (OP) getting fired.

Even worse is the fact that the influencer and her boss, who fired her, were shooting the messenger, as she was relaying the same thing the piercer would have told her, as it was too soon for her to get any work done on her new piercing.

Never mind that she was just upholding company policy.

The assessment of one commenter is probably not so far off the mark, with them saying that 20% of the commenters are bots, as according to a 2020 report, about 95 million accounts on Instagram are fake – about 1 out of 10.

Just in case you were wondering, according to the same report, there are 270 million fake accounts on Facebook, with 13%.

Another major accusation is that most of her followers were thirsty guys, just there for… well, you know what for.

Image credits: kevin turicious (not the actual photo) 

Speaking of these aforementioned thirst traps, you probably didn’t know that there are different types of them, from unapologetic to disingenuous, to denial thirst traps. The “thirst trap” Wikipedia article is a gold mine too, with quotes such as: “It has been argued that Instagram itself is essentially a representation of a giant thirst trap” and “During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in thirst traps.”

Anyway, let’s get back on topic. If you were to google “why are influencers…” you’d get a lot of results for things like “bad”, “annoying”, “stupid” and other things, most of which aren’t nice.

And although influencers aren’t bad by default, research has shown that social media use is associated with lower self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, and comparing yourself to others. Besides that, people may become excessively attached to influencers, forming parasocial relationships with them, as they attempt to portray that every single follower is an integral part of their community.

If you feel like you’ve become somewhat too attached to a social media personality, there are several things you can do to disengage.

According to Man of Many, you should treat it similarly to a real breakup. Limit your interaction with the person, potentially blocking them on social media, and asking your friends and family not to mention them if possible.

Also strive to replace time that you would spend online with quality time, preferably bonding with other people in real life. You may also seek therapy, if you believe that you need help dealing with your thoughts and feelings.

As OP’s story happened a year ago, she’s found employment by now in another studio, where she is much better off, as it seems from the comments. Her story collected 4.2k upvotes in about 5 days, with 216 comments. The Choosing Beggar community roasted the influencer as well as the boss who was responsible for her being fired.

Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below!

The community blasted the influencer, but even more so the boss who fired an innocent employee

Image credits: Alexander Grey (not the actual photo) 

The post Tattoo Artist Treats An Influencer With 10M Followers Like A Regular Customer, She Complains Online, They Lose Their Job first appeared on Bored Panda.