Over the years, Airbnb hosts have made a name for themselves as one of the most stubborn and greedy groups in the hospitality industry.
This doesn’t mean that there aren’t any decent human beings among them. Just that good experiences with the platform can be easily forgotten when there are so many lousy ones.
Earlier this month, a new complaint emerged on Twitter from yet another dissatisfied user about a particularly annoying situation.
Maddie (@inreGray) booked a property because she wanted a yard for her dog to hang out in and the listing she ultimately landed on explicitly said it allowed pets, and if that wasn’t enough, the woman even informed the host, Amanda, before the stay via direct messaging that her dog would be with her.
However, after her trip, Maddie was contacted by Amanda, demanding an additional cleaning fee for bringing her four-legged companion.
This dog owner says the host for an Airbrb she recently stayed at tried to play her
Image credits: inreGray
The property’s pet-friendly status disappeared after her trip and an additional cleaning fee was being imposed on her
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Still, the guest refused to budge
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After the thread had gone viral, people started discussing the situation
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Image credits: nataliepayer
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Image credits: freelancelawmom
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Image credits: DataPrivacyNerd
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And the Airbnb vs. hotels debate had been reignited
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Image credits: LonanZai
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Image credits: donyouhate
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Image credits: NoritheCat17
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Image credits: DallasRoark
Image credits: RoseIsstar
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The post “Greedy” Airbnb Host Tries To Slap Guest With Additional Dog-Related Fees Despite Allowing Pets In The Listing first appeared on Bored Panda.