Ohhh, school years are the ones everybody remembers. Some of us really enjoyed this time, while for some of us it was the worst years ever; however, if somebody pranked or teased the teacher, everybody in the class would laugh. Even if you are also like me and you didn’t enjoy your school years at all, it may still be fun to remember some of the moments. Although it was disappointing to find out that films about high school are not really relatable, a few moments could make you feel like you were in a film. At least funny moments that included pranking teachers.
Now, speaking of hilarious moments, folks in this online thread share funny things that happened in their schools and caused complete chaos in the whole faculty. Here you can find 42 of the most insane ones that may make you wonder if all schools have similar rules.
More info: Reddit
Hired a mariachi band to follow around our principal for our senior class prank. It was hysterical.
Image credits: JulieFromJerz
Senior prank when I was about 14, 15…the graduating class that year decided to get pounds and pounds and pounds of confetti…literally pounds…I have no idea how they got so much…and a ladder, or something…and they climbed up and poured it all down the pipes of the school organ in the assembly hall. Filled everything right up. Every single pipe.
Come assembly-time two hours later, and it’s confetti snow ALL OVER THE PLACE when the organ starts playing. Apparently the boys got permission from the school music teacher/organist to pull off the prank because they were throwing out that old organ, anyway – but he didn’t tell anybody else, so the other teachers were losing their s**t while confetti is flying all over the place.
Image credits: Dippycat149
One time, in 1st grade, when the teacher left the room for 5 minutes, i scotch taped all of my classmates together. They loved it. My teacher came back, had a breakdown, and called my mother in tears. “He did what?” My mom asked. “He ***taped*** his classmates ***together***!”
“Is that all…?” My mom replied. Bless her.
Image credits: groggyMPLS
One of the classrooms at my school was a prefab hut, and over time it developed a hole in the floor at the back of the room (developed, or was helped, unsure).
Every lesson I had in there for a good few months before they fixed it, someone would arrive, greet the teacher, and sit down.
Then after a few minutes they’d arrive again, straight-faced “sorry I’m late sir”, and sit down.
Then again a few minutes later they’d arrive again… etc
The fun part was watching the teacher playing the memory game of figuring out who’d arrived too many times.
Image credits: telnorp
They banned shorts because they were not professional enough. So all the boys wore skirts as a protest.
Image credits: Haboobalub
For one of our senior pranks, 20-30 of us bought about 5,000 bouncy balls, and threw them off the balcony overlooking the cafeteria during lunch. There were about 100-200 kids eating and they all flipped out. It was pure anarchy.
As we were running away, the campus security guard tackled one of the girls in the hallway. Took her to the office and she ratted on all of us. We all got a $200 fine for trespassing since we did it after graduation and had someone let us in the side door of the school. Cat, if you’re reading this, it may be 15 years later but we still haven’t forgotten. You owe me $200.
Edit: funny enough I looked up the snitch on Facebook just for s***s and giggles and her job? F*****g security guard. Can’t make this s**t up.
Image credits: DontBruhMeBrah
This very quiet guy who never really caused any trouble at all saved up the mice that he fed to his boa constrictor and dyed them various festive colors with Easter egg dye. He then came to school in a trench coat in which he’d cut out the pockets and, basically, filled it up with the live, colorful mice. Every once in a while, he’s stop and drop a few out when no one was looking. In the classrooms, the lunch room, the labs etc.
It took him most of the morning but, eventually, we’d all hear screaming every few minutes from all directions.
This was before mass school shootings so; it was hilarious at the time.
Image credits: JoeMojo
In middle school, a staff (not a teacher, he watched lunch and was a basketball coach for a high school) got arrested for selling [illegal substance] to the kids. He won an award for “best staff of the year” that year which had an entire yearbook page dedicated to him, but he was arrested after the yearbooks were printed. They had to go into each yearbook and cover that page with purple duct tape (to match the color scheme).
Prior to him being arrested, I was getting bullied horribly. None of the teachers or other staff could get the kids to stop, but once the staff who was arrested said “leave Spencer alone,” the kids would immediately stop. I later realized he was threatening to take their [illegal substance] away if they bullied me, and that’s why he was the only one who could get them to stop.
Image credits: Spencer2091
A class above mine was legendary for a VERY simple senior class prank: someone who lived on a farm brought their resident goat in. They snuck it in through the side door into the parking lot from the weight room and just let ol’ Billy loose.
What followed was a couple hours of chaos as this goat ran all over the building, dropping goat poop and yelling at everyone who tried to catch it. You haven’t had hilarious until you’ve heard the principal blurt out from outside the door “Corner him! No the OTHER way, the OTHER way! DAMN IT where’s a lasso when you need one?! C’mere you little son of a b*tch!”
Billy the Goat was eventually cornered and caught, and the kid who did it got a decent scolding and a detention and a whole lot of laughter from his classmates and several teachers, who were just happy nothing got vandalized that year.
Image credits: Reevadare1990
We managed to pull off an insane senior prank that took a month to prepare without anyone spoiling it. We switched with others for the whole day. Everyone switched with one other person, didn’t have to be reciprocated.
We had little cheat sheets on where we sat in each class, and what is going on in the class. We dressed like the other person, went to all their classes, used their name, and would not back down that we were someone else. A lot of us got our parents involved so when the admin tried to call our parents, they went along with the ploy.
It got so bad the superintendent got involved, and we ended up having an impromptu half-day and just sent everyone home. More than a few of the staff *threw* (edited for autocorrect) very loud fits.
We kept up the whole thing up for the rest of the year that we never switched places with someone else, and everyone was just remembering the day wrong.
Our teacher had a smart ( little car) and we managed to get it up to the third floor and put it In front of her classroom.
Image credits: FetteBeuteHoch2
2000. Teachers trying to stop kids smoking in the bathroom so they locked the bathroom doors. Kid took a s**t on the carpet in front of the bathroom door, like right in the main hallway. Chaos ensued. Today, that kid is a pastor. Lol
Image credits: Jimmycapped
Someone put a cow on the roof. The cow couldn’t come back down because, apparently, cows can’t go down stairs. So they had to bring it down… with a crane.
Image credits: Safe_Wallaby3148
A boy in my class brought some locusts in to show and tell. They escaped and got into the air vents. This was just before summer break.
School came back to a full on plague.
Image credits: Big_Explanation_8803
I remember when we all brought our dogs to school for show-and-tell. Chaos and cuteness overload!
Senior prank: The country guys brought greased pigs into the school. Labeled them with spraypaint #1, #2, #3, #5, #6, #7.
Imagine the frantic radio calls and locations of where pigs were located one by one.
Took them a whole day of diving around wrangling pigs until they figured out pig #4 didn’t exist.
A classmate brought a VHS tape of Bambi to class. It was movie day, elementary school.
Turns out they swapped the stickers for Bambi and The Scorpion King. Teachers put the movie on and left…they might have never known if one of the kids hadn’t run off to tell them halfway through the movie.
I still think you’re a party pooper, Marie, we were basically almost done ? teachers never got anyone in trouble tho lmao
Image credits: bamguirre
Somebody unscrewed the classroom door and left it supported by the hinge tension, angry teacher came back from his march to the head of department and slammed the door.
Except it didn’t slam, rather come off the wall completely and absolute madness ensued.
Ahh, good times.
Image credits: MrCondor
We stuck a car in the school corridor. In my last week of school, i realised one of the other kid’s Fiat Unos was so slim that it would fit through the rear double doors, as well as through multiple tight gaps and gates and there was a clear path down to one of the main thoroughfares (i think i measured each gap about 4times)
Me and a mate got the keys off the owner, who wanted plausible deniability, pushed it down and then locked it, put full lock and then triggered the steering lock (which was a touch of genius on my mate’s part) and walked off. Unfortunately, about 30mins later someone else then came and turned the radio on full blast where we had left a window open to be able to push it without sitting in it – so we had to leg it back and ‘pretend’ to find the keys in a corner and say ‘we’ll get it out’. Which was easier said than done now upwards of 50 kids and 10 teachers (many of which i’m proud to say looked a bit impressed) now surrounded it
But because we got it out, and then vanished for lunch, we got away with it completely
Sadly both my mate and the car’s owner died a few years later through accident and illness, but i’m glad to say i know it was us, and it was a good one
this girl in year 9 wrote a very explicit fanfic about two male maths teachers and EVERYBODY had either read it or knew about it. the two teachers couldn’t look at each other for weeks after that.
Image credits: Equivalent_Map_54
When my husband was about 11, he brought a 5-gallon bucket of garter snakes to school for show and tell. At lunch, all the snakes escaped, and they were catching snakes for weeks
Image credits: phantommoose
I went to school in Brooklyn in the early 2000s, extremely overcrowded high school. They started having armed nypd police in the building not one or two im talking like closer to 8 with a mobile precinct infront of the school. They were kicking kids out everyday and they wanted to take our fitteds and phones, not just for the day but permanently.
This led to the student body president calling for a protest and faculty agreeing to announce it over the PA system and say everyone who wants to attend can…lol big mistake. School capacity was about 2000 kids I think? There was about 5000 kids enrolled in that school, 90% of the kids decided to go to the auditorium which obviously couldn’t fit everyone, for the protest. It was so packed when the crowd jumped and chanted “hell no we won’t go” I think? If you was in the crowd your body moved with the crowd.
Kids started jumping on stage,destroying s**t,pushing the faculty off the stage and they ran to hide, they started to throw all the debris around, a mic stand I think hit the lady who was from board of ed and s**t went crazy after that…everyone started to push their way out the building and into the very busy New York streets where atleast 1000 students started to run on the parked cars causing damage to many. The news channels were there, the reporters and camera crew had to run cause they started to grab the cameras and push them around.
That school as it was, no longer exists, I was the last graduating class. They turned into like a bunch of smaller schools I think today.
Not funny at all. But caused major chaos not only in the school but the whole neighborhood.
Me and my little group had our hookie party and got drunk the rest of the days.
Kids these days get a lot of criticism, but it’ll never come from me. We were f*****g stupid back then compared to these kids today.
Image credits: anon
In my HS, there was a solid week where somebody set a trash can on fire daily. Nobody knew if it was one person or a group of people, but I think after day five everyone got pretty tired of having to stand out in the football field while the fire department inspected the area.
It stopped after that week with no explanation and no word from the culprit.
Second best was definitely the senior prank performed by the class two years ahead of mine. They bought crickets from our local PetSmart and set them free on our school’s main staircase. It took forever to get rid of them and I can remember sitting in class and hearing faint chirping coming from seemingly every direction.
Image credits: Livingroxets
I was in elementary school. All the 4th graders were lined up on stage to rehearse our act for the annual musical performance, which was a show tune called “white gloves” or something. They gave us all white cotton gloves to wear, wave, and clap with. At the end of rehearsal, the music teacher stood in front of us with a box and said “OK, throw your gloves into the box”.
We complied. Enthusiastically. Six dozen white gloves were flung in her general direction. The situation devolved into chaos in mere seconds, as we started picking up gloves and throwing them at each other like snowballs. The teacher was standing there with the ultimate look of “I should not have said that” on her face.
It took two other teachers five minutes to restore order, and no one got in trouble as our music teacher did in fact admit that she should not have given that instruction.
During a talent show at school, a magician’s escaped rabbit caused chaos as faculty members scrambled to catch it, leading to an entertaining and memorable situation.
Image credits: leoR_29
Our P.E. teacher putting us in wrestling moves in the boys locker room. The school was not best pleased when it came to light and Neither were the parents.
Image credits: todmaster
In chemistry – the teacher had just gotten a new batch of sodium and dropped a piece that was definitely too big into a large clear container filled with water but hey… I was a sophomore so what did I know, right? Welp… a second later the container of water burst and there was a hole in the ceiling. So bravo, my friend
Image credits: Hora_Moan
Someone had a baby in the bathroom stall… I wish I was making this up
Image credits: JacobCStowe
A student got ahold of a LOT of explicit pictures and taped them to all of the school clocks, suspended from the ceiling. None of the teachers were tall enough to pull them down, so they were up there for a bit.
Image credits: Unlikely_Use
I did not know the amount of chaos this would cause. I did the whole bubble bath in the pool trick. Since our schools pool was huge I used some cheap. cheap, 99cent store bubble bath that probably should have been illegal cause the amount of bubbles 1/4 cup caused could fill a bathroom if you weren’t careful. I used an entire large gym bag full. For a weekend that s**t got churned up every time the pumps kicked in. Eventually the safety system kicked in and started topping off the pool since so much water was being removed by the bubbles. The school smelled like cheap bubble bath for weeks, and this was an outdoor pool in a west coast city, so all very open not a indoor high school. Pool was closed for months as they had to keep purging the system with anti foam agents. Wash and rinse. Whole schools PE schedule had to be rewritten to adjust for having the pool closed. I couldn’t take credit was supposed to be a prank turned into this massive investigation.
Image credits: tdasnowman
Me, who worked in IT for the high school at the time. There’s an “everyone” email address that sends the email to every faculty and staff member.
So many years ago, Howard Zinn, the author of *A People’s History of the United States*, passed away, so the school flag was lowered in half staff in his honor. Then J.D. Salinger passed away too, and someone wrote an @everyone email about how if the flag was lowered for Zinn, why not Salinger as well?
I fired off a reply rant that called people “phonies.” Some teachers got the reference. Others didn’t and were furious (even though it showed that they didn’t actually read *Catcher in the Rye*). For the first time in my life I was called into the principal’s office for a disciplinary hearing with the HR person representing me, and though I was let off without a formal warning or a write-off, I was on a lot of people’s s**t lists after that incident.
Image credits: bluebirdgm
Someone in my highschool sent letters to everyone they deemed “virgins” parents saying their son or daughter was tested for and found to have an STD by the school nurse and that they needed to come to the school immediately. Used the school letterhead etc so they got charged with mail fraud lol.
Image credits: B__Malz
Teachers went on strike in the 80’s. We joined in just to get out of doing double maths. Chaos ensued.
Image credits: Spin_Critic
A kid in grade 5 put sprout seeds in the fountain, it backed up the entire plumbing system over spring break
2 Senior pranks at my high school that caused the cancellation and warning letters for future senior classes that pranks were no longer allowed.
First one involved the Seniors dumping nails in the Senior parking lot so no underclass students would park there. Had several flat tires, including mine since some of the nails crossed over into the underclassman parking. The principal called an emergency meeting, had the staff call all senior students threatening that they couldn’t walk or graduate if they didn’t come out to help clean it all up.
Second prank, which was much funnier, involved several Seniors breaking into the school during the night and dumping gallons of Crisco oil all over the hallways. This one was funnier because when I got to school that day, people were all standing out side and the doors were locked and students were trying to figure out what was going on. Looked inside just in time to see a Janitor and a coach slipping around on the floor and then both of them falling down! They actually cancelled school that day and the only way they could continue school was to bring in tons of cat litter and put it in the hallways to soak up all the oil. We had to walk on that mess for a week before they finally got it all cleaned up, but even then there was still some residual oil and the floors were still slippery, so they covered the halls with temporary carpets.
Both of these pranks were in back to back years and my school the next year sent out letters to all parents and students with a dire warning that any senior pranks attempted or otherwise would result in having to repeat Senior year, criminal charges, potentially loss of scholarships, any threat they could think of was in that letter. My senior class discussed it despite the warnings, but in the end we decided not to do it.
In the practical part of physics class, our teacher at the time showed us a few experiments with magnets and electricity. In the end, half the district (edit to clarify: district as in ‘a part of the city’, not something bigger) had no more electricity because the lines were overloaded.
Image credits: Moaoziz
There was a large pet supplies store not too far from the school and a couple of lads went there one lunch break and came back with a few boxes of live locusts. As soon as the post-lunch period started they ran down a corridor in the science department and threw the boxes into the classrooms they passed like plague-grenades.
Effectively shut down the science department for the rest of the day and the day after while they cleared the rooms of locusts.
Someone kept lighting the 3rd floor bathroom on fire.. happened several times. They eventually just closed the bathroom.
8th grade science teacher was talking about motion. He had a rope attached to a tennis ball, and was swinging it around his head. He accidentally let go and it hit the kid in the back of the class in the face.
Image credits: Mandymayhem1221
In mid school, I had a one dude who always loved to show off and do dumb s**t in order to get attention. He was considered a class idiot and everyone tried to tell him numerous times his stunts aren’t either fun or interesting, but he was immune to such advice.
Anyway, one day on my way to school I met him and he says “look what I got here!” he opens his bag and I see two bottles of beer. Nothing shocking, only we were 15 that time. He said he took it from his father. I jokingly said that since he has two, he can share. And he just gave me one without any hesitation.
So my plan was to drink it after school, but he had to show off and started drinking it during class. Even spilled a bit. After class he went to the toilet to finish it… And left the bottle there.
They tracked it to him and we had class meetings about dangers of alcohol and he had alcohol rehab at the age of 15.
There was almost a huge race war at my middle school between Hmong and white. A kid dropped a f*****g metal pipe out of his sleeve in math class and told the teacher it was a thermos when she asked about the noise. Thankfully the whole thing was shut down by a ton of police just before lunch.
In my HS, we had a substitute teacher that her 2nd job was an Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader. She was very pretty and every boy in the school wanted her a sub for their class. Went as far as one boy actually put a laxative in the Spanish teacher coffee to make her sick and miss a day. That sub did not come in that day and the kid was upset.
Anyway, one of the gym teachers started flirting with the Eagles cheerleader sub and start talking more. They eventually started dating. Many of the teachers and staff was gossiping about the relationship and several of the male teachers were high fiving the gym teacher.
Image credits: mrsheikh