My name is Polly Rusyn and I’m a full-time photographer and I run street photography workshops in awesome European cities.
I like to think of street photography as capturing a moment from the accidental theatre that is unfolding in front of me made up of strangers going about their daily life. The star of the show could be a quirky character or it could simply be some interesting light, dark shadows, geometric shapes, or bold colors.
I believe that street photos are hanging out in the street just waiting to be seen, and it’s my job as a street photographer to find them, and then be quick enough to capture them, creative enough to compose them, and stealthy enough not to get “caught in the act” by the people I’m photographing, so that no one gets disturbed by being part of the puzzle I’m solving.
Let me know which photos you like the most in the comments!
More info: dostreetphotography.com | Instagram | twitter.com | Facebook
When something catches my eye, my brain starts processing, guessing, and imagining what kind of a picture I could create out of all the elements converging serendipitously around me. Sometimes I can see one, sometimes I can’t. For me, the process of “making” a candid street photo is like building a jigsaw out of different pieces of bright sunlight, inky shadows, curious forms, bold color, quirky characters or interesting happenings to which I’m being drawn. I love not knowing what the final picture will be, and that’s part of the fun in creating unstaged compositions of everyday goings-on out in the world.