There were rumors about many famous rulers of old that, in order not to rely on the reports of their own servants and advisers, they sometimes dressed in simple clothes and wandered around the city unrecognized in order to find out the pure, unadorned truth about how the state lived and how the people related to their lord.
And you know what? It would be good to extend this experience to the modern world for us – and not only to the powers that be, but also to you and me. Because it often happens that our perception of reality is very different from what it is, and this realization hurts. In other words, there are many simple life truths that are nevertheless so difficult to accept. Like in this particular collection.
More info: Reddit
Repeating misinformation doesn’t suddenly make it right.
The loudest voices aren’t always right.
It’s foolish to devote yourself to any public figure, you won’t get the same loyalty in return.
Image credits: Ok-Constant-6056
You can do everything right, do the best you can, be the best person you can be and still lose.
Image credits: WeirdcoolWilson
If someone disagrees with your beliefs or opinions, it is not an attack against you and you are not a victim.
Image credits: medievalistbooknerd
What is probably the hardest thing to accept is that you and I are not at all the center of the entire universe, and in fact, the universe does not revolve around us, catching our every desire with bated breath. That we’re nothing more than one of nearly eight billion people, and only the star in one show, called My Own Life or something like that. And it depends only on us whether this show will be successful. And how many more seasons will it last…
Nobody is trying to make your kids gay
Image credits: N-y-s-s-a
A good amount of society refuses to accept that respect goes both ways.
Image credits: Spiritual_Star6931
“Then” and “than” are not interchangeable. “Would of, should of, could of” are not the correct way to write ‘would’ve, could’ve, or should’ve.” People have argued in support of these egregious errors too many times.
Image credits: tiffy68
“In general, debunking myths about one’s own exclusivity is a very painful process, and it doesn’t matter who we are talking about – of humanity as a whole or about some of its individual representatives,” says Irina Matveeva, a psychologist and a certified NLP specialist, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment. “Remember, at least, how hard it was for us to realize that it was not the Sun and stars that revolve around the Earth, but we live on an ordinary small planet in terms of space. And the only thing that makes it unique is that we actually live here.”
“Of course, a child from their earliest years perceives their whole life as something that revolves only around them and the people who surround them as a kind of ‘people-functions’. To feed, read a fairy tale, take a walk or go to football or basketball together. And there is nothing strange in this – at the childhood stage of human development. But then adulthood sets in – and the sooner we accept many worldly truths that are unpleasant for us, the easier and better it will be for us. And, ultimately, for the people that surround us, as well. After all, you should never forget that someone else’s life does not have to revolve around us,” Irina concludes.
Stating a personal opinion and then writing the word “Facts” after it does not make your opinion a fact
Image credits: RevealActive4557
The bible is not proof god exist.
Image credits: JD2694
Sometimes you are the problem.
And in the same vein, being aware of your faults is not the same thing as actually trying to change them.
Image credits: tsh87
What is even more difficult to understand and even more hard to accept is that not everything in this life depends on you and me. It’s only in a video game that if we do everything right, then most likely we will succeed. Life, after all, is much more complicated. And yes, games too. If you don’t believe me, ask any Patriots fan about the 2007 season. They were the strongest. They did everything almost perfectly. They had almost no flaws. They lost their only match of the season. And it just so happens that that match turned out to be the Super Bowl…
By the way, just here lies another important and not always pleasant nuance – after life unambiguously makes you understand that not everything happens strictly according to our plans, it is damn important not to break down. And if we did everything right, then sooner or later we will be lucky. Or not… Yes, that’s another painful truth to accept.
Karma’s not real. Some people will be liars and a******s all their life and get away with it until they die.
Image credits: Buckus93
Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it
Image credits: woutomatic
The air in a bag of chips is necessary.
Image credits: SuvenPan
Well, perhaps the most important and wholesome thing from this collection is that we simply do not have the right to comment. When you open a bag of chips, the air that fills it is predominantly nitrogen. And it is really damn useful – because it acts as a shock absorber. Without nitrogen in a pack, the fragile chips would have crumbled long ago, perhaps right at the factory. By the way, don’t worry that nitrogen can somehow negatively affect the chips. Or affect us.
First, nitrogen is actually more than three-quarters of all the air we breathe. And secondly, back in 1994, scientists conducted a detailed study that confirmed that nitrogen in bags of chips is not only harmless, but can even increase their shelf life. So feel free to grab some chips, scroll this list to the very end and maybe add some worldly wisdom based on your own experience in the comments. After all, we will all be grateful for that. Or not. Well, gratitude for good deeds is not something we should take for granted…
It’s “COULDN’T care less” not “could care less”. 99% of people who have said this phrase makes this mistake for some reason.
Image credits: meeseeks2020
You are not the main character in anyone’s life except your own.
Image credits: prongsmydeer
Driving a BMW does not clear you of indicator or speeding violations.
Evolution is a reality that is currently taking place.
Image credits: AmalSilverman
Popping off on social media about the atrocities of the world isn’t activism.
Celebrities aren’t activists and it’s weird that people expect them to be.
Most people who claim to be activists aren’t actually doing anything to be activists in their own lives.
Just because people on your specific TikTok algorithm are talking about something doesn’t mean it’s common knowledge or that people care in the real world.
Image credits: deedee4910
That children learning to say no is an *essential* life skill, not something that should always be treated as simply an annoyance/something to discourage by schools, parents, etc.
Image credits: Fixable_Prune
Life isn’t fair.
Image credits: Moonwitch117007
A published article only proves that somebody published an article
Image credits: 3Me20
Too much coffee isn’t good for you
Too much exercise isn’t good for you
Image credits: random666r
The EARTH is round
Image credits: Un_known__User
He’s never going to leave his wife for you.
Image credits: pronounsare_thatbtch
The world isn’t black and white
Image credits: wigglin_harry
Whataboutism does not help promote your cause. It just shows that your side is as bad as the other.
Image credits: khn337
Alcohol is bad for humans.
Image credits: Mommyattorney
That their side can be wrong as well.
Image credits: asimovsroomba
That change can in fact be good and that things can in fact be better we just have to actually TRY to do them
Image credits: djackieunchaned
Luck has a lot to do with where you are in life.
Image credits: Jets237
That they’re responsible for sorting their own lives out.
Image credits: ComplexOccam
That life is full of randomness. Our fear of accepting this leads us to do things like blame people when bad things happen to them. We want to imagine that similar bad things couldn’t happen to us, so we rationalize that they must have done something that led to the bad thing happening.
Of course this isn’t to say that what we do has *no* effect or that people can’t do things that contribute to bad (or good) things happening to them. I’m just saying there’s a lot more randomness in it than we’re comfortable admitting.
Image credits: Hugh_Biquitous
You’re not fitting back into those pants you wore in school.
its not about you
Image credits: AcceptableSail9045
Life was much, much different 30 years ago and comparing today’s life with today’s technology and instant information in your pocket is an unfair comparison.
Think about it this way. One reason people hate boomers is because they didn’t recycle and now things look grim for our planet.
You might be surprised to learn that recycling did not largely exist 30 years ago. Many products sold were bad for the environment but there were no alternatives. Or the alternatives at the time were just too expensive to be used widely. Cars leaked oil and burned a ton of gas – all unavoidable.
40 years ago our town dumps were hills. Everyone in town drove to the same location, threw all of their trash down a hill, and drove off. Once every month or so someone would burn it. The boomers parents are to blame for that. The boomers are the ones who cleaned that up.